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r <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Toot.. <br />Casper Schilling went up to Lang- <br />don Thursday. <br />Andrew Nelson was in from Doug- <br />las on Tuesday. <br />C. H. Bell is home from Minneapo- <br />lis upon a visit. <br />Mrs. Fred Benz went up to Minne- <br />apolis Thursday. <br />J. F. Ryan was down from St. <br />Paul on Sunday. <br />Mrs. J. F. Ahrens left Thursday <br />for Madison. Wis. <br />J. H. Stoffel was in from Ver- <br />million Saturday. <br />Frank Schwartz was iu from Rich <br />Valley on Monday. <br />Nels Munson was down from Inver <br />Grove on Tuesday. <br />J. F. Tyner was down from Rich <br />Valley on Tuesday. <br />Miss Nellie L. Welch went up to <br />Newport yesterday. <br />C. C. Pfleger, of Grantsburg, %Vis., <br />was home on a visit. <br />G. L. 1.) tle was down from South <br />St. Paul on Monday. <br />Victor Anderson was down from <br />St. Paul on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. L. H. Boyd went up to St. <br />Paul Park yesterday. <br />Mrs. John McCallum was over from <br />Denmark on Saturday. <br />F. A. Drager was down from St. <br />Paul to spend Sunday. <br />Dr. Percival Barton was down from <br />Inver Grove Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holmquist were <br />in St. Paul last Sunday. <br />George Hach was down from <br />Minneapolis on Sunday. <br />Mrs. N. B. Gergen left Sunday <br />upon a visit in «'adena. <br />Miss Elizabeth Stroschein went up <br />to St. Paul on Tuesday. <br />James Coftnan was over from <br />Prescott on Wednesday. <br />William Moser is down from Alex- <br />andria upon a short visit. <br />Miss Rose Schroeder returned to <br />Valley City on Thursday. <br />W. S. Shepard was down from <br />South St. Paul on Monday. <br />C. W. Olson and bride went up to <br />Minneapolis on Wednesday. <br />Julius Dreyfus, of New York, was <br />the guest of Theodore Schaal. <br />Hastings Lodge No. 59, D. of El., <br />will give n calico hall at Workman <br />Hall next Wednesday evening. <br />Miss Leona M. Cavanaugh is home <br />from St. Paul upon a short visit. <br />Mf. and Mrs. B. S. Ruhr went up <br />to St. Cloud Sunday upon a visit. <br />Mrs. William Kane and son were <br />down from Pine Bend Thnrstlay. <br />W. W. Allen was down from St. <br />Paul Saturday on legal business. <br />F. W. Sauers, of St. Paul, was the <br />guest of August Stroschein Thursday. <br />Miss Jlayme Carroll returned from <br />her St. Paul visit Wednesday evening. <br />Mrs. Julia E. Wells returned <br />Tuesday from a visit in Defiance, Ia. <br />Theodore Brumniel, of Marshan, <br />went up to Minneapolis Thursday. <br />Miss Edythe M. Speakes returned <br />to Livingston, Mont., on Wednesday. <br />Miss Eva R. Keetlev, of St. Paul, <br />is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. J. <br />Dunn. <br />J. E. Asplin resumed his position <br />Monday as fireman on the switch <br />engine. <br />A new weighing machine has been <br />placed in the ladies' room at the <br />station. <br />There was no meeting of the coun- <br />cil on Monday evening for want of a <br />quorum. <br />Mrs. Kate Taylor, of Minneapolis, <br />was theguest of hersister, Mrs. G. W. <br />Speakes. <br />Mrs. P. M. Hennessy, of St. Paul, <br />was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert <br />Schaller. <br />Mrs. C. B. Nienaber and children <br />left Wednesday upon a visit in <br />Hannibal. <br />Misses Annie M. and Elizabeth M. <br />Reuter, of Vermillion, were in town <br />Thursday. <br />Mrs. Julia Carlen, of Minneapolis, <br />is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. F. <br />Cavanaugh. <br />M. P. Holzmer and family, of <br />Vermillion, spent a week in town <br />upon a visit. <br />J. D. Pierce and Knute Riste, of <br />Mareban, went up to St. Paul <br />on Tuesday. <br />L. A. Voigt, of Minneapolis, was <br />the guest of his cousin, L. H. Voigt, <br />on Saturday. <br />Mrs. J. C. Cunningham, of St. <br />Paul, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. <br />R. D. Eaton. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. R. King, of St. <br />Paul, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. <br />D. T. Quealy. <br />• Mr. and Mrs. Ora Trautman, of <br />Comfrey, were guests of her brother, <br />0. W. Cdlley. <br />The engagement of Mr. Melville E. <br />Reed, of this city, and Miss Maud E. <br />Messner, of St. Paul, is announced, <br />the marriage to take place early next <br />month. <br />a <br />Dr. J. C. Fitch lost his well known Nicholas Leifeld, of Marehan, <br />driving horse Monday from a recent among our yesterday's callers. <br />is now grinding feed Tuesday's <br />Saturdays. <br />Joseph Mahlberg, driver for Pi <br />bakery, returned to8t. Paul on Sa <br />day and is succeeded by Bdw <br />Niederkorn. <br />Several of our citizens re <br />having seen an airship going over <br />city in a westerly direction last 8 <br />day evening. <br />Miss Margaret Kohler, of <br />Strong Heart Company, was <br />guest of her cousin, F. C. Gil <br />on Thursday. <br />Miss Millie Karnick, of Denm <br />left on Tuesday for Crookston, ow <br />to the death of her grandfather, <br />Albert Hanson. <br />August Johnson went up to <br />Paul on Tuesday to represent H <br />logs Lodge No. 48 at the gra <br />lodge, A. 0. U. W. <br />A marriage license was ice <br />on Saturday to Mr. P. J. Stokes, <br />Saskatchewan, and Mise Martha <br />Nason, of Lakeville. <br />The card party and hop given <br />Columbia Lodge No. 23 on Mond <br />evening was quite well attended, a <br />an enjoyable time bad. <br />Frank Smith, of the railroad i <br />crew, is laid up at the Excben <br />Hotel from stepping on a nail. <br />home is at Lemont, I11. <br />'August Grace, of Read's Landi <br />one of the bridge crew, stepped o <br />nail Thursday, and is temporarily 1 <br />up at the Pbcenix Hotel. <br />A marriage license was issued <br />Tuesday to Mr. Robert J. Heller, <br />Jerauld County, S. D., and M <br />Emma Krueger, of Inver Grove. <br />John Nettersbiem, of South <br />Paul, bought fifteen head of you <br />cattle in this city and vicinity,Wedn <br />day, to be taken to the stockyards. <br />Mrs. A. C. Nesbitt, C. of H., we <br />up to St. Paul on Monday to rep <br />sent Hastings Lodge No. 59 at t <br />session of the A. 0. U. W. Auxilia <br />The Rev. Jacob Scbadegg b <br />nearly recovered from his recent 1 <br />ness, and expects to hold services <br />St. John's Church next Sund <br />morning. <br />G. H. Smith, piano tuner, will be he <br />next Monday. Leave orders with M <br />M. L. Chapin. <br />Irving Todd, jr., of The Gazet <br />and A. .1. Schaller, of The Dement <br />attended the annual meeting of th <br />editorial association in Minneapol <br />on Thursday. <br />Washington's birthday was 0 <br />served by the grade pupils of the pa <br />lic schools yesterday afternoon, wit <br />appropriate exercises by the boys a <br />the auditorium: <br />J. E. Nordstrom, of this city, an <br />John Blomstrand, of Nininger, wen <br />up to Minneapolis last Saturday t <br />attend the funeral of their nephew <br />Ernest T. Rosengren, aged twenty <br />eight years. / <br />A pleasant surprise party was <br />given at the home of Mr. and Mrs <br />J. P. Reuter, in Vermillion, las <br />Monday evening. Forty couples <br />were present, with dancing asd re <br />fresllment. <br />H. A. Glendenning is now a regia <br />tered pharmacist, holding certificates <br />from Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and <br />South Dakota. He is a graduate o <br />Highland Park College of Pharmacy, <br />Des Moines, Ia. <br />Mrs. F. E. Boxer has leased the <br />corner store room in the Masonic <br />Block, and will open a first class <br />millinery establishment next month. <br />Her many friends in this vicinity wish <br />her abundant success. <br />fall on the ice. <br />A. F. Otte, Edward Wille, and <br />Walter Otte were in from Randolph <br />on Wednesday. <br />E. H. Gray will open a carriage <br />paint shop over Downs' blackamith <br />shop on Monday. <br />John hunter, of Tracy, was the <br />guest of his daughter, Miss Mildred <br />Hunter, last week. <br />E. L. Ogilvie, of The South St. <br />Paul Reporter, was among our <br />Thursday's callers. <br />Mrs. G. W. Smith, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0. B. <br />Manners, in Nininger. <br />Everett Wright, of Denmark, has <br />Nought a bill of lumber at McMullin's <br />for a large stock barn. <br />Mrs. Christ. Wolf, jr., and daughter, <br />of Prescott, were in town Thursday, <br />en route for Red Wing. <br />The Red Wing Advertising Com- <br />pany expect to start up their branch <br />factory again, Mar. 1st <br />.1. E. Frank and crew are putting <br />in new girders at the bridge in Etter, <br />over Vermillion Slough. <br />Devaney & Quealy have commenc- <br />ed excavating for their new build• <br />ing on Vermillion Street. <br />Albert Grob, of Ravenna, shipped <br />twenty-one bushels of clover treed to <br />Minneapolis on Saturday. <br />C. M. Erickson and Stanley and <br />Milton Peterson, of Comfrey, were <br />the guests of 0. W. Colley. <br />Mrs. John Schiltgen, of Oakdale, <br />is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. <br />John Gores, in New Trier. <br />The railway icehouse bas been re- <br />filled from 'Minneapolis, five cars <br />being received on Tuesday. <br />W. H. Chard, of Webster, S. D., <br />was the guest of his brother, the Rev. <br />Arthur Chard, on Saturday. <br />Mrs. A. E. Erickson, of Langdon, <br />was the guest of her sister, Miss <br />Jennie Shuholm, yesterday. <br />0. C. Anderson, of Mlarsban, left <br />Saturday upon a business trip to <br />Lake Crystal and LaCrosse. <br />C. E. Hach, Miss Bertha Hach, <br />and Robert llach left Monday upon <br />a trip to Seattle and Portland. <br />Edward Felker, of Goodhue, was <br />the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. <br />Henry Wellman, on Tuesday. <br />Eighty-seven barrels of fish were <br />received here from Stillwater Monday <br />evening, en route for Chicago. <br />Mayor Nicholas Klotz was in from <br />Vermillion on Tuesday, owing to the <br />death of Mr. Peter Conzemius. <br />Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Schrimpf, of <br />Robbinsdale, were the guests of Miss <br />Julia A. Barbaras on Saturday. <br />Five additional young people were <br />received into membership at the <br />Presbyterian Church on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Conley, of <br />Merriam Park, were the guests of <br />Miss Lala E. Graus over Sunday. <br />Karl Mertz broke his left leg above <br />the ankle Monday evening, by a fall. <br />He is a senior in our high school. <br />M. M. Fox and Alois Fox, of <br />Watertown, S. D., were here owing to <br />the death of Mr. Peter Conzemius. <br />Mrs. Albert Schaller left yesterday <br />for'Shullsburg, Wis., owing to the <br />illness of her brother, C. J. Meloy. <br />Robert Holmes and family re- <br />moved back from St. Croix Falls to <br />his old home in Douglas last Saturday. <br />Dr. A. M. Adsit went out to Castle <br />Rock Wednesday to assist Dr. E. W. <br />Hammes in performing an operation. <br />Mr. and Mrs. August Pitzen, of <br />Marytown, Wis., are the guests of <br />their sons,. N. M. and H. A. Pitzen. <br />William Hanson & Co. began <br />filling the Gund Brewing Company's <br />icehouse from the river on Monday. <br />J. F. Murtaugh, of the auditing <br />department, Great Northern Road, <br />was down from St. Paul on Sunday. <br />A number of young people from <br />this vicinity attended a ball at the <br />town hall in Miesville Monday evening. <br />The river registered three feet <br />above low water mark yesterday, a <br />fall of three -tenths during the week. <br />J. H. Nesbitt, now of Red Cloud, <br />Neb., was the guest of his brother, <br />Chief Nesbitt, en route for Barron, <br />Wis. <br />Miss Jennie Lorentz and Miss <br />Theresa Wagner, of Vermillion, were <br />in town Saturday, en route for St, <br />Paul. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Thursday to Mr. Edward Tutewohl <br />and Miss Bertha Franzke, of Farm- <br />ington. <br />Dr. T. A. Brown went up to Minne- <br />apolis Wednesday to represent Court <br />Gardner No: 3149 at the high court, <br />I.0.F. <br />Miss Hazel Cornell delightfully <br />entertained fifteen young girl friends <br />at a valentine party last Friday <br />evening. <br />J. A. Devaney, of this city, attend- <br />ed the annual meeting of the state <br />plumbers'asaoc iationin St. Paul on <br />Thursday. <br />Among those in attendance at the <br />funeral of Mrs. Margaret Konen Oa <br />Thursday were John Reuter and Mies <br />Lena Reuter, of Ravenna, Mrs. <br />William Wiederhold, of Mieeville, <br />and John Reuter and Miss Anes <br />Reuter, of Cannon Falls. <br />The cinch party given by the <br />ladies of the Church of the Guardian <br />Angels at the schoolhouse on Wed- <br />aesday evening was quite well attend- <br />ed, fourteen tables being filled. The <br />head prizes were woo by Mrs. Reuben <br />Morey and Dennie Bihner. <br />The list of summer training schools <br />has been announced by the state <br />superintendent of public instruction. <br />Two instructors have been named <br />from this city, Miss Kate M. Kranz <br />at Hinckley, and Mise Hildegarde A. <br />Palmatrom at Granite Fails. <br />A masquerade ball will be given at <br />Kremer's Hall, New Trier, on Mon- <br />day evening, Mar. 2d, with music by <br />St. Paul Orchestra. Tickets fifty <br />cents. Prizes of $4 for the finest <br />costumed couple, and $2 for the <br />moat comical. All invited. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Molamphy <br />pleasantly entertained about thirty <br />couples at their home in Douglas <br />last Friday evening. Some very fine <br />music was rendered and an enjoyable <br />time bad by all present, includ- <br />ing a number from this city. <br />C0UCIiI3S <br />AT COST. <br />We are closing out our tufted <br />couches at cost. <br />CALL AND SEE THEM. <br />Like cut only $$O,OO, <br />worth S3o.00. <br />J. G. riertz <br />& Son;, <br />Hastings,, <br />The toilet morn's, at the Gardner <br />House are being torn out, this week, <br />to be replaced with new; end modern <br />fixtures, and several bath rooms will <br />be added to the upper floors. Travel- <br />ing men say that tide is now one of <br />the most comfortable stopping places <br />on the road. <br />Tbe probate court of Ramsey <br />County holds that Mrs. Frances A. <br />Thielen was not the common law <br />wife of the late S. A. Johnson, and <br />letters of ndtninistration will issue to <br />his parents, of this city. - The only <br />asset is the claim of $5,000 <br />against the Great Northern Road for <br />his death. <br />Two farces entitled Coals of Fire <br />and Der Bauer ale Koenig Herodes <br />will be given at St. Boniface Church <br />next Thursday and the Sunday <br />following, at eight p. m., by St. <br />Aloysius Society. Music by St. <br />Boniface Band. Admission thirty- <br />five cents, children fifteen. All <br />invited. <br />Tbe marriage of Mr. Nicholas G. <br />Wagner and Mise Rose E. Sieben, <br />of this city, will take place at St. <br />Boniface Church next Tuesday, at <br />half past nine a. m., the Rev. Conrad <br />Glatzmaier officiating, A reception <br />will he held at the home of her motb <br />er, Mrs. Katherina Sieben, during the <br />afternoon and evening. <br />$uteriaR and Dollars Saved. <br />E. S. Loper. of Marilla, N. Y., Saye, <br />"I am a carpenter nod have bad many <br />severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Arnica <br />Salve. It has saved me suffering and <br />dollars. It is by far the best healing <br />salve, I have ever found." Heals burns <br />sores, ulcers, fever sores,. eczema, and <br />piles, 23o at 9. B. Rude's, druggist. <br />Twelve young ladies of the high <br />school gave a delightful leap year <br />party at Matsch's Hall last Friday <br />evening. Among those in attendance <br />were George Ebling, of St. Paul, Mise <br />Elsie L. Adler, IL V. Peterson, and <br />H. H. Cross, of Red Wing, and Rich- <br />ard Dlethert, of Cannon Falls. Dr. <br />and Mrs. P. L. Stoudt chaperoned the <br />party. <br />Does Not <br />Color Hair <br />Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now <br />made from our new improved <br />formula, does not stain or color <br />the hair even to the slightest <br />degree. Gray hair, white hair, <br />blonde hair is not made a <br />shade darker. But it certainly <br />does stop falling hair. No <br />question about that. <br />Does not cheap the color of the hair. <br />reroute with slob bottle <br />showft to year <br />yers4••t•r <br />Askp shbAo t it, <br />lhoa ds es M sus <br />Indeed, we believe it will stopevery case <br />of falling hair unless there is some very <br />unusual complication something greatly <br />affecting the general health. Then you <br />should consult your physician. Also ask <br />him about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor. <br />•.Ueda b7 the J.O. yr do.. Lowen. Xass.--' <br />DR. E. C. ROBERTS, <br />OPTOnETRIST, <br />will make his next regular visit to <br />IIIASTiNOS, MAR. 4th. <br />OFFIC[ AT PHQNIX HOTLL. <br />Eyes to be fitted properly should be <br />examined 'scientifically by some one wbo <br />Ilan expert. Uuees work is not safe. <br />osesaarr. <br />Mr. Peter Conzemius died at <br />residence on Sixth Street last Sa <br />day evening from old age, afte <br />protracted illness, the announcement <br />causing deep sorrow among his many <br />old friends. Mr. Conzemius was <br />born in Luxemburg, Apr. lltb, 1828, <br />and was married there to Mise Clara <br />Erpelding, May 12th, 1859. They <br />came to America the same year, <br />locating at New Trier, where they <br />lived until the fall of 1899. He then <br />retired from farming and moved in- <br />to town. In the death of Mr. Conze- <br />mins Dakota County loses an old and <br />prominent citizen, one largely iden- <br />fled with the early history of New <br />Trier and Hampton. Sint* coming <br />to Hastings he led a quiet, retired <br />life, but was held in high esteem by <br />all who knew him. He was a kind <br />and indulgent husband, a good citizen <br />and neighbor. Ho leaves a wife, four <br />sone and two daughters, John and <br />Henry, of Nininger, Nicholas, of <br />Hastings, Martin of Now Trier, and <br />Mrs, J. P. Brochman and Mrs. J. P. <br />Gergen, of Vermillion. There are <br />twenty-seven grandchildren. The <br />funeral was held from 8t. Boni- <br />face Church onWednesday,at half past <br />eight a. m., the Rev. Conrad Glatz- <br />mater officiating. Interment at St. <br />Mary's Cemetery, New Trier. <br />:° ESTE RG RflL3N's <br />Mrs. Margaret Konen died at her <br />home in Booth Hastings on Mon- <br />day, atter a long illness, at the ad- <br />vanced age of eighty-two years. She <br />was twice married, her first husband <br />being named 8nttor, and her last <br />Michael Konen. She was an early <br />resident of this city, and leaves three <br />daughters and one son by her first <br />marriage, Mrs. John Reuter, of Mies- <br />ville, Nicholas Katherine, and <br />Barbara Spttor, of Hastings, and <br />two daughters by her second, Mrs. <br />Peter Roliinger and Mary Konen, of <br />this city. The funeral was held <br />from 8t. Boniface Church on Thurs- <br />day, at half past nine a. m., the Rev. <br />Conrad Glatzmaier otliciating. Inter- <br />ment at 8t. Boniface Cemetery. <br />Mrs. Margaret Konen, an old and <br />esteemed resident of Hastings, died <br />at her home in South Hastings on <br />Monday, after an iilness of long <br />duration. Miss Margaret Renter was <br />born in Luxemburg in 1824, and was <br />married there three times, her Drat <br />husband being Adam Suttor, the <br />second Nicholas Thieves, and the <br />third Michael Konen. The first two <br />died in Luxemburg, and Mr. Konen <br />at Hastings in 1901. She was a <br />loyal wife, mother, and friend, and <br />endeared herself to her many friends. <br />By her first marriage she leaves a <br />son and three daughters, Nicholas, <br />Katherine, and Barbara Suttor, of <br />Hastings, and Mrs. John Reuter, of <br />Douglas; by her second Mrs. Peter <br />Rollinger, of Hastings; and by her <br />last Mary Konen, of Hastings. The <br />funeral was held from St. Boniface <br />Church on Thursday, at half past <br />nine a. m., the Rev. Conrad Glatz- <br />maier officiating. interment at St. <br />Boniface Cemetery. <br />Mrs. Johanna Stone died at her <br />home in Denmark on Wednesday of <br />last week from pneumonia, having <br />been an invalid the past twenty years. <br />She was the wife of Henry Stone, <br />born in Sweden, June 10th, 1837, and <br />had been a resident of that town since <br />18.56. She leave(' a husband, three <br />sons, and one daughter, Walter, of <br />Denmark, Albert, of Afton, Law- <br />rence, of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Albert <br />Larson, of South St. Paui. The funer- <br />al was held from the house at one p. <br />m., the Rev. R. R. G. Fisher ofticia <br />ting. Interment et Cottage Grovo. <br />Netryleborbeed Favorite. <br />Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Me., <br />speaking of Electric Bitters. says. Itis <br />a neighborhood favorite here with us." <br />It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. <br />It gives quick relief In dyspepsia, liver <br />complaint, kidney derangement. malnu- <br />trition. nervousness, weakness, and gener- <br />al debility. Its action on the blood as a <br />thorough purifier makes it especially use- <br />ful as a spring medicine. This grand al- <br />terative tonin le sold under guarantee at <br />Rude's drug store. 50e. <br />Oard or Thanks. <br />We wish to thank our many friends <br />and neighbors for the sympathy and <br />kindness shown during our late bereave- <br />ment in the loss of our beloved husband <br />and father, also for the many beautiful <br />floral offerings. <br />Mrs. E. M. Hoes and Family. <br />Oberst. Aasoaaesments. <br />Services at the Bapttat Church to- <br />morrow morning, Sunday school and <br />young people's meeting at the usual hour. <br />Services at the Presbyterian Church <br />to -morrow, morning and evening. At <br />the latter a special programme will be <br />given by the Bible school. with an <br />address by the pastor on George Wash- <br />ington, the man of prayer, and Nearer <br />My God to Thee and Heavenly Father <br />Hear Us, by aquartette oonslatingof <br />Mesas. Herbst, Cook. Morey, and Arlen. <br />All invited. <br />Married. <br />At Minneapolis, Feb. l2th, by the Revs <br />A. G. Patterson, Mr. Paul Erdman. of <br />that city, and Mise Nora Crosby, of <br />Dakota County. <br />In South St Paul. Feb. 2011i, to <br />and Xrs.: idiom <br />Wagon and Carriage Shop. <br />You will find a full line of <br />Wagons, (our own make) surreys, <br />open and top buggies, spring <br />wagons, milk wagons, de- <br />livery wagons, etc. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the best work, using Never Slip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of all kinds. <br />Having added a new planer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your patronage. <br />Dealer in coal and wood. <br />E. E. ESTERGREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Office and works, corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets, Hastings. <br />Clean <br />and <br />Fresh <br />McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee <br />comes to you fresh, rich and clean. Every package <br />contains one full pound of really good coffee—properly <br />roasted and blended—uniform in quality and flavor. <br />MCLAUGHLIN's XXXX COFFEE sold by <br />Hanson Bros. Michael Grans. <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh. <br />/ <br />ARE YOU ON A CASH BASIS? <br />Do you pay all your bills with cash, and perhaps pay them twice? <br />Do you argue and dispute over the amounts? Do you try to keep all <br />such records in your mind? <br />A checking amount with this bank will eliminateall such troubles. <br />Deposit your money in this bank, pay your bills by check, that is the <br />safest way, the modern way of doing businesa. <br />Come in and let us atart you. It's easy. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />$37.15 <br />$30.40 <br />to San Francisco, Los Angeles and <br />San Diego <br />to Seattle, Portland, Tacoma and <br />Vancouver <br />March t to April 3o—Dally <br />Similar rates to thousands of other <br />points in the Pacific Coast States <br />and in Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and <br />New Mexico. <br />Through Tourist Sleeping Cars daily from principal Burlington Route Stations. <br />Personally Conducted Tourist Car Parties to California from principal <br />stations several times a week. <br />Burlqon <br />ROUTE <br />Let me give you folders tenni/au <br />about the low rates and good service. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent. <br />C. B. & Q. R. R. <br />The 6ewera. <br />An additional sixty feet of eight <br />inch water pipe on Sibley Street and <br />one hundred feet of fifteen inch sewer <br />pipe and one hundred feet of eight <br />inch water pipe on Tyler have been <br />laid, with a trench opened up across <br />Third, at a depth of five feet. A <br />great deal of labor ie saved by the <br />cable service, and not quite so many <br />TOBACCOS, CIOARS, <br />and Smokers' ArtIeles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />J. C. LAmBE1ZG, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />j. G. i1 gt3T2 & SON. <br />Undertaking, <br />Funeral Directors. <br />men are employed just at present. The A G. Alert/. State Licensed Embalmer. <br />weekly pay roll now is about $500 <br />Asylum dotes. <br />Mrs. Frances Latschaw is now head <br />nurse at the women's cottages. <br />The employes gave a pleasant hop <br />Wednesday evening, with music by <br />the Select Orchestra. <br />Tbe alcoves in the wings of the ad- <br />ministration building are being raised <br />a story, to admit of passage front the <br />upper wards to the auditorium with- <br />out going down stairs. <br />Basket Ball. <br />A fast and interesting game was <br />played at the high school auditorium <br />on Friday evening between the fresh- <br />men and eighth grade teams, the <br />former winning by a score <br />*went t five. <br />.J ONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm lands at lowest rates of interest. It will <br />pat' you to look us up before borrowing else• <br />where. <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING ASSOCIATION. <br />A..1. SCaau.IE. Secretary <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN, <br />Ilat•tinus. Minn. <br />Undertaking. <br />Funeral Directors. <br />W. S. Walbridge, State Liceused Embalmer. <br />FOR SALE. <br />Eighty acres in Douglas, near Miesville. <br />Nifty acres of California fruit land near <br />Sacramento, unimproved, very reasonable. <br />C. F. REED, <br />Real Estate Broker, <br />Hastings, Minn, <br />LD PAPERS. <br />Old papery for sale at this ogles for twenty <br />per bemired. <br />