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THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topics. <br />Mrs. W. G. Matteson is <br />M it waukee. <br />J. T. Witcheck is home <br />waukee upon a visit. <br />Miss HazeIJ. Wood left Wednesda <br />upon a visit in Mora. <br />A. W. Thompson, of Preston, wa <br />in town on Tuesday. <br />Miss Hazel I. Johnson was u <br />from Etter yesterday. <br />Mrs. Frances E. Derby went out t <br />Northfield Wednesday. <br />The Rev. J. W. Barker is no <br />located at Kansas City. <br />Dick Olson, of Minneapolis, i <br />visiting Wendell Gratis. <br />Mrs. R. D. Eaton and son went <br />to Minneapolis yesterday. <br />Fred. Fisher was down from th <br />SoldiersHome yesterday.. <br />J. L. McKerron is back again a <br />Radabaugh's jewelry store. <br />Mrs. Laura Whitbred was down <br />from Langdon on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. W. W. Williams was down <br />from Minneapolis yesterday. <br />Mrs. Edward Vose, of St. Paul, is <br />the guest of Mrs. J. A. Ennis. <br />Mrs. S. W. Main, of St. Paul, is <br />the guest of Mrs. J. A. Ennis. <br />Miss Marie B. Niedere went out to <br />Douglas Thursday upon a visit. <br />E. P. Sanborn was down from St. <br />Paul yesterday on legal business. <br />Why is a split log drag like a boy's <br />mustache? Because it's coining. <br />Miss Zella Hone left Thursday for <br />River Falls to spend the summer. <br />F. C. Irwin, of Belle Plaine, was <br />here Thursday on probate business. <br />Carl Schulz and son Otto were <br />down from West St. Paul Thursday. <br />Miss Bessie McKim, of Fargo, is <br />the guest of Miss Vera A. Torrance. <br />Mrs, J. M. Gere, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Mrs. C. E. Tuttle. <br />Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Pahner came <br />down from Minneapolis on Tuesday. <br />Wilbur DeMars, of Milville, was <br />the guest of J. E. Hagen on Sunday. <br />Hernian Huckenpahler came down <br />from Sauk Centre Thursday. evening. <br />William Rhode, of New Auburn, <br />Wis., is baelt again at St. lohn's <br />Hotel, <br />Mrs. l. J. Niederkorn and daugh- <br />ters left Wednesday upon a visit at <br />Melrose. <br />Mrs. A. D. Ryan and son, of St. <br />Paul, were the guests of Mrs. D. M. <br />DeSilva. <br />W. E. Harrington, of Denmark, <br />left Tuesday upon a trip to New <br />Mexico. <br />Miss Ednah F. Hall, of Minneap- <br />olis, is the guest of Miss Emma M. <br />Speakes. <br />Mrs. A. H. Gilkey, of Chicago, is <br />the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. R <br />Lathrop. <br />Misses Augusta and Alvina Stro- <br />schein left Saturday upon a visit in <br />Superior. <br />F. W. Stahler, now of Stillwater, <br />was in town Thursday, en route for <br />LaCrosse. <br />F. B. Lucking returned Wednes- <br />day evening from a business trip to <br />Zumbreta. <br />L. E. Poor, of Marshan, left on <br />Thursday for Westhope, N. D., to look <br />after land. <br />The Hastings autoists are planning <br />a trip to the Frontenac Inn in the <br />near future. <br />F. C. Oillitt received a Park soda <br />fountain from NI inneapolis on <br />Wednesday. <br />Fred. Bauer, of Nlarshan, sold a <br />horse to Walbridge & Clure on <br />Wednesday. <br />Mrs, H. M. Wilcox, of Elgin, Ill., <br />is the guest of her mother, Mrs. <br />F. B. Doten. <br />Miss Mae I. Daley returned Wednes- <br />day from Tacoma, where she has <br />been teaching. <br />Mrs. KAI. Beckjord, of St. Paul, <br />was the guest of Mrs. I'. A. Beek- <br />jord over Sunday. <br />Mrs. A. W. Riches and son, of <br />Denver, are the guests of her sister, <br />Mrs. A. J Mares. <br />Mrs. C. 0. Donaldson, of Minne- <br />apolis, is the guest of her mother, <br />Mrs. J. E. Asplin. <br />Mrs. E. J. Fredericsen, of Barlow, <br />N. D., is the guest of her mother, <br />Mrs. J. A. Lowell. <br />Mrs. W. E. Poor and son, of <br />Staples, are the guests of her mother, <br />Mrs. J. P. Hanson. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schoonmaker, <br />of Winona, are the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. R. C. Hanson <br />Master Clarence and Louis Niece - <br />her, of St. Paul, were the guests of <br />Mrs. C. B. Nienaher. <br />Nicholas Straus and family, of <br />Torah, Minn., are the guests of Mr. <br />and Mrs. B. S. Ruhr. <br />A social dance will be given at <br />John Busting* at the Steffen farm, <br />next Tuesday evening. <br />Adolph Bickell, ex mayor of <br />Chippewa Falls, was the guest of <br />on Saturday. <br />visiting in <br />from Mil - <br />Mrs. F. L. Harmon, • of Chippew <br />Falls, is here upon a visit with her <br />mother, Mrs. J. T. Wray. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Fleegel, of <br />St. Cloud, are the guests of their <br />daughter, Mrs. B. S. Ruhr. <br />F. P. Elliott has sold the livery <br />stock of the F. B. Larpenteur <br />estate, and closed the barn. <br />The sewer crews are at work this <br />week in the same old spots on <br />Seventh and Eighth Streets. <br />Mrs. Albert Knight, of Watertown, <br />S. D., is here upon a visit with her <br />tnother, Mrs. N. W. Taplin. <br />Mrs. Peter Ludwig, of Douglas, <br />was the guest of her mother, Mrs. <br />Louis Niedere, on Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Davis and John <br />Davis, of St. Paul, are the guests of <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Barnum. <br />The county attorney, sheriff, and <br />deputy went up to South St. Paul <br />Thursday on official business. <br />Two special trains with the Third <br />Regiment passed through Monday <br />to go into camp at Lake City. <br />Mrs. Otto Petersen and sons, of <br />Foy, are here upon a visit with her <br />mother, Mrs. Charles Johnson.flF're, seventy pago catalogue. . <br />r:il'eT'P <br />tc <br />i <br />a The Warblers, or young people's <br />musical society, enjoyed a sausage <br />roast in tt western end of town on <br />Tuesday 'ening. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Friday to Mr. Oliver G. Wondra, of <br />St. Paul, and Miss Alice Loger, of <br />Douglas County, Wis. <br />Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Day, of Ra- <br />venna, left on Thursday for St. Croix <br />Falls to attend the graduation of his <br />niece, Miss Ethel Day. <br />Sister Rosalie, Mother Superior, <br />and Sister Magna, from the Bene- <br />dictine 'Convent, went down to <br />Frontetite Wednesday. <br />Miss Nellie Freelauder, milliner at <br />the New York Store, returned to her <br />home at Atwater on Saturday. <br />Miss Marguerite E. and Harold <br />Palmstrom left on Tuesdav to spend <br />the summer at Billings, Mont. <br />Mr. A. 0. Ohlson and bride were <br />down from Minneapolis Wednesday, <br />the guests of Mrs. J. A. Smith, <br />Mrs. Theodore Schaal and son left <br />Tuesday upon a visit in New Ulm, <br />Sauk Centre, and Little Falls. <br />Mrs. .J. P. Bye, Miss Marie Han- <br />son, and Knute Riste, of Marshall, <br />went up to St. Paid Wednesday. <br />F.W.Finch.left onTuesday to attend <br />the annual meeting of the Pharmaceu- <br />tical Association at Alexandria. <br />Mrs. Rose I. Rathbone and Mrs. A. <br />W. Wallace, of St. Paul, were guests <br />of Mrs. W. F. Johns on Tuesday. <br />G. V. Jetta left last week to take <br />a position as night operator at Forbes, <br />on the Mesaba & Northern Road. <br />The Methodist Church will give an <br />excursion to St. Paul, per steamer <br />Rutledge, on Tuesday, July 14th. <br />Peter Koppes set up a monument <br />last week over the grave of Freddie <br />E. G. Hill, in the cemetery at Langdon. <br />Lost, a signet ring near Milwaukee <br />Depot, Finder please leave at this office <br />and receive reward. <br />L. E. Spear, of Northfield, was the <br />guest of Ald. G. A. Emerson on <br />Wednesday, en route for Minneapolis. <br />Anthony Pitz, of this city,attended <br />the funeral of his niece, Miss Ger- <br />trude Mahlberg, St. Paul, on Monday. <br />Miss Marie C. Asplin and M. A. <br />Asplin returned from Seattle Tuesday <br />evening, after an absence of over a <br />year. <br />P. P. I3raaten returned to Roches- <br />ter on Tuesday, from a visit with his <br />family. Ile is employed in a bakery <br />there. <br />Miss Maud Burke resumed her <br />duties at the office of the judge of <br />probate on Monday, after.a week's <br />illness. <br />Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stnock and <br />children, of Stillwater, were the <br />guests of the Misses Judkins on <br />Sunday. <br />The steamer Purchase brought <br />down it large excursion from St. <br />Paul Thursday, upon ft trip up Lake <br />St. Croix. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Louis Case and Mrs. <br />Griswold, of St. Paul, were the <br />guests of Mrs. Helen K. Boxer last <br />Saturday. <br />The barn of F. B. Clure in Doug- <br />las, occupied by W. J. Wilson, was <br />partly wrecked by the wind on Thurs- <br />day evening. <br />Mankato Commercial College base ball team <br />made a trip through South Dakota and played <br />about tweuty•five games. The boys are certain- <br /> fellows and a credit to <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Schmidt and <br />daughter, of St. Paul, were the gueeta <br />of Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Hetherington <br />on Thursday. <br />R. G. Henion has bought five lots <br />in blocks five and six, Allison's Ad <br />dition, from A. W. Wilson, of Ninin- <br />ger, for $600. <br />0. H. George has sold ten acres in <br />Hancock & Young's Addition to Ben- <br />jamin Chamberlain, for $1,000. C. <br />E. Reed, agent. - <br />Mrs. Frank Gagnon and Miss <br />Cecelia Hild, of Bemidji, were the <br />guests of their father, Mr. Philip <br />Hild, last week. <br />The river registered thirteen and <br />four -tenths feet above low water <br />mark yesterday, a fall of it foot <br />during the week. <br />Walter Bruce of Clinton, Wis., was <br />the guest of Wallace Kelsey yester- <br />day, en route frorn a business trip to i <br />Brookings, S. D. <br />ertba Webster, of Duluth, <br />;W- B. Arper, of Minneapo. <br />guests of Mrs. Elizabeth <br />n Saturday. <br />tis grade pupils of St. <br />Boniffikfkbool enjoyed a delightful <br />picnic -Mrs. L. E. Hageman's, <br />Denmark; on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. D. S. McCaslin, of St. Paul, <br />addressed, the ladies' missionary <br />society at the Presbyterian Manse <br />Wednesday afternoon. <br />The republican primaries will be <br />held next Tuesday evening, and the <br />county couvention at Hustings on <br />Thursday, at eleven a. m. <br />F. C. Boynton, of Minneapolis, is <br />taking the open air cure at the Whit- <br />ford -Boynton home, with Miss Cora <br />E. Hicks as trained nurse. <br />A. F. Knight and E. D. Barker, of <br />Shattuck': School, were the guests <br />of Miss Myrtle Adsit and Miss Ruth <br />Smith ihkrat of the week. <br />The !ley. A. A. Dick, from the <br />Dennitoli University at Granville, 0., <br />entered:npon his duties as pestor of <br />the Baptist Church in this city. <br />Lost. it Roman gold enameled brooch <br />with two pearls between the Presbyterian <br />Church and the depot. Finder leave at <br />this office and receive reward. <br />Mrs. A. M. Willes and Miss M. S. <br />1Villes, of St. Paul, carne down <br />Thursday to spend the summer, the <br />guests of Mrs. W. DeW. Pringle. <br />The supreme court affirms the ver- <br />dict of $18,000 obtained by P. E. <br />King, of Ravenna, against the Mil- <br />waukee Road for personal injury. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Saturday to Mr. Charles Miller, of <br />Pierce County, and Miss Amelia <br />C. Fritz, of LaCrosse County, Wis. <br />J. A. Holmquist, G. C. T., left <br />Tuesday evening for Hallock to <br />attend the annual session of the <br />Scaudinavian grand lodge, I. 0. G. T. <br />Mrs. II. S. Dean, of Santa Cruz, <br />Cal., has been the guest of her son, <br />S. A. Dean, for several days, and <br />left for Buffalo, Minn., on Thursday. <br />Riverside Camp No. 1554 will give <br />a dance at Matsch's Hall next Thurs- <br />day evening. Music by Select Grebes- <br />tra. Tickets fifty cents. All invited. <br />C. P. Upton, of Minneapolis, is <br />in charge of a work train hauling <br />gravel from East Hastings to the fill <br />on the north side of the drawbridge. <br />Wright & Austin has received a <br />check for $32.67 from the New <br />Amsterdam Casualty Company in <br />settlement for loss on plate glass <br />recently broken at the Opera House <br />building <br />Mrs. Emanuel Arlen, of Farming- <br />ton, Miss Anna Arlen, of Minneapo- <br />lis, and Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Hoffman, <br />of Red Wing, were the guests of Mr. <br />and Mrs. Hokan Arlen on <br />Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hone, of Den. <br />mar and Mrs. M. H. Amsden, of <br />Mioieapolis, were in attendance at <br />the iarsons-Hone wedding Wednes- <br />day evening. <br />Devaney & Quealy's new garage <br />on Vermillion Street is nearly com- <br />pleted, and will be one of the finest <br />establishments of the kind outside of <br />the twin cities. <br />Mr. Swan Peterson and son, of <br />Afton, were in town Thursday, en <br />route home from attending the <br />funeral of her father, Mr. Peter M. <br />Pearson, of Vasa. <br />M. J. Klein, Mrs. C. A. Rose and <br />daughter, and Mrs. 'Nicholas Klein <br />and son, who have been the guests <br />of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Klein, re- <br />turned to Chicago on Tuesday. <br />Warren Garver, of Winona, who is <br />stoPplIg at St. John's Hotel, found <br />Ald.. A. Engel's lost bank book, <br />con rig $100 in cash and *87 in <br />ch Which he promptly returned. <br />The:z Presbyterian Sunday School <br />of R4Wing will give an excursion <br />to St. Paul, per steamer J. 8., next <br />Thursday, arriving here about ten a. <br />m. Tickets fifty and twenty -the <br />cents. <br />B. F. Wimer's cat gave birth to it <br />freak kitten on Saturday, having two <br />bodies and one head,three ears, and <br />two of the front feet upon its back. <br />D. A. Barton has it preserved in <br />alcohol. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John McClure and it <br />number of young- ladies from fit. <br />A class of nine boys and twelve, Paul, and Dr. J. E. Campbell, F. L. <br />girls will receive their first commun-lHeridersoti, and W. L. Converse, of <br />ion at St. Boniface Church 10-.18outh Bt. Paul, were in town Oa <br />morrow morning. Monday. <br />ATTENTION. <br />Don't you wabt your old <br />chair or couch or any other <br />piece of furniture repaired <br />or re - upholstered? <br />r - <br />We can do it. <br />Cost is very little. <br />Phone No. 91 and we will <br />call. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />& Son, <br />Hastings, - Minn. <br />John Heinen, William ?detach, W. <br />J. Yanz, and John Raetz went up to <br />St. Paul on Tuesday to represent St. <br />Boniface Society at a special conven- <br />tion of the German Catholic Benevo- <br />lent Society. <br />Gustav Wilke launched his rebuilt <br />gasoline launch Bertha in the river <br />Thursday evening. It is twenty-five <br />feet in length and six foot beam, and <br />is decidedly fast. A large crowd <br />was present. <br />Marriage licenses were issued on <br />Thursday to Mr. George E. Fischer, <br />of Chicago, and Miss May L. Boyce, <br />of Farmington, and to Mr. Anton <br />Siebenaler and Miss Katherine M. <br />Meier, of Vermillion. <br />The moonlight excursion up Lake <br />St, Croix last Saturday evening, per <br />steamer W. W., was it financial <br />success, over two hundred from <br />Hastings and about one hundred and <br />fifty from Prescott being on board. <br />L. H. Boyd has removed his house <br />on Ramsey Street sixteen feet west <br />nod fourteen north, by J. E. Frank. <br />Ile is also adding another story and <br />a kitchen, twelve by fourteen. M. <br />A. Hathaway is doing the carpenter <br />work. <br />Miss Bessie Currier closed her <br />school in Douglas last Friday with a <br />pleasing programme and picnic. <br />Upon her return home Sunday even- <br />ing she was tendered a delightful sur- <br />prise party by about twenty young <br />friends. <br />The split log drag was given a <br />trial on Second Street yesterday <br />afternoon by Joseph Dezell, city <br />teatnster, under the direction of Ald. <br />Joseph Graus, of the Street com- <br />mittee. There was not mud enough <br />for a fair test. <br />A St. Luke's Church tea was <br />given by Mrs. T. J. Kingston, at her <br />residence in Marehao, on Thursday, <br />from five to eight, and the large num- <br />ber in attendance are greatly iudebted <br />to the hostess for a very enjoyable <br />time. Proceeds $23. <br />James Kirk, of South St. Paul, <br />was arraigned before Justice John- <br />son Monday upon an alleged charge <br />of assault in the second degree upon <br />W. B. McClure, of St. Paul, at a ball <br />game in South St. Paul May 23d. <br />He was held to the grand jury in the <br />sum of $100 bail, which he furnished. <br />C. 8. Lowell for state, P. H. O'Keefe <br />for defense. <br />Sheriff McDevitt returned on Sun- <br />day from Sioux City, bringing with <br />him Gust Sandquist and Joseph Me <br />Coy, charged with holding up and <br />robbing Frank Pryzibillia at Inver <br />Grove on the 30th ult., taking from <br />his person it silver watch and gold <br />chain, a meerschaum pipe, and ten <br />cents in money, the estimated value <br />being $23.10. They were held to the <br />grand jury by Justice Does, of South <br />St.. Paul, on Thiirsday. <br />Fine Care <br />Fine Hair <br />It's fine care that mates fine <br />hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, <br />new improved formula, sys- <br />tematically, conscientiously, <br />and you will get results. We <br />know it stops falling hair, cures <br />dandruff, and is a most elegant <br />dressing. Entirely new. New <br />botde. Nev contents. <br />Dim rat Amp the color of the kit. <br />tssala WS suit WM <br />AISSSW <br />zle ip Stow it to nue <br />rs °Lek Ma Ord it. <br />thia4eas tap <br />Aye -'s Hair Vigor, as sow made from our <br />sew improved Muuls, is the latest, most <br />scientific, and in every way the very best <br />hair ptepsrades ever Faced apes tbs <br />sadist. Per Wilms bob sad dandruff it <br />Is do ea. vist medirise. <br />Mr. aud Mrs. F. N. Ruhr, of <br />Marsban, Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Kief- <br />fer, of Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias <br />Fleegel, of St. Cloud, and Mr. and <br />Mrs. Nicholas Straus, of Torah, were <br />in attendance at the funeral of <br />Dorothy Ruhr on Wednesday. <br />Mrs. Delia A. Jones and Mrs. Cora <br />R. Jones entertained at their reai. <br />dence on west Third Street on Mon- <br />day Mrs. George Space and daughter <br />and Mrs. Eaton Northup, of Miami - <br />spoils, and Mrs. Searles and Mrs. <br />Marion Coykendall and daughter, of <br />Merriam Park. <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Costello mad <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Costello, of <br />Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Costello, <br />of Douglas, Aloysius Coetello, of St. <br />Paul, and Mrs. Michael Costello and <br />Miss Msrgaret Costello, of Stillwater, <br />were in attendance at the funeral of <br />Aloysius Manion in Prescott on <br />Thursday. <br />Peter Paul, of Rosemount, was <br />arrested on Tuesday by the sheriff of <br />Ramsey County, charged with the <br />criminal abuse of his step daughter, <br />aged fifteen years. He is aged forty- <br />two years, a gardener, and is said to <br />be living with his fourth wife. The <br />ease will be investigated by the <br />grand jury next week. <br />A state skat tournament, was held <br />in St. Paul last Sunday afternoon, <br />those present from Hastings being <br />Theodore Schell, Charles Gall, F. A. <br />Engel, W. J. Yanz, Otto Ackerman, <br />John Raetz, Michael Hoffman, B. J. <br />Raetz, J. F. Tautges, W. C. Lueck, <br />E. C. Johnson, J. J. Dunn, P. M. <br />Haas, and Peter Miller. <br />The marriage of Mr. William F. <br />Biliner, of Minneapolis, and Miss <br />Matilda M. Mienes, of this city, will <br />take place at St. Bonifnce Church <br />next Wednesday, at nine a. m., the <br />Rev. Conrad Glatzmaier officiating. <br />A reception will be held at the home <br />of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kranz, on <br />Ramsey Street, from ten to twelve. <br />Mrs. A. F. Johnson is delightfully <br />entertaining friends at a house party, <br />at her residence on west Eighth <br />Street, in honor of Mrs. Arthur <br />Elston, of St. Paul, and Mrs. Otto <br />Peterson, of Foy. Among those <br />present are Miss Ruth Johnson and <br />Mrs. C. A. Johnson and children, of <br />St. Paul, and Miss Anna VVetterlin, <br />of Rosemount. <br />The New Dominion was ably pre- <br />sented at the Opera House last Sat- <br />urday evening by Mr. Clay Clement <br />and his talented company. The <br />character of Baron von Hohenstauf- <br />fen was originated by Mr. Clement, <br />and for quaint humor and awkward <br />simplicity it stands without a rival <br />in the front rank of modern dramatic <br />specialties. The four acts were full <br />of intensely interesting situations, the <br />audience only regretting that there <br />was not more of it. <br />There is more catarrh 10 thus Rection of the <br />country than all other diseases put together, and <br />until the but few years was supposed to be In- <br />curable. For a great many years doctors pro- <br />nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local <br />remedies and by constantly falling to cure with <br />local treatment, pronounoed it Incurable. <br />science has proven catarrh to be a conatitutional <br />disease, and therefore requires oonstitutional <br />treatment. Hall's catisrrti cure manufactured <br />by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0, 1. the only <br />constitutional cure on the market. It is taken <br />internally In doses from ten drops (o& teaspoon- <br />ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous <br />surfaces of the system. They offer 1111.0 for any <br />case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testi. <br />monials. F. .1. CHENEY .1 CO., Toledo, 0. <br />Sold by drugglats, no. <br />Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstipation. <br />A. F. and A M. <br />The followingoffieers of Vermillion <br />Chapter No. 2 were elected last Fri- <br />day evening, and installed by Irving <br />Todd, P. H. P.: <br />11. P. --G. A. Emerson. <br />K. -W. S. Tuttle. <br />8. -Irving Todd. <br />Treas.-A. E. Johnson. <br />Bee. -F. W. Finch. <br />C. H. -R. 8. Stoneman. <br />P. 8.-A. A. Scott. <br />R. A. C. -A. M. Adm. <br />3d V. -f). W. Preston. <br />ed V. -W. J. Wright. <br />1st V.-8. B. Rude. <br />&n1. -W. 8. Walbridge. <br />Thinks It Saved Ms LH*. <br />L. M. Nelson, of Naples, Me.. says in a <br />recent letter. "1 have used Dr. King's New <br />Discovery many years for coughs and <br />colds. and I think it saved my life. I <br />have found it, it reliable remedy for throat <br />and lung complaints. and would no more <br />be without a bottle then I would be with- <br />out food." For nearly forty years New <br />Discovery has stood at the head of throat <br />and lung remedies. As a preventive 'of <br />pneumonia and healer of weak lungs IL <br />has no equal. Bold under guarantee at <br />Rude's drug store. 50e. and 11. Trial <br />bottle free. <br />The Probate Court <br />The will of Mrs. Lizzie V. Barbaras <br />WM admitted toprobate on Monday, <br />N. B. Gergen 1-eing appointed <br />executor. <br />Political Asuaomacemseats. <br />I hereby announce myself as a demo- <br />cratic candidate for register of deeds at <br />the ensuing primary election. and respect- <br />fully solicit your votes. <br />JOSEPII tiltann. <br />Marrted. <br />In Hastings, June I3th. by A. F. John- <br />son, esq , Mr. Charles Miller, of Pierce <br />County, and Miss Amelia 0. Fritz, of <br />LaCrosse County. Wis. <br />in Hastings, June 17th. by the Rev. R. <br />L. Lewis, Dr. Norris T. Owen and Miss <br />Signe T. A. Lee, both of Chicago. <br />In Hasttap, June 17th, by the Rev. <br />R. L. Lewis. Mr. Harry Anderson. of <br />Geotibue °aunty, and Wee Amy Irak- <br />Cake Baking Easy <br />Cake -baking a problem? Not necess- <br />arily -depends on how you proceed. <br />Sometimes the cake crumbles; maybe <br />it's "doughy;" or perhaps the icing <br />runs off. All these may be avoided <br />with the help of Kingsford's Oswego <br />Corn Starch, the many wonderful uses <br />of which are revealed in our free book of <br />"irking Recipes and Cooking Helps" <br />KINGSFORD'S <br />OSWEGO <br />CORN <br />STARCH <br />opens tip new possibilities in cooking improvement, imparting to <br />everyday dishes a delicacy and goodness that is new to you. Unex- <br />celled in purity -sixty-six years of superiority. <br />Grocers -pound packages -10C. <br />T. laNGSPOIID & SON. Oswego, N. Y. <br />National titaarea Co.. eineee000re <br />ESTABLISHED 1858. <br />-,- <br />AT F. E. {STEM'S <br />Wagon, Carriage, and <br />Repair Shop <br />You will find repairs for all makesof mowers. We can supply you with <br />pItmons, pitmon boxes, sections, sickles, guards. rivets, etc., for any make <br />of mowers, at very low prices. Try us and see. <br />Tieing fitted up with power and machinery we cau do your <br />repair work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. We are <br />also prepared to do rubber tiring of all kinds. On plow work we can not be <br />beaten, as we have recently got. a new plow man, one of the best in the state, <br />and can guarantee you better work than ever. We do all kinds of resawing, <br />planing. and jointing. All kinds of painting. Bring In your old buggies <br />and have them repaired and repainted: we make them look as good as new. <br />All work guaranteed. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN, <br />Telephone 26. Hastings, Minn. <br />Office and works corner PIM and Vermillion Stret ts. <br />00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0000 00001000 <br />• <br />• <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />NEW GROCERY STORE. <br />P. J. MEISCH, <br />Successor to <br />F. B. LUCKING. <br />Just received a COM pkte stock or <br />Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Etc. <br />In fact we keep everything found in a first Mass grocery house. Every- <br />thing is fresh, clean, and neat, and of the highest grade. When receiving <br />goods of us you will be assured of getting all new fresh goods. <br />Remember we carry the Home Brand Goods and the 999 Tea, the best in <br />the market. <br />Our aim is to save you money and treat you right. Give us a trial order. <br />P. J. MEISCI-1 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />I Telephone No. 44. 210 Second Street, Hastings. • <br />9 • <br />• <br />• <br />••••••4141000•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <br />Excursion Rates East <br />and West <br />Let me helpyou plan your trip and furnish you <br />illlustrated printed matter telling you all <br />about the place you wish to go -if I haven't <br />got it, I'll get it for you. <br />There are low rates this Summer to Colorado, Utah Black Hills, <br />California, Puget Sound country, Michigan, Canada, St. Law- <br />rence River and Thousand Islands, New York State Adiron- <br />dack and White Mountains and New England and many other <br />places <br />Pleaso see me before you decide. <br />I think Ican assist you <br />J. M. 0131tIEN, Agent,' <br />C. B. &. Q. R. B. <br />A Check Account avoids the risk and trouble <br />of making change. <br />You can write on a check the <br />exact amount you wish to transfer - <br />$1.00 or 111.99 -any amount. You <br />do not need to have change in your <br />pocket, nor does the other party <br />have to change the money you hand <br />him. <br />The risk of error in making <br />change is entirely eliminated when <br />you pay by check. Should you <br />overpay with a check, you have re- <br />course. The check shows plainly <br />the amount paid. <br />Pay by check, you can save time and trouble. <br />We furnish necessary bank book and supplies free o <br />charge. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />10. <br />10.6 <br />Mae <br />