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PI{E GAZETTE. <br />LRVINO TODD a SON. <br />iATURPAY FEBRUARY 15, 1908. <br />The Negro in Politics. <br />F. L. McGhee, the notorious color- <br />ed attorney of St. Paul, advises the <br />negroes to vote the democratic ticket <br />on account of the pull it gives them <br />in local matters. He says he never <br />has to pay licenses for his dogs and <br />that his chickens are !lever stolen, on <br />account of standing in with the <br />authorities. He is very frank about <br />it, to say the least. Few ward round- <br />ers are given to boasting of this sort <br />at a publio meeting, and his remarks <br />was interjected at a state federation <br />of colored women's clubs. <br />The Rev. Horace Grave, pastor of <br />St. James African Church, St. Paul, <br />tells his people they should not be <br />fooled and enter the democratic ranks, <br />• but remain steadfast and true to the <br />republicans. He wonders what <br />would become of the negroes it it <br />wasn't for the watchful care of the <br />republican party. Possibly few of <br />them would ever have had the chance <br />to vote at all. <br />M <br />The Roosevelt Club of Minneapo- <br />lis held a harmony meeting on Mon- <br />day evening. The speakers were '- <br />T. Young, an avowed condi'' <br />governor, A 0. Eberhae• ,tate for <br />Reese, prospective and D. F. <br />R. C. Dunn, a candidates, and <br />The tette- would be candidate. <br />site attempted to stampede the <br />..°tion by suggesting that himself <br />and others withdraw, and give J. F. <br />Jacobson a clear field. It has since <br />leaked out that the affair was con- <br />trived at a conference between Messrs. <br />Dunn and Jacobson held the week <br />before, and the intended boom may <br />develop into a boomerang. <br />Minnesota Journallem. <br />The annual meeting of the edi <br />torial association will be held at <br />Minneapolis next Thursday and <br />Friday. <br />The sympathy of the guild is sin- <br />cerely extended to S. A. Clewell, of <br />The Stillwater Messenger, upon the <br />death of his only son, Charles S., <br />a promising young man of twenty- <br />eight years. <br />Gov. Johnson has appointed John <br />Lind, of Minneapolis, and H. B. <br />Horiaud, of Duluth, as regents of <br />the state university, in place of J. T. <br />Wyman, of Minneapolis, and S. G. <br />Comstock, of Moorhead. <br />An indignant subscriber stopped <br />The Elk River Star -News, or at least <br />the copy he was taking, last month <br />because it advocated trading with <br />home merchants rather than with the <br />catalogue houses. <br />Among the members of the La <br />Follette state committee appears the <br />name of Louis Niedere, of this city, a <br />life long democrat, who is not at all <br />likely to act in that capacity, at least <br />this year. <br />The state auditor reports an in- <br />crease of $131,153.0.45 in the total <br />valuation of property in Minnesota <br />over that of last year. <br />F. H. Barnard, assistant postmas <br />ter at Duluth, has been ,selected as <br />commandant at the Soldiers' Hosie, <br />to fill vacancy. <br />The silver service for the battleship <br />Minnesota is to be furnished by a <br />St. Paul firm. The appropriation is <br />$10,000. • <br />The Citizens' National Bank of <br />Faribault is to open a savings <br />department. <br />Hampton items. <br />Eli Ballard went to St. Paul on <br />Saturday. <br />Leo Siebenaler made a trip to <br />Lakeville on Tuesday. <br />William Marschall, of Shakopee, is <br />visiting relatives -here. <br />Quite a number from here attended <br />the dance in New Trier. <br />Frank Bern bought a horse of <br />Nicholas Theis for $55. <br />Benjamin Giefer and William Rech <br />were here, en route for Chicago. <br />Mathias 'Reinardy, of New Trier, <br />was a caller the first of the week. <br />Nicholas Kaufmann, of Vermillion, <br />was a business caller on Tuesday. <br />Anton and George Thurmes, of <br />Verrnillion, were in town Saturday. <br />Miss Margareth Weber, of Cannon <br />Falls. is the guest of Mrs. John <br />oiefer. <br />John and Fred Becker, of Empire, <br />shipped two cars of stock to South St. <br />Paul on Monday <br />J M. Feipel shipped a car of <br />stock to South St. Paul on Wednes- <br />day, and ar.other on Thursday. <br />The surprise at William Werner's <br />on Wednesday evening was attended <br />by about sixty couples. The chief <br />amusements were singing and danc- <br />ing. Refreshments were served at <br />six and eleven o'clock, and a very <br />enjoyable time is reported by all. <br />Masadolph Items. -neer prove Items. <br />MieiiJelia Miller is very ill with burs. Nels Munson was in Si Paul <br />la grippe. on Monday. <br />Miss Lydia Becker was in St. Paul William Ryan spent Friday and <br />Saturday. Saturday in Merriam Park. <br />Chester Miller was in Hayfield Mrs. John Brennan slid son spent <br />Saturday. the flet of the week in 8t. Pani, <br />Miss Susie Becker was in Hastings Mrs. Fay Benson and Mrs. Ralph <br />Saturday. Drake were in the city Thursday. <br />James Hurley ie spending a few J. E. O'Leary has closed his <br />days in 8t. Paul. saloon, and intends to move away. <br />Cheater Kenny, of St. Paul, spent Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan and son <br />Sunday in the village. Lent), were in the city Wednesda <br />Charles Hofftnan was down from William Rohrer and Alex. An era <br />St. Paul last Saturday. son drove to St. Paul on 8aturda <br />Miss Heathe, of Medford, is the Mrs. Tom. Ryan and family drove <br />guest of Mrs. J. C. Jamison. over to Mendota Sunday to visit her <br />Albert Otte shipped a car of horses sister. <br />to South St. Paul Monday night. David Malcom entertained a large <br />Quite a number of farmers are number of friends with a sleighride <br />marketing their grain this week. Sunday evening. <br />Thomas Oberdorf entertained Con- Mrs. Orrin Anderson, of Lincoln <br />rad Becker, of Hampton, on Sunday. Park, was the guest. of her sister, <br />Fred Dunlap, of Hayfield, was the Mrs, Ellen A»' ersoa, on Sunday. <br />guest of William Lueben on Sunday. y. <br />Glen Morrill, from the school t,0- -•►8. Olof Johnson gave a euchre <br />telegraphy, Si. Paul, ie NW- . party Saturday evening, her birthday. <br />visit. on a The head prizes were won by .Mrs. <br />Mrs. William f''* Nels Munson and Fav Benson. <br />River Falls P- aleeberger went to About thirty people came out from <br />very ill-aturday, her sister being St, Paul in a buss Friday evening, <br />1.•stopping at the home of Bryon Mc <br />..Irs. D. 0. Donaldson and Miss Groathy, where the evening was <br />Reed spent the first of this week in spent in dancing. <br />the cities. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Woodworth <br />Miss Mabelle Judd, of Claremont, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph <br />was home from Thursday evening Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Benson, <br />until Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Andrew Oberg, and <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ira Alexander Fred Oberg at cards Wednesday <br />visited from Friday until Sunday evening. <br />with relatives near Northfield. Bich Valley Item.. <br />The Rev. G. W. Hanna will begin W. F. Torne drove to Rosemount <br />a series of evangelistic meetings at Monday. <br />the Methodist Church on Sunday. W. L. Strathern drove to South St. <br />Mrs. 0. F. Johnson entertained her Paul Monday. <br />sister, Mrs. F. Kleeherger, and dough- Miss Neva R. Foster, of Northfield, <br />ter, of Cannon Falls, on Wednesday. is visiting in the valley. <br />Mrs. Ole Knutsen and August W. W. Strathern spent Thursday <br />Anderson, of Cannon Falls, were and Friday in the cities. <br />guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mat Jones, of Minneapolis, visited <br />Knutsen. at the Cbapron home Sunday. <br />Master Melvin Knutsen fell back- John Mittelstadt lett for his home <br />wards from a chair into a boiler of at Glenwood, Wis., on Monday. <br />boiling water on Monday, burning his Tim Medcraft, who is attending <br />back quite severely. the school for the blind at Faribault, <br />Several cars were derailed at the is here on a visit. <br />switch near the public crossing last Roy Longfield, of Si Paul, spent <br />Saturday, causing a considerable Sunday with his parents, Mr. and <br />amount of extra work for the section Mrs. Henry Longfleid. <br />men. Georgie Reese, of St. Paul, is <br />W. S. Dibble and Earl Morrill, of spending the week with his grand - <br />Hayfield, were here Tuesday night, parents, ? r. and Mre. Henry Long - <br />en route for Coates to install a new field. <br />pumping plant for the Great Western Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Wetterlin, of <br />Road. Minneapolis, spent Sunday with his <br />A number of young people from parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles <br />Cascade and vicinity enjoyed them- Wetterlin. <br />selves at a party, at the home of Mr. <br />and bleep J. C. Jamison, last Friday The Brennan Murder Trial. <br />blichael Brennan, convicted of <br />evening. manslaughter in the first degree, the <br />The young people had an enjoyable killing of Anthony Brennan at Lake - <br />leap year party at M. W. A. Hall ville, Aug. 27th, was arraigned in <br />last Friday evening, chaperoned by the district court Tuesday morning. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Warren Freeman. His father and mother, the county <br />Supper was furnished by the boys, attorney, Albert Schaller, of counsel <br />and a very pleasant evening was for the defense, and a number of <br />spent. spectators were present. The prison- <br />er said he was thirty years of age, <br />Vermillion Station Items. had formerly worked at the black• <br />Nic. Rech was in Hastings on smith trade as helper, and had noth- <br />Wednesday. ing to say why sentence should not <br />Anton Beissel drove to Farmington be passed upon him. Judge Crosby <br />on Thursday. then sentenced him to five years at <br />Fred Becker, of Empire, was in hard labor in Mate prison. He was <br />town Monday. taken to Stillwater in the afternoon <br />Christ.Wieler was over from Hemp- by Sheriff McDevitt and Deputy <br />ton on Monday. Kenney. <br />P. J. Huberty, of Farmington, was <br />in town Wednesday. <br />South se, rani Items. <br />Mrs. Peter Frey, of Hastings, visit -J. J. Mahoney succeeds W. J. <br />ed here over Sunday. Riebolt as manager of the Horse <br />Miss Barbara Heinen, of Farming- <br />Exchange. <br />ton, was here on Tuesday. Board of health statistics forJanu- <br />WilliamSchneider, of Morahan, is ary show sixteen births, nine males <br />sawing wood for Nicholas Rech. and seven females; deaths, two <br />Mrs. Peter Beissel and daughter adults and three children; seven cases <br />of small pox, six of scarlet [ever, and <br />returned to Delano on Thursday. <br />Peter Gergen and Jacob Doffing, three of measles. <br />of New Trier, were here on Sunday. Edward McSe(ker, who died <br />Mathias Frey, Christ. Wagner, and mysteriously at the City Hospital, <br />Joseph Zeien were in Hastings on at, Paul, about two weeka ago from <br />Tuesday. gangrene, has been identified as the <br />Conrad Ficker, J. P. Dries, and J. man formerly hanging around Jacob <br />J. Beissel left Monday upon a trip to -Fie s saloon. His toot was hurt <br />Watkins. by falling against a stove. He came <br />from Rhinelander, Wis., where he <br />Quite a number of our young <br />has a wits and family. <br />people attended the dance at New <br />Trier Monday evening. Empire Items. <br />A grand masquerade ball will be George Turone and Clarence Miller <br />given at Wagner's Hall, Mar. 2d. are still on the wolf hunt. <br />for best costume, and $2 for most H. Parker, of the Westwood, left <br />comical. Everybody invited. Wednesday upon an extended visit <br />A card party was given at the to Chicago, New York, and Boston. <br />National Hotel Sunday evening. The Belle and Charlie Bradford, J. A. <br />head prize was woo by Conrad Ficker, 8. Kirk, and Robert Klaus attended <br />the toot by John Nissen. the funeral of P. P. Bradford in Min- <br />neapolis on Wednesday. <br />Pt. DoagW items, <br />Miss Alice Harris is very sink. <br />George Sontag sports a new tatter. <br />Eli Dibble has gone to Hayfield on <br />a visit. <br />The ladies' aid of the Methodist <br />Church met at T. B. Leavitt's last <br />week: <br />Mrs. Ida McGill and son Howard, <br />from Minneapolis, are spending a <br />month at Mary Dibble's. <br />Miss DeEtta Leavitt entertained <br />her class from the Prescott high <br />school last Friday night. <br />Very Interesting. <br />"What do you And so very interest- <br />ing about society?" asked the ordi- <br />nary person. <br />"Watching people trying to get in," <br />answered *!!ss Cayenne. -Washington <br />Star, <br />Vermillion 1100311. <br />The hired man of J. J. Gergen <br />tipped over with a load of hay on <br />Monday. <br />There was quite a crowd at the ball <br />in New Trier Monday night, about <br />For making <br />quickly and perfectly, <br />delicious hot biscuit,,, iNot <br />breads, cake and py <br />there is no substitute icor <br />RPRIC <br />DAKftio POWDER <br />The active principle of which is derived <br />from grapes, pure cream of tartar, <br />the most wholesome of all fruit adds <br />.No alum -No llnm phosphates <br />Those catring for health mast avoid alum powders, <br />. Alum is a sharp, poisonous, mineral acid <br />• Study <br />maw cabs label. <br />ria Bay <br />°r lls where l• • <br />II■ • nosed. <br />■ ■ toti ■�■• <br />■ ■ ■ ■ ■`7 ■_■1 ■ ■ ■ <br />111 <br />■ ■ ■ ■ •11111111111111111111111•1 <br />Their Thirtieth Anott►eeesep. <br />The thirtieth anniversary of the <br />organization of Hastings Lodge No. <br />48 was celebrated at their hall on <br />Wednesday evening, with about two <br />hundred: present. The programme <br />considted of in ad(jreas of welcome <br />by August Johnson,.M. W., a piano <br />duet by the Misses Quealy, a vocal <br />solo by A. H. Stroud, of Chicago, a <br />vocal duet by Alex. Herbst and <br />Richard Arlen, and a vocal solo by <br />Miss Lottie Cooper. The accompan- <br />ieta were Miss.Emma M. Thompson <br />and Mrs. M. L. Chapin. Judge M. <br />C. Tifft, G. M., of Minneapolis, de- <br />livered an interesting address, com- <br />plimenting the local lodge upon its <br />prosperous oondition, and stating <br />that the A. 0. U. W. was now one of <br />thestrongeat fraternal societies in the <br />northwest. F. J. Colby, of Tacoma, <br />made some interesting remarks, say- <br />ing that when the mortgage upon <br />their building was.contracted it was <br />not expected.:to be taken up before <br />1909," and Nitwits delighted to see it <br />paid a year_sooner. W. G. Cooper, <br />recorder, real!` an historical sketch, <br />stating among other things that the <br />charter membership was fifteen, <br />of whom seven are now living, <br />and that the present enrollment <br />is one hundred and forty-seven; <br />that during the past thirty years <br />there had been fortyone deaths, with <br />$80,000 paid in death benefits. The <br />mortgage was - placed in au urn and <br />burned by the- master workman, re- <br />corder, and lodge deputy, Supt. 0. <br />W. Meyer playing a lively quickstep <br />on the piano. The dochment rep- <br />resented an outlay of $4,700 in <br />eight and a half years. W. B. <br />Anderson, P. Q. M., of Minneapolis, <br />spoke of the loyalty in the fraternity, <br />its continuous rapid growth, and <br />that with a.memberehip of thirty- <br />three thousand, -backed by eighteen <br />thousand Degree of Honor members, <br />no organization could be upon a <br />more solid foundation. Remarks <br />were made by C. E. Wood, lodge <br />deputy, Mayor J. P. West, an honor- <br />ed guest, and R. 0. Libbey, uta first <br />Master worktilan. The exercises <br />were in charge of -G. A. Emerson, <br />who tilled the position ably and <br />satisfactorily. After singing Amer- <br />ica an elegant supper was served, <br />to which .ample justice was <br />done. The ocdaaion was a notable <br />one, and will, long be remembered. <br />Ampng.tb011ikk to out of town were <br />Mr. and ling B A. Thompson, of <br />Minneapolis, Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh, <br />of St. Anthvn '=-Park, F. J. Colby, <br />of Tacoma, and lir. and Mrs. David <br />Dezell, of Sunset, Wash. <br />Douglas Merrymaking. <br />A number of Douglas farmers were <br />busy on Monday hauling rock for <br />F. W. Schweich, delivering ten cords. <br />Those present were M. F. Siebenaler, <br />John Lorentz, Mathias Reinardy, <br />Nicholas Siebenaler, J. M. Ficker, <br />Mathias Robr, Anton Siebenaler, M. <br />J. Scbaack, l.eo Siebenaler, Peter <br />Schweich, Marcus Kieffer, Edward <br />Schwartz, Johnnie Siebenaler, P. M. <br />Reinardy, P. P. Gergen, Fred <br />Schweich, NicholasWeber, PeterMoes, <br />and Theodore Rohr. Mr. Schweich <br />entertained them Wednesday evening <br />at a card party, followed by a dance. <br />All kinds of refreshments were <br />served, and those present report a <br />good old time. <br />Charles Larson, of Preston, bas a <br />one hundred and fifty couples, and all ben with a bean face and no bill, <br />had an enjoyable time. It bas been mq�iptedbyataxidermist,• <br />Donnell Proceedtngs. <br />Regular meeting, Feb. 10th. Pres- <br />ent Aids. Fasbender, Hanson, Har- <br />tle, Johnson, Jones, Nelson, Niedere, <br />and Radabaugh, Mayor West in the <br />chair. <br />On motion of Aid. Niedere, the <br />mayor and clerk were authorized to <br />negotiate a temporary loan not to ex- <br />ceed =3,000 for sewer estimates. <br />On motion of Aid. Jones, the city <br />clerk was instructed to advertise for <br />bids for sale of sewer warrants, in <br />denominations of $50 to $500. <br />The request of Frank Kaiser, for <br />removal of obstruction in the first <br />ward, was referred to the street <br />committee, with power to act. <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />Fifth sewer estimate. , . , .......$2,834.38 <br />Fifth water estimate 2,681.80 <br />0. J. Smith & Co., globes 5.85 <br />F. E. Eatergreen, coal, repairs20 00 <br />Walbridge Bros. & Ryan. drayage .50 <br />McMullin Lumber Co., lumber. 55.51 <br />Mrs. Anna Humm, meal' 5.70 <br />Michael Grans, cement, lumber9.95 <br />Bt. Paul Pioneer Press, register3.00 <br />The Gazette, printing.... ,. 18.75 <br />Malting Company. coal 12.70 <br />William DeLine, boarding patient 21.00 <br />Adjourned to Monday evening. <br />The Sewer. <br />Three hundred and seventy-two <br />feet of eight inch water pipe and one <br />hundred feet of six inch have been <br />laid from the postof le° to the well on <br />the levee, that portion being com- <br />pleted with the exception of making <br />connections. Three hydrants have <br />also been put in, one on Second Street, <br />one at the alley, and one at the lower <br />end of Meloy Park. On Tyler Street <br />the cable has been put into service, <br />and a trench of one hundred feet <br />opened, with thirty or forty feet of <br />pipe paid. <br />State of Ohio, city of Toledo. J ►s <br />Lucas County, <br />Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he as the <br />senior partner of the arm of P. J. Oheney it Co., <br />doing business in the city of Toiedo.nountyand <br />state aforesaid, and that said arta will pay the <br />sum of one hundred dollars for *soh and every <br />case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use <br />of Hall'. Catarrh Cure. <br />FRAMM J, C . KNEY, <br />Sworn to before me and MOM in my <br />presence this 5th day of a.d. 1885. <br />(SIAL) A.,,uunteon, <br />NOWT Public. <br />Hall's Catarrh Care 1. taken Internally and <br />acts directly on the blood and mnoous surfaces <br />of the rystem. Send for testimonials free. <br />F. J. CHENEY cit CO„ Toledo, O. <br />Sold by druggists. 780. <br />Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. <br />I. 0.0 T. <br />The following officers of Swea <br />Lodge No. 4 were installed on Tues. <br />day evening by Edward Anderson, <br />lodge deputy: <br />C. T. -August Johnson. <br />Y. T. -Mrs, J. A. Holmquist. <br />Rec. &cretary.-J. 0. Johnson. <br />Aut. Secretary.-MIss Ebbs Nelson. <br />Fin. Secretary.- Emma Holmquist. <br />?4ewurer.-Hans Andeeson. <br />Chaplain. -Mrs. Eliza Sandberg. <br />Marshal -J. 0. Jacobson. <br />Lot. Marahai.-John Johnson. <br />I. G. -Mrs. August Johnson, <br />0. G. -F. A. Swanson. <br />P. C. T. -John Benson, jr. <br />Heal Estate Trawlers. <br />W. L. Vincent to Alice L. Van <br />Gorda, lot twenty-four, block <br />thirteen. Riverside Park... $ 500 <br />Ida N. Benyon to )(Arg ire! <br />Young� (quit -claim), lot twenty- <br />toalt;Oles11 thirteen, Riverside Park 25 <br />0„ P. Mined to Frank Radant, <br />lot one. block five, Riverside Park. 1,000 <br />John Molitor to M. J. Molitor. <br />one hundred and six and a half <br />acres in sections twenty-seven and <br />six, Douglas 5,250 <br />J. D. Pierce to M. J. Judge, <br />three hundred and twenty acres in <br />section twenty-four, Marahan 9,500 <br />M. J. Judge to James Mether, <br />three hundred and twenty acres In <br />section twenty-four, Marahac 10,000 <br />INTEBESTLNU rAMPULE'Ta PREF. <br />Chicago,Musssuke.. i at. Paul Ry. <br />Describe present opportunities offered <br />along the new railway lines in the Dako- <br />tas, Montana, Idaho. and Washington. <br />Pamphlets are of Interest to inrestore. <br />farmers, stockmen, fruit growers, mer- <br />chants. tradesmen, and professional Mico. <br />These are the titles, Montana Polder, In <br />the Dakotas and Meatus, User Acing <br />open to Settlers, Business Opportunities, <br />A Trip Along the hello Oosat Bsua- <br />nioe of the , ,P <br />stand <br />The February Monthlies. 1 ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />The Sunset Magazine has The Pacific Iii <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota. -ss, In <br />Fleet of the Future, by H. A. Evans; probate court. <br />Western Flax Culture, by J. B. Toles;in the matter of the estate of Elizabeth A. <br />granted to Ma <br />Frost, Snow. and Dew. by A. 0. MoAdIe; Sh Letter <br />decedent. <br />Lettere testamentary this day having been <br />Mary Catherine Shubert. <br />and five excellent short stories, Sunset's it ts ordered that the time within which all <br />Rodeo. Development Section. ete. South- ol'edtl"rr of too above named decedent may <br />ern Pacific Road, San Francisco. 91.50. gond hecsame hhge`reby�h(,rilm tteedl o stix mon hs <br />McCa1I's Magazine has New Fashions day, the 1from 7th day of Sdeptembee , 1908, and that e,o'cl ek <br />in Negligees; Lessons In Dressmaking;a m., in the probate court rooatu°o'cit- <br />P m at the court- <br />house, <br />The Latest New York Fashions: Season- hereby flu. a and a aid a°u°tyy, be and the <br />name ppolnlea as the on , <br />Season- <br />able Styles; Novel and Pretty Fashions; and tion, place <br />ol ce fornteand bearing <br />nnce ofteucexami exms <br />amine- <br />name <br />Modes and New Styles for as shell be presented within the time aforesaid. <br />Spring; Let notice hereof be leen by the publ sign <br />p g: and a variety of useful hints, tat this order In The Hastings Gazette, aster°. <br />patterns, and miscellaneous reading tided 6 law. <br />matter. McCall Company, New York. Dated tbe �000 February Loth, iaToseos, P. MroRAN, <br />50 C19. It�.L. ] 21-Ew , •sty. • ^ . <br />The Pictorial Review has one of Sewell ESTATE OF D$t(7sll� <br />Ford's inimitable stories entitled Saltie; Stattorwia <br />probate��i <br />The Realm of Fashion; Earning Money <br />Why and How 1 Sing, by Mary Garden; to the matter of the <br />in <br />ETbe .uta t°O°ilinceRota to <br />at Home, by Jeanette Young and C..E. er, Anile Bennett, Rose Hot <br />interested In the 05 <br />Connell; the latest styles for Indies, tributior the estate et 1. <br />misses, and children, household hints, representative of the above <br />sons interested <br />home dressmaking. etc. Pictorial Review hilae filed to this couetihe <br />m g, the adminlstrrllon of the eat, <br />Company. New York. 81. together with their yeti-tof gr , -/,e, the <br />adjustment and allowance of id account <br />stories; Royalty on the Railroad, by W. <br />The Housekeeper has several good and for distribution of the residue of said <br />• estate to the persons tbere°nto entitled. There - <br />tore. you. and each of you, are hereby cited and <br />G. Fitz -Gerald; The Entertainers, b • ISgtilted to show cause. if any you have. before <br />y this court, at the probate court room In the <br />Marjorie March; Fashions in Footwear, courthouse, In the city of Hutings, in the <br />county of Dakota, state of Minnesota, on the <br />by Gladys Foxe; An Early Forecast of • lath der? of March, 1938. at eleven o'clock a. m., <br />Spring Attire, byJeanne why eald petition should not be granted. <br />Marchand: Wittesa, the judge of said court, and the seal <br />Newest in Artistic Fancywork, by Mrs. ofi(said court, toil (Voda, of Febru v,190d. <br />A. E. Arnstrutter; How to Graft, Bud, FI -8. 'esus. P. �bRAN, <br />Probate Judge <br />and make Cuttings,' by 8. A. Hamilton: 1101.105 ed. Lor►aLL, Attorneys for Petitioner. <br />Chickens for Pleasure and Profit, by Mrs. ESTATE. OF DECEDENT. <br />G. L. Bork; home talks, recipes, and State of Minnesota, <br />helpful hints. Housekeeperoouotyof Dakota -se, In <br />Cor prubnteoourt. <br />Corporation, In the matter of the estate of Christian F. <br />Minneapolis. 60 ens. ue�"er. atuedent. <br />The state of Minnesota to Carrie Frances <br />Hrmenesu. <br />IMe? er, Willlem L. Meyer Harold E. Meyer, <br />Mr. Frank L. Zemple, of this city, Itobert W. Meyer, and all person. Interested <br />In the granting of administration of the <br />and Miss Myra Christioa Jorgenson, estate of said dtwedent: The petition of John <br />of Rochester, were married in St. reptees Meyer baring <br />Chretett&nl° F. Meyer <br />Paul on Thursday. The groom is then a resident of the °aunty of Dakota, <br />state of Mlunesota, died intestate on the 26th day <br />fireman of the heating plant at the of January, 1909, and praying that letters of <br />asylum, and the bride head cook at acid John F. <br />administretlon of his estate be grantee to <br />he women's cottage during the past the time and place for hearing said petition, <br />Meyer,Mand the court having fixed <br />each of ou <br />year. Their many friends extend Thad land' requlreddto show aause, are herebby <br />hearty congratulations. any you <br />have, before this court at the probate court <br />.nom In the courthouse, In the city of Hastings, <br />The Probate Court. In the twenty of Dakota, state of Minnesota, on <br />the 10th day of Mareb, 1909. at 9:93 o'clock <br />Gallagher, adminietratria of Patrick <br />The final account of Mrs. Ann a. to., why said petition should not be granted. <br />Witness the Judge of said court, and seal of <br />Gallagher, late of Burnsville, was said court., this 14th day of February, 1908. <br />fCoCaT Seat.I THOS, P. HORAN, <br />examined and allowed on Saturday. 21.3w Probate Judge. <br />L The final account of George E <br />ESTATE. OF DECEDENT. <br />mpey, administrator of Dennis State of Minnesota, county of Dakota. -ss. <br />Dougherty, late of Greenvale, was I In ptherobate <br />macet of the estate of J. F. Johnson, <br />examined and allowed yesterday. also known as J. F. Jonson, decedent. <br />The state of Mlnnewta to Johanna Johnson <br />The Marketsand all persons Interested in the allowanoe and <br />BAREST, -75 Cts, probate of the will of said decedent The pet'. <br />Mtge. -98 @ 97 tion of Johanna Johnson being duly filed in this <br />court, representing that J. F. Johnson, also <br />Bim• --$23, known as J. F. Jonson, then a resident of the <br />BUTTBR -25 Cts. aouaty of Dakota, state of Minnesota, died on <br />the tad day of October, 1905, leaving a last <br />CORN. -50 Ota• will and testament which is presented to tole <br />Foos, -20 ct9, court with said petition, and praying that said <br />F),Ax,_ $J,(18, Instrument be allowed as the last will and testa• <br />Fx s.-$300 meat of said decedent, and that letters <br />testamentary be Issued thereon to said Johanna <br />Heir. --$8. want <br />Now. therefore, you, and each <br />OATS, -43; OLa. of you, are hereby cited and required to show <br />1lIDDLIN(}s.->F25, cause. If any you have, before this court, at the <br />probate oourt room in the courthouse, in Hut- <br />PoRx.-$5.75 @ $5.00. lugs, county of Dakota, state of Minnesota, on <br />POTATOES. -35 Cts. the 13th day or March, 1909, at two o'clock <br />. m., why the prayer of said petition should not <br />RYE,-,., ,, Cts. be ¢ranted. <br />j, <br />Scitemenses.--$23 Witness, Thos. P. Moran, Judge of said court, <br />WHEAT, -80 @,90 cls, and the seal of said oourr this lith day of <br />February, 1909. <br />Bates of Ad�ertumg. iCorar SEAL.' THOS. P. MORAN, <br />use snob, rroe. 0 -con <br />01-3w Judge of Probate. <br />baoh additionainch.... Bat .... .......... 6.33 L STATE OF DECEDENT, <br />One inch, per week........ ........... .. .96 L <br />Local notices,per line.... ......... .10 <br />Orden probate court. <br />by mall will reoefre prompt attentloa state of Minnesota, county of Dakota. ---se. In. <br />Address <br />TODD A SON, 0-conHutln¢s,Mlnn. in the matter of the estate of Marla <br />Ruch, decedent. <br />The state of Minnesota to Louise Gergen <br />NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Emma Hill, Amelia Sommers, Benno Robley, and <br />FOR SALE. all persons Interested la the allowance and <br />- probatete of of the will of said decedent. The petf- <br />tiou of Emma Hill being duly tiled in <br />Eighty acres in Blob Valley, 195 per acre, this twutt, representing that Marfa Rauch, <br />Eighty acres In Rosemount $95 per care. then a resident of the county of <br />1.. E. REED. DakotaItate of Minnesota, died on the first <br />Real Estate Broker, day of ebruery, 1908, leaving a last will <br />Hastings. Minn. and testamoot which is presented to this court <br />eith said petition and praying that said In• <br />NUTICE. _ ointment be allowed as the lot will and testa - <br />Sealed bids will be received at the office of admtnletratlon with the will annexed on the <br />the city clerk on or before eight o'clock p. m., competent <br />to sold deceased suitable <br />be issued person. <br />to some <br />Monday. Mar. 3d, 19119, for the purchase of th,retwmpetre and .ulach person. Now, <br />fourteen thousand dollars seven per Dent sewer cited an you, anddeach of you, are hereby <br />orders in denomination to suit purahuers of sited and required to show cause, it any you <br />not less than 550.00 nor more than /60000, have, before this court, at the probate oourc <br />payable u follows: /7,000.00 July lst, 1909, and rooms in the courthouse, In Hastings, county <br />!#7000.00 July l.t 1910. The council reserves of Dakota, state of Minnesota, on the tetb day <br />the right to rejeot any and all bids. Proposals prayer of'saidld petition hop08, at ten dk s m., why the <br />should be marked "Proposals for purchase of prayer K ➢Id not be granted. <br />sewer orders." %Hour, Thos. P. Mon0,'Judge of said conal <br />OIJAS. HANKES, and the seal of said court• this 11th day of <br />City Clark. February, 1908. <br />(Ceuta S2*L.l THOS. P. MORAN, <br />law Probate Judge. <br />E XSOT OTT°, Attorney for Petitioner. <br />Comes to you in <br />clean, salutary, air- <br />tight packages - <br />always fresh and <br />delicious. <br />It'sflavorandqual- <br />ity are always the <br />same -always <br />right <br />MCLAUGHLIN'S <br />XXXX COFFEE <br />Ls sold by <br />Hanson Bros. <br />Michael Grans. <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh. <br />SUMMONS, - <br />State of Minnesota county of Dakota -ee. <br />District court, first Judicial district. <br />,John Peine, plaintiff, vs. William L. Ames, <br />Herbert Ames Amelia Ames, Emma B. Ames, <br />John Ames. its inald Hall Ames, Eleanor <br />Ames, Oliver H. Ames, Luella B. Ames, <br />Luella Ames, Ruth Ames, Susan Trench, the <br />unknown heirs of Oliver Ames, deceased, <br />Albion P. Hamilton, the unknown heirs of <br />Almira Srisbtn, deceased, also all other per- <br />sons unknown, clalmlog any right, title. <br />estate, Interest, or ilen In the real estate de- <br />scribed in the oomplalnt herein, defendants. <br />The state of Minnesota to the above named <br />defendants: <br />You, said defendants, and each of you, are <br />hereby summoned and required to answer the <br />oomplaint of the plaintiff herein, which com- <br />plaint to on file to the office of John Rutz. <br />clew of said court, and to serve a copy of your <br />answer to tbe said oomplal°t upon the sub- <br />scribers at their office in the city of Muting*, <br />10 the county of Dakota and state of Minnesota, <br />within twenty days after the service of this <br />summons u ° on, exclusive of the day of such <br />service, andel? y�o fall to °newer the said oom- <br />plalnt within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff <br />herein will apply to tbe court for the relief <br />demanded in his said complaint, together <br />with the costa and disbursements of this action. <br />Dated February 8th, 1908. <br />HODGSON & LOWELL. <br />Plaintiff's Attorneya, First National Bank <br />Building, Hastings, Minnesota. <br />NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota, -es, <br />] ct court, first 1ud(el*1 dtatrfet. <br />John Pefae, plaintiff, n. William L. Ames, <br />Herbert Ames Amelia Ames, Emma B. Ames, <br />John Ames, Reginald Hall Ames. Eleanor <br />Ames, Oliver H. Ames, Luella B. Ames, <br />Luella Ames Ruth Ames, Susan Trench, the <br />unknown heirs of Oliver Ames, deceased. <br />Albion P. Hamilton, the unknown heirs of <br />Alums Brlebin deoeased, also all other per- <br />. sons unknown, olalml°g any right, title, <br />testate. interest, or lien In the real estate de- <br />scribed In the oomplatnt herein, defendants. <br />Nottoe is hereby given of the pendency to the <br />above court of an action between the above named <br />plalettff and the above named defendants. <br />That the objeot of said action Is to determine <br />any and elf slakes of the defendant& In or to <br />tbe lauds herein described, and to bar and ex- <br />clude the defendants from any and all such <br />claim., and to quiet and perfect the title to said <br />land. In the plaintiff. <br />Said lands are situate In Dakota County, Min- <br />nesota, and are described as follows, to-w)t: <br />The north one hundred and twenty sores of the <br />southwest quarter of section thirteen, township <br />one hundred and fourteen, range nineteen. <br />Dated February 8th. 1938. <br />514w HODGSON A LOW ELL. <br />PWatlt's Attorneys, Hasting., Minnesota. <br />Dr. Worstell, <br />LYf, LAR. NOSE, <br />AND THROAT. <br />Oloosa BolentitlosIiy ilttted. <br />At HOTEL PHOENIX first and shard Satur- <br />day of each month.• <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />and Smokers' Aetieles. <br />XS Second Street. <br />4.6.'LIME , Dsslspe <br />< - a: "114 <br />• <br />._s <br />• <br />a)� <br />