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THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Tovto,. <br />Miss Nora L. King is down from <br />St. Paul. <br />Charles Gerlach is down from <br />Minneapolis. <br />Mrs. A. H. Blodgett went up to St. <br />Paul Tuesday. <br />C. W. Adams, of St. Paul, was 113 <br />town Wednesday. <br />Mathias Picker, of Hampton, was <br />in town Saturday. <br />Nicholas Weber was in from <br />Douglas Saturday. <br />The annual town meetings will be <br />held next Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Mary L. Lyon went up to <br />Minneapolis yesterday. <br />Nehemiah Martin came down from <br />Minneapolis Wednesday. <br />M. F. Woodruff was down from <br />Minneapolis on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Wesley Archer returned from <br />St. Paul Monday evening. <br />Peter Birchen came in from North <br />Dakota Wednesday evening. <br />Mrs. E. C. Alban left Thursday <br />upon a visit at Portage, Wis. <br />G. E. Blake, of Ravenna, was <br />among our Tuesday's callers. <br />B. J. Steffen is home from Butte, <br />after an absence of two years. <br />George Rapp, of Rich Valley, was <br />among our Saturday's callers. <br />W. J. Anderson came in from <br />McIntosh, S. D., on Wednesday. <br />The rural letter carriers meet in <br />Stillwater next Saturday evening. <br />Mrs. J. S. Featherstone returned <br />from her St. Paul visit on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Mae Gordon Libbey left <br />Monday upon a visit in Montevideo. <br />Edward' Donahue, of Pt. Douglas, <br />came in from Pontis, S. D., Wednes- <br />day. <br />Dakota County receives $500 from <br />the appropriation of $72,650 for state <br />roads. <br />March came in like the proverbial <br />lion; it will probably go nut as it <br />pleases. <br />F. W. Meyer and Julius Wille <br />returned from Duluth Saturday <br />evening. <br />J. J. Noonan and W. J. Noonan <br />were down from Rich Valley on <br />Monday. <br />Another car of material for the <br />jail was received from Canton, 0., <br />on Monday. <br />G. B. Chrispen resumed his duties <br />as night operator at the station Sat- <br />urday evening. <br />Our operators at the station are <br />now working under the nine hour <br />law, in three shifts. <br />Albert Bucher, of Sauk Centre, <br />was the guest of Charles and" Fred. <br />Mamer on Tuesday. <br />Frank Swanson and Charles John- <br />son, of Cannon Falls, spent Sunday <br />with H. E. Swanson. <br />There was no meeting of the <br />school board on Tuesday evening <br />for want of a quorum. <br />R. A. Lathrop, of Hope, N. D., is <br />The guest of Mrs. E. D. Allison and <br />the Rev. E. R. Lathrop. <br />E. B. Doten left on Thursday for <br />Missoula to act as passenger fireman <br />on the Milwaukee Road. <br />N. S. Heinen, justice of the peace, <br />and J. P. Reuter, of Vermillion, <br />were in town Wednesday, <br />F. B. Brandemuehl, of Prescott, <br />was in town Monday, en route home <br />from a visit in Faribault. <br />Richard Daley left on Thursday for <br />Cordova, Minn., owing to the serious <br />illness of his brother Young. <br />Mrs. M. F. Arendt, of Lakeville, <br />attended the funeral of Mrs. Eliza- <br />beth Devaney on Wednesday. <br />Mrs. M. B. Godsey, of Minneapo- <br />lis, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. <br />A. R. Lovejoy, over Sunday. <br />Ald. and Mrs. I. M. Radabaugh at- <br />tended the funeral of her uncle at <br />Janesville, Minn., on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stebbing, of <br />St. Paul, were theguests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Fred. Wyatt Wednesday. <br />J. D. Pierce, of Marshan, left on <br />Tuesday to join his wife upon their <br />homestead at Oak Point, Okla. <br />The Rev. Paulin Wiesner, of Still- <br />water, was the guest of the Rev. <br />Conrad Glatzmaier on Sunday. <br />Seventy-six barrels of fisb were <br />shipped here from Stillwater Monday <br />evening for the Chicago market. <br />Misses Nellie and Alma Sigfridsoo, <br />of Clinton, Minn., were in town <br />Monday, en route for Stillwater. <br />C. A. Esterley resigned his posi- <br />tion as pharmacist at Glendenning's <br />drug store last Saturday evening. <br />Mrs. Elizabeth Schroeder, G. C. of <br />H., St. Paul, was the guest of <br />Mrs. Conrad -Oestreich on Sunday. <br />Con. and Mrs. F. E. Dezell, of <br />Minneapolis, were the guests of Mr. <br />and Mrs. Joseph Dezell on Monday. <br />Miss Carrie V. Kiefer, of Adams, <br />Minn., who has been visiting her <br />aunt, Mrs. Peter Rusting, in Ravenna, <br />lett Wednesday to attend Bethlehem <br />Academy, Faribault. <br />Mrs. Grant Bronson, of North- <br />field, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. <br />J. F. Stedwell, at the Gardner House. <br />A. P. Korba, an expert from St. <br />Paul, was overhauling the combina- <br />tion of the safe in the sheriff a office. <br />H. L. Frank removed a building <br />from the McNamara farm to Edward <br />Ahern's, in Nininger, on Wednesday. <br />P. J. Meisch, of Miesville, left <br />Tuesday upon a trip to Cape Sable, <br />via Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana. <br />Burke's Royal Amusement Com- <br />pany drew a very small crowd at the <br />Opera House on Wednesday evening. <br />Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh, of St. <br />Anthony Park, was the guest of her <br />mother, Mrs. E. D. Wilson, over <br />Sunday. <br />The republican city convention will <br />be held at City Hall on Friday, Mar. <br />27th, and the primaries the previous <br />evening. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Monday to Mr. Oscar Dinning and <br />Mies Emma L. A. Raddatz, of South <br />St. Paul. <br />J. C. Shea, of St. Paul, was in <br />town on Tuesday. He recently bought <br />the old John Daly farm near <br />Langdon. <br />Mrs. John Hoffenmiller and <br />children, of Minneapolis, were down <br />upon a visit with her mother, Mrs. <br />Peter Knoll. <br />Albert Anderson, of Doyon, N. D., <br />was the guest of his uncles, P. A. <br />Olson and Michael Christopherson, <br />on Saturday. <br />A. D. Garvin, of LeSueur Cen e, <br />was the guest of iris cousin, J. <br />Wadleigh, on Monday, en route ho <br />from a visit in Osceola. <br />The youug men of St. Aloysius <br />Society have started up their gymna- <br />sium again at St. Boniface Hall, and <br />will practice twice a week. <br />The couucil will have to select <br />another polling place in the fourth <br />ward, as the Vermillion Chapel will <br />not be rented for that purpose. <br />Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Steffen, of Hol- <br />land, Minn., were in attendance at <br />the funeral of her father, Mr. D. L. <br />Thompson, Saturday afternoon. <br />The sewer crew has been laid off <br />the past two days, owing to unfavor- <br />able weather. The trench on Tyler <br />Street is now open beyond Fifth. <br />Wanted, two cords of green wood. In- <br />quire at this office. <br />Miss Mae Wissenger, of Minne- <br />apolis, and Mies Lillian Engebret- <br />son, of Red Wing, were the guests of <br />Miss Myrtle M. Shellenbarger on <br />Sunday. <br />The young people of the Epworth <br />League were delightfully entertained <br />by Miss Amy B. Stewart, at her <br />home on Spring Street, last Tuesday <br />evening. <br />A. W. Wilson, of Nininger, shipped <br />two cars of baled bay by the Bur- <br />lington, two of straw by the Great <br />Western, and six of straw by the <br />Milwaukee this week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. A. King, of Min- <br />neapolis, announce the engagement of <br />their daughter, Miss Hazel A., to Mr. <br />Elmer L. Westerson, formerly of this <br />city, to take place in June. <br />Dakota County receives $8,538.60 <br />from the March apportionment of <br />state school funds, on a baais of four <br />thousand, four hundred, and ninety- <br />four pupils. The rate is $1,90 each. <br />Mrs. O. J. McCarriel, of Minneapo <br />lia, and Misses Hattie and Nettie <br />Wilson, of St. Anthony Park, were in <br />attendance at the funeral of Mrs. L. <br />B. McCarriel last Sunday afternoon, <br />D. W. McEwen, of the signal see. <br />vice on the Milwaukee Road, has been <br />transferred to Seattle until the com- <br />pletion of the extension to that point, <br />but still retains bis residence at <br />Milwaukee. <br />Mr. Adam Rutin and Mr. and Mrs. <br />A. C. Norton, of Lakeville, and Mrs. <br />A. W. Royce and F. J. Woodruff, of <br />Farmington, were in attendance at <br />the funeral of Mrs. Adam Rutile <br />on Wednesday. <br />The four criminal cells on the <br />north side of the jail are done, and <br />it is expected to have the others <br />ready for the steel and concrete <br />ceiling by the 15th. The . contractor <br />is doing a good job. <br />Miss Frances Young, daughter of <br />the attorney general, and Miss Bell, <br />of St. Paul, were the guests of Misses <br />Mildred Hunter and Laura B. <br />Wilson, at the home of Mrs. W. <br />DeW. Pringle, On Sunday. <br />Dr. A. M. Adait is preparing to <br />build next to the First National <br />Bank, replacing the two fra&ie build- <br />ing with a substantial brick block. <br />It will be a great improvement to <br />that part of Second Street. <br />Among those present at the funer- <br />al of Mr. J. J. Bell Wednesday were <br />A. B. Ben, C. W. Munroe, F. 11. <br />Tuttle, and R. J. Marvin, of Merriam <br />Park, Miss Elsie A. Bell, of Eau <br />Claire, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. <br />Vore, cul Dudley, and Miss Ella M. <br />Dudley, of Minneapolis. <br />A republican county convention <br />will be held at Farmington on Thurs. <br />day, Apr. 9th, to elect delegates to <br />the state and congressional conven- <br />tions. The primaries will be held on, <br />Tuesday evening, Apr. 7th. <br />A very pleasant surprise party <br />was given Ethel and Frank Liddle <br />last Friday evening, at the residence <br />of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. <br />Liddle. Twenty-four young friends <br />were present, and refreshments were <br />served. <br />A leap year party of about thirty <br />young people was delightfully enter- <br />tained by Misses Tillie C Mines and <br />Katherine C. Mated, at the residence <br />of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kranz, oa <br />Ramsey Street, last Monday evening. <br />There were games, music, and <br />refreshments. <br />The cinch party and social given <br />by the ladies of the Church of the <br />Guardian Angels at their school- <br />house last Saturday evening was a <br />very pleasant affair. Nine tables <br />were filled. The prizes were won by <br />Mrs. M. J. Hendricks, of this city, <br />and Nicholas McGree, of Marshan. <br />Joseph Dreie is here upon a visit <br />with bis brother Nicholas. He was a <br />member of Company F, Sixteenth <br />U. S. Infantry, enlisting at Wadena, <br />Feb. 28th, 1905, and serving two <br />years and two months in the Philip- <br />pines. He was honorably discharged <br />at Ft. Crook, Neb., Feb. 27th. <br />H. B. Crippen, of Big Stone City, <br />has been the guest of G. R. Crippen, <br />of Cottage Grove, and Wallace Kelsey, <br />of this city, the past few days. He <br />bought the fine young Percberon <br />stallion Marcus, weighing sixteen <br />hundred and fifty pounds, from W. <br />H. Norway, shipping it home on <br />Thursday. <br />L. W. Smock, day operator at this <br />station for a number of years, and <br />latterly station agent at Menomonie <br />and Chippewa Falls for the Milwaukee <br />Road, is to fill the vacancy at Still- <br />water, a position for which he is <br />abundantly qualified. His many <br />friends are glad to have him located <br />within easy hailing distance. <br />Sister Serapbine, Mother Provinci- <br />al, Sister St. James, Sister Celestine, <br />and Sister Madeline, of St. Joseph's <br />Academy, Vincent and James Doyle, <br />of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Edward <br />Phelan, Mrs. Mary Fling, Miss Jennie <br />Fling, and William Ryan and eon, of <br />Cannon Falls, Florian Carnal, F. R. <br />Carnal, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fling, <br />of Douglas, were among those in at <br />tendance at the funeral of Mr. <br />Edmund Doyle on Tuesday. <br />The annual meeting of the Women's <br />Foreign Missionary Society of the <br />Baptist Church will he held at the <br />home of Mrs. George Parker next <br />Wednesday afternoon. Miss Meade, <br />a missionary lately returned from <br />Japan, will speak, and the annual <br />box opening take place. Lunch will <br />be served, and an admission of ten <br />cents charged. Miss Meade will also <br />speak at the regular weekly prayer <br />meeting, which will be held on Wed- <br />nesday instead of Thursday. <br />Ifo Use to Dile. <br />"I have found out that there is no use <br />to die of lung trouble as long as you eau <br />get Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs. <br />J. P. White, of Ruehboro, Pa. " 1 <br />would not be alive to -day only for that <br />wonderful medicine. It loosens up a <br />cough quicker than anything else, and <br />cures lung disease even after the case is <br />pronounced hopeless." This most relia- <br />ble remedy for coughs and colds, la <br />grippe, asthma, bronchitis, and hoarseness, <br />is sold under guarantee at Rude's drug <br />store. 50c. and $1. Trial bottle free. <br />The Beethoven Club. <br />A large number were in attendance <br />at the annual meeting Last Monday <br />evening, at the residence of Mrs. H. <br />L. Sumption, where a delightful pro- <br />gramme was given, with a piano <br />duet by Miss Laura Henry and Mies <br />Emma M. Thompson, vocal solos by <br />Mre. G. W. Preston, with violin <br />obligato to her first number by Mies <br />Rose Gergen, piano solos by Miss <br />Thompson, and a vocal quartette by <br />Messrs. Herbet, Arlen, Cook, and <br />Morey. <br />The following officers were elected: <br />President.—Mrs. M. L.Chapin. <br />Viee President,—MIss Mary Kranz. <br />Secretary,—Miss Margaret C. Heinen. <br />Treasurer,—Miss Linnle 0. Dudley. <br />At the close of the programme re- <br />freshments were served. <br />St. Mopping Society. <br />The farces, Coale of Fire and <br />Der Bauer ale Koenig Herodes, were <br />repeated at St. Boniface Hall on <br />Sunday evening before a large and <br />appreciative audience. The cut of <br />characters in the first included <br />Albert Gergen, Louis Fashender, <br />Charles Kranz, John Wagner, Christ. <br />Breckner, and Herman Fasbender; in <br />the second, William Dunkel, Susanna <br />Lorentz, Benno Klein, Herman Fas- <br />bender, Peter Hauer, Nicholas <br />Matscb, Charles Kranz, Frank Geng, <br />Joseph Then, and John Lucius. A <br />number of amusing shadow picture* <br />were presented between acts, and <br />several One selections rendered by <br />8t. Boniface Band. <br />Go=Catt. <br />LDING GOoGP <br />Like above <br />only $5:50. <br />CALL AN ►' E. <br />rte"... . <br />J. G. Metz <br />& Son, <br />Hastings, <br />Donnell Proceedtug•. <br />Adjourned meeting, Mar. 2d: <br />Present Aids. Fasbender, Glenn, Han- <br />son, Hartin, Johnson, Nelson; Niedere, <br />and Radabaugh, Mayor .West in the <br />chai r. <br />Bids for the purchase pf seven per <br />cent sewer orders, payable July 1st, <br />1909, and July 1st, 19W, were ac- <br />cepted at par as follows,, all but the <br />first two being for the longer, time: <br />J. P. Hnnson $ 100 <br />Henry Niedere 1,009 <br />J. P. Hanson 100 <br />E. M. Veseth, Etter . .1,000 <br />C. A. Hanson 200 <br />Mrs. Maria Lovejoy - 1,000 <br />Mrs. Sue T. Truax, SL Paul.Park01) <br />Henry Marks, SL Paul .100 <br />Miss Marion E. Schaller. , 50 <br />Miss Josephine M. SQhaller 50 <br />W. H. Burt <br />C. W. Kran•r <br />C. P. Kranz 250 <br />Total . 5,050 <br />On motion of 'Alt. Hanson, the <br />mayor and clerk were ihetruvied to <br />issue an order fur 14120 to pay inter- <br />est on refunding bonds. <br />On motion of A Id. Fasbender; the <br />requests of W. .1. turd J. E. <br />Asplin to cut, Cotton wdrid trees on <br />Sixth Street were refefr&tt to the <br />street committee. <br />On motion of Ail. Nelson, <br />$206.67 was allowed the electrie <br />light company for street lights in <br />January. <br />On motion of Ald Itadabaugh, the <br />matter of repairs to road leading <br />from the high bridge to the Burling <br />ton depot was referred tpthe street <br />committee. <br />150 <br />250 <br />Beware of Ointments for ('ortnrrh that <br />contain Vereury, <br />As mercury will surely destroy the sense of <br />email and completer derange the whole system <br />when entering it through the mucous surfaces. <br />Such articles should never be need esoept on <br />prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the <br />damage they will do is ten fold to the good you <br />can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh <br />Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. To• <br />ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in• <br />ternally, seting directly upon the blood end <br />mucous outfaces of the system. In buying Haire <br />Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is <br />taken Internally, and made in Toledo, 0., by <br />F. J. Cheney it Co. Testimonials free. <br />Sold by druggists, price The. per bottle. <br />Take Ball's Family Pills for oopetipatlon, <br />Heal Estate Traeefen.. <br />John Schmaleu et al to F.G.lsta, <br />one hundred and sixty acres in sec- <br />tion twenty-eight. Hampton' $0.800 <br />A. H. Alexander to Nele Acker - <br />son, part of lots three and four, <br />block one. Waterford , 050 <br />C. E. Banks to O. E. Dodge <br />(quit -claim), lots twenty-nine and <br />thirty. block six. Oakview• Addi- <br />tion to South St. Paul 30 <br />Charles Klein to George' Krou- <br />schroeder, part of section sixteen, <br />Inver Grove 522 <br />Nicholas Mies et al to Peter <br />Nicolas. part of section five: Hamp- <br />ton 1,558 <br />Michael Moes to Nels Wadinan, <br />ghty acres in section fourteen, <br />Eureka. ,;, 5,000 <br />City of South St. Paul to Gott - <br />Leib Schmid (quit -claim), lot ones <br />block two, Linse's sub-diestslon.of <br />Albrecht's out -lots <br />25 <br />F. A. Staneket al to,•Willitun <br />Rauber, lots five to eight,. block <br />two, Samel's Addition to village of <br />Lakeville,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 300 <br />Have One <br />Doctor <br />No sense in running from one <br />doctor to another. Select the <br />best one, then stand by him. <br />Do not delay, but consult him <br />in time when you are sick. <br />Ask his o p i n ion of Ayer's <br />Cherry Pectoral for coughs <br />and colds. Then use it or <br />not, Just as he says. <br />We publish oar formulae <br />Wi tab alcohol <br />tiersfrom our tellieetrtoaea <br />w.cearary`• � du <br />• <br />Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the <br />house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and <br />then, will ward off many an attack of <br />biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. <br />m� many <br />ill ?yeAsk him .0 abdoctor <br />tt theme° <br />�•amssarass. 0.aver es.. arslau. <br />lfbtmum EsTERG <br />Mr. Edmund Doyle, a Dakota <br />County pioneer, died at his home in <br />Maraban last Sunday morning, hav- <br />ing Leased the centenary mark. He Wagon and Carriage Sho . <br />P <br />was born in County Kilkenny, Ire- <br />land, Jan. 1st, 1808, and was married <br />there to Miss Margaret Fitzpatrick. <br />In 1828 they,- came to America, <br />settling in St. 'Lawrence County, N. <br />Y., following the votlation of a farm- <br />er, and in 1853 preempted the farm <br />where be has since lived. Mrs. <br />Doyle died Mar. lath, 1880, at the <br />advanced age o( eighty-three years. <br />While never prominent in public <br />affairs, he had tate confidence and <br />esteem of his •oit3 neighbors during <br />his long resilience in that looality. <br />He leaves a daughter and son, Sister <br />St. James, of 81 Joseph's Academy, <br />St. Paul, and Jamn,ee, of Marshan. <br />There are also fifteen grandchildren, <br />twenty-five great. grandchildren, <br />and nine groat, great, grandchildren. <br />The funeral was held from the <br />Church of the Guardian Angels on <br />Tuesday, at ten a. in., the Rev. 1'. R. <br />Cunningham oficiating. His grand <br />sons were the ;pallbearers. Inter <br />- <br />meat at the church eeinetery by the <br />side of his wife. <br />Mrs, L. B. Meenrriel, of Spring <br />Lake, dial at the German Hospital, <br />West St. Paul, on the 27th ult. She <br />had an operation performed eight <br />days prior, terminating in pleuro <br />pneumonia, which was the immediate <br />cause of her death Visa Sophist <br />Neese was born in Baden, Germany, <br />Nov. 1l th,18 t3 emigrating to Ameri- <br />ca in 1853, locating in 8t. Louis, and <br />coming to Hastings in 1863. She <br />was married here, July 4th, 1867. <br />The following swing they took up a <br />residence at Spring Lake, which has <br />since been their home, Mrs. McCar- <br />riel was greatly beloved, and her death <br />is mourned bya widoeirele of friends <br />in this city. Site leaves a husband <br />and two claughtot'e, Mrs, Minnie Sorg, <br />of SL Paul, and Mina Mary McCar- <br />riel. Tho funeral was hell from -the <br />residence of R. G. leuicm, west Sixth <br />Street, on Sunday, act t.ivo p. tn. In- <br />terment at Lnkt•yi,lc. <br />MRS. ELIZABETH I)EVANEY. <br />Airs. Elizabeth Devaney died at her <br />residence on west Second Street last <br />Sunday night, atter at protracted ill <br />nese, Miss 'Elizabeth Hayes was <br />born In County 'Tipperstry, Ireland, <br />Dee. 8th, 18.41, coming to Newburgh, <br />N. Y., with her Reroute in 1850. She <br />was married there to Michael De,,van- <br />ey iu 1864, they locating in Afarsban <br />the same year. Mr.- lievacey died <br />May 17th, 1901, when site removed <br />into town. By her kind and loving <br />disposition she won the respect and <br />friendship of all who knew her. Be- <br />sides a brother end Qister in New- <br />burgh she leaves two sons and four <br />daughters, D. F. and J. A. Devaney, <br />of Hastings, Mrs. 1'. ll. Meyer, of <br />Sawyer, Mich., Mrs. F. Kelley, of <br />Faribault, Mrs, W. 81. Kane and <br />Mrs. J. J. Rraway, of Hastings. The <br />funeral was held from the Church of <br />the Guardian Angels on Wednesday, <br />at ten a. m., the Rev. P. 11. Cunning- <br />ham officiating. Interment at the <br />church cemetery. <br />Mrs. Adam :Melba died at the resi- <br />dence of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. <br />Norton, iu Lakevtiie, on Sunday, after <br />a protracted illness, 'I'lie news of her <br />death was received with profound <br />sorrow by her tarty friends here. <br />Miss Octavia C. Wiemer was born in <br />Paris, France, Dec. 16th, 1836, and <br />was married nt Darmstadt, Germany, <br />in 1865. They emigrated to America <br />and settled at Dixon, lel., removing <br />to Faribault in 1868, thou to Rochester, <br />coming to Hastings in 1881, and three <br />years ago removed to Lakeville <br />Mfrs. Ruths was »t &Voted wife and <br />mother, with n large circle of friends <br />and acquaintances in this city and <br />vicinity. SIto leaves a husband, n <br />daughter, and two grandchildren. <br />The funeral was held from St. Luke's <br />Church on Wedneytlar, at one p. m., <br />the Rev. Arthur Chard officiating. <br />Interment at Lakeside. <br />Mrs. Jane E. Cotte flied ntthe home <br />of her son Mark last Sunday evening, <br />after a long illness. Miss Jane E. <br />You will find a full line of <br />Wagons, (our own make) surreys, <br />open and top buggies, spring <br />wagons, milk wagons, de- <br />livery wagons, etc. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the best work, using Never Slip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of all kinds. <br />Having added a new planer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your patronage. <br />Dealer in coal and wood. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Office and works, corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets, Hastings. <br />1 <br />BI LLS PAID BY CHECK CK ARE <br />SELDOM DISPUTED. <br />There is a reason. The check you issue in payment, the stub to <br />correspond, and the books of the bank, together with the payee's <br />endorsement, ie a strong chain of tevideucc to contradict. The check <br />itself is a receipt, and is returned to you by the bank. <br />Better hare a checking account and pay bills but once. <br />Any amount is sufficient to start an account. All check books, pass <br />books, and necessary supplies furnished free of charge. <br />German American Bank, <br />L <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />,._..__,- 1 <br />Dock was born in Canada, Mar. 10th, <br />1831, and was married to Mr. Mark <br />Boyd at the age of fifteen. He died <br />in January, 1862, A few years later : LOW RATES <br />she was married to Mr. John Code, <br />who died in 1897. She leaves two <br />sons and four daughters, Mark Boyd, j <br />of Poplar Grove, J. E. Code, of Dun -1 <br />nas, Mrs. Letitia Gifford, of Guthrie, <br />Okla,, Mrs. Anna Heiekert, of Maple- <br />ton, Mrs. Eliza Daniels, of Stanton, <br />and Mrs. Jennie Haserick, of Minne- <br />apolis. There ere thirty grand chil- <br />dren and fifteen great grand children. <br />The funeral was held from the Ger- <br />man Evangelical Church on Wednes- <br />day, at two p. m., the Rev. J. D. Bat- <br />son officiating. Interment at the <br />Castle Rock cemetery. <br />Mr. Luther L. Ellsworth died very <br />suddenly at his home in Randolph <br />on Tuesday evening. That after• <br />noon the hoard met, and as clerk he <br />had been busy with them in transact. <br />ing town business. About half past <br />five ile complained of feeling dizzy <br />and very sick, and a physician was <br />called from Cannon Falls, who pro <br />nounced it a stroke of paralysis. At <br />half past ten the end came. Mr. <br />Ellsworth was born in Forestville, N. <br />Y., Apr. 29th, 1846, coming to Minne- <br />sota with his parents in 1856. He <br />grew to manhood here, and for many <br />years had lived on the farm in Ran• <br />dolpb township. He leaves a wife <br />and four sons, Chester, of Minneapo- <br />lis, Dighton, of Portland, Or., Horace <br />and Luther at home, and a sister, <br />Mrs. Saunders, in California. Mr. <br />Ellsworth was an intelligent and up• <br />right man, as honest as he was capa- <br />ble, and the entire community deep <br />ly regrets his death. The funeral <br />was held from the house yesterday, <br />at half past one p. m. <br />Mr. John J. Bell, a brother of the <br />Bells so long residing in this town, <br />died at Cobb's Hospital on Sunday, <br />aged sixty-nine years. He was never <br />married. The interment will take <br />place at Lakeside Wednesday after. <br />noon under the auspices of Triune <br />Lodge No. 190, Dakota Lodge No. 7 <br />acting as an escort. <br />Marion, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. <br />F. Wilson, on Tenth Street, died <br />yesterday morning after an illness of <br />two weeke, aged one year. The <br />funeral will be held from the house <br />on Sunday, at three p. m., the Rev. <br />R. D. Phillips officiating. Interment <br />at Lakeside. <br />Lenten services, <br />At St. Boniface Church Way of the <br />Cross on Friday evenings. and on Sun- <br />days at half past two p, m. <br />At the Church of the Guardian Angels <br />Way of the Cross on Friday evenings and <br />sermon on Sunday evenings. <br />At St. Luke's Church litany service <br />daily. except Fridays, at four p. m. <br />Evening prayer and sermon Friday <br />evenings. <br />Born. <br />In Hastings, Mar. 2d, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />W. W. Carson, a son. <br />Notice. <br />I hereby announce myself as a eandi <br />date for the office of police justice of the <br />city of Hastings, subject to the action of <br />the republican convention for the nom!. <br />nation of city offcera, and reepeettuffy <br />request the support of the delegate* of <br />the several wards. <br />W. DEW. <br />via <br />Route <br />From Hastings, Minn. <br />Pacific Coast <br />$37.15 to San I'rancisco,Los Angeles <br />and San Diego. $30.40 to Seattle, <br />Portland, Tacoma and Vancouver. <br />Similar rates to other points In <br />California, Oregon, Washington, <br />British Coltmbia, Nevada, Idaho, <br />Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico, <br />Alberta and Sakatebewan. Tickets <br />on sale daily until April 30. . <br />Colorado and Utah <br />$32.50 to Denver, Colorado Springs <br />and Pueblo and return, March 17, <br />April 7 and 21: $44.7o to Salt Lake <br />City and Ogden and return, $38.90 <br />to Butte and Helena and return, <br />$38.90 to Billings, Mont., Basin, <br />Cody and Worland, Wyo., and re- <br />turn. <br />tiomeseekers' Rates <br />Very low round trip rates to prac- <br />tically all points west of the Missouri <br />River on the let and 3rd Tuesdays of <br />March and April. <br />14,000 acres of choicest irrigated land <br />just opened to settlement. Payments <br />on easy terms and everything <br />guaranteed by uncle Sam. Located <br />in Big Horn Basin, Wyo. Buy a <br />homeseeker's ticket and look it up. <br />No matter where you are going this <br />winter I can give you rates, printed <br />matter and useful information. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent, <br />C. 13.SQ.R.R. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />and Smokers' Articles. <br />2(38 Second Street. <br />J. C. LAmnnRG, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />WALIBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN. <br />Hastings, shirr. <br />Undertaking. <br />Funeral Directors. <br />' W. S. Walbridge, State Licensed Embalm r. <br />MONEY TO IRAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm lauds at lowest rates of Interest It will <br />pay you to look us up before borrowing else. <br />where. <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING ASSOCIATION. <br />A. J. SCIIALLE6. rwer•lary <br />J G. MERTZ.f, SON. <br />• Undertaking, <br />Funeral Directors. <br />A 0. Mertz. State Liceneed Embalmer. <br />MAKE HONEY by sending your bides, <br />furs, etc., to us. We pay highest prioes and <br />sell guns, traps, etc., cheap. <br />N. W. t11DR Ac FUR CO., <br />200FIrstStreet N., Minneapolis, Minn. <br />Write for catalogue and price itet. <br />FOR SALE.• <br />Wanted, good tenant for Improved Canadian <br />quarter on boundary llnc. <br />For sale, four hundred and slaty six acres <br />Dakota County Ars: elan farm at Empir•. <br />C. E. REED; <br />Real Estate Broker, <br />Hastings, Minn, <br />