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inewantoweC <br />A tag from a 10 -cent piece will count FULL value <br />A tag from a 5 -cent piece will count HALF value <br />To BACCO <br />with valuable tags <br />Save your tags from <br />SPEAR HEAD J. T. STANDARD NAVY <br />TINSLEY'S 16 -oz. Natural Leaf <br />HORSE SHOE <br />Old Honesty <br />Master Workman <br />Sailor's Pride <br />Granger Twist <br />Plop <br />Eglantine <br />Jolly Tar <br />Old Statesman <br />nig Foci <br />Bleak Bear <br />Old peach <br />Ivy <br />Toomey <br />Bridle IN <br />N. N. Tluslry'' <br />anal teat <br />Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many <br />other useful presents as shown by catalog: <br />Gold Cuff Buttons -50 Tags <br />Fountain Pen -100 Tags <br />English Steel Razor -50 Tags <br />Gentleman's Watch -200 Tags <br />French Briar Pipe -50 Tags <br />Leather Pocketbook -80 Tags <br />Steel Carving Set -200 Tags <br />Best Steel Shears -75 Tags <br />Lady's Pocketbook -50 Tags <br />Pocket Knife -40 Tags <br />Playing Cards— 30 Tags <br />60 -yd. Fishing Reel -60 Tags <br />Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which <br />to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write, <br />us for catalog. <br />PREMIUM DEPARTMENT <br />THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topics. <br />J. P. O'Brien went up to Hopkins <br />yesterday. <br />Mrs. E. B. Putnam was down from <br />St. Paul on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. J. D. Lowe was over froth <br />Prescott on Saturday. <br />Miss Vera V. Wentworth went up <br />to St. Paul yesterday. <br />F. N. W. Schweich was in from <br />Douglas on Saturday. <br />Mrs. A. A. Hicks returned from <br />Rochester on Monday. <br />Mrs. James Shearer was over from <br />Denmark on Saturday. <br />Mrs. J. M. \Villsey left Saturday <br />upon a visit at Elysian. <br />Mrs. Nicholas Richter returned to <br />Wadena on Wednesday. <br />Mrs. D. A. Barton returned from <br />Morris, Ill., on Monday. <br />W. J. Ruhr, of %rshan, went up <br />to St. Cloud on Tuesday. <br />Herman Schwanz was down from <br />luver Grove on Tuesday. <br />G. W. Coates was down from <br />West St. Paul on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Margaret Carroll went up to <br />South St. Paul Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jurisch were <br />down from Minneapolis on Sunday. <br />James Callan and Fred Schwolow, <br />of Eagan, were in town on Thursday. <br />The senior examinations at the <br />high school were completed last week. <br />A handsome new bar and fixtures <br />is beiug put in at the Phoenix Hotel. <br />Mrs. W. 11. Skinner, of St. Paul, <br />is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Reuhen <br />Morey. <br />Robert Carmichael, of Castle Rock, <br />was in town Tuesday, en route for <br />St. Paul. <br />Mrs. S. D. Cecil, of Hamline, is the <br />guest of her sister, Mrs. E. H. <br />Maskrey. <br />Mrs. G. C. Schrimpf, of Robbins - <br />dale, is the guest of Mrs. J. H. <br />Jacobson. <br />Miss Clara Jehle, of Lindstrom, <br />was the guest of Mrs. 0. H. George <br />this week. <br />Mrs. E. E. Smith, of Richmond, <br />Minn., was the guest of Mrs Joseph <br />Dezell yesterday. <br />F. A. Kranz, postal clerk on the <br />Northwestern Road, was over from <br />Elroy on Saturday. <br />W. R. Mather, jr., has put in an <br />elegant new bar and flxtures,received <br />from Minneapolis. <br />Mrs. Charles Houghtaling and <br />Miss Lavanchia Reynolds went up to <br />St. Paul yesterday. <br />Judge F. M. Crosby has potatoes <br />and corn above ground in his garden <br />on west Fifth Street. <br />F. W. Pechacek, of Denmark, re- <br />turned from his trip to the Black <br />Hills on Wednesday. <br />L. H. Boyd will rebuild his resi- <br />dence on Ramsey Street, M. A. <br />Hathaway contractor. <br />A. special session of the county <br />board will he held at the courthouse <br />on Tuesday, 26th inst. <br />Dr. T. A. Brown received a check <br />of $14 57 from the Travelers on Tues- <br />day for recent injuries. <br />Miss Emily Roderick, of Pine <br />Island, is the guest of her uncle, W. <br />J. Wilson, in Douglas. <br />Mrs. J. L. Walker, of St. Paul, <br />was the guest of her mother, Mrs. <br />Henry Zusan this week. <br />Albert Marshall and Edward Ben <br />dine, of Minneapolis, are the guests <br />of Mrs. J. C. Marshall. <br />The ladies of the Church of the <br />Guardian Angels will give a bazar at <br />Workmen Hall, 27th inst. <br />Patrick Lynch, of Burnsville, drew <br />a $7.50 wolf bounty at the county <br />auditor's office on Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ennis, who <br />have been spending the winter at <br />Covina, Cal., returned home on <br />Wednesday. <br />monmimannI=RIA <br />Mrs. Cora Heger and Miss Flor- <br />ence Ptleger, of St. Paul, are the <br />guests of Mrs. Mary Pfleger. <br />H. H. Gokey, of Bird Island, was <br />shaking hands with his many old <br />friends in town on 'Thursday. <br />Miss Grace Champelovier, of St. <br />Paul, was the guest of her sister, <br />Mrs. Fred Wyatt, on Sunday. <br />Michael Serres and Michael Rein- <br />ardy, of Douglas, were in town yes- <br />terday, en route for St. Paul. <br />Miss Anna Larson returned to St. <br />Peter Saturday from a visit with her <br />sister, Mrs. Oscar Stromberg. <br />Mrs. H. C. Lewis went to the <br />Mounds Sanitarium, St. Paul, on <br />Saturday for medical treatment. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reed returned <br />from their winter's visit at Daytona <br />Beach, Fla., Wednesday evening. <br />Mr. and Mrs. August Lorenz, of <br />Rosemount, are visiting her sister, <br />Mrs. William Radke, in Denmark. <br />J. C. Hartin has beeu elected <br />steward of the Commercial Club in <br />place of William Nolan, resigned. <br />Fred. Wyatt went to St. Paul on <br />Sunday with a crew and twelve <br />horses to do a job of street grading. <br />W. A. Cavanaugh, of Chicago, was <br />the guest of his brother Joseph Thurs <br />day, en route home from Winnipeg. <br />Mrs. Frank Rund and Joseph <br />Schmidt, of South St. Paul, were in <br />town Thursday on probate business. <br />C. 0. Hubbell, of Dickiuson, N. D., <br />was the guest of C. P. Sommers Tues- <br />day, en route home from Lanesboro. <br />Mrs. Jess Willey, of Chicago, is <br />the guest of ,Mrs. H. L. Cornell, en <br />route home from a visit in Miles <br />City. <br />Samuel Rowe, of Inver Grove, <br />drew $4 wolf bounty at the county <br />auditor's office on Saturday, for four <br />cubs. <br />I. M. Radabaugh left on Sunday <br />for Watertown to help organize <br />a state jewelers' association in South <br />Dakota. <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Palmer, of <br />Minneapolis, are down upon a visit <br />with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. <br />Palmer. <br />The Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Woltman, <br />of Merriam Park, were the guests of <br />the Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Lathrop <br />over Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Callan <br />went up to St. Paul Saturday, owing <br />to the death of his mother, Mrs. <br />James Callan. <br />Mrs. F. N. Leifeld and Miss Emma <br />Leifeld, of New Trier, left Thurs- <br />day upon a visit in Milwaukee and <br />Brighton, Wis. <br />The concrete floor in the first story <br />of the jail is completed, and the doors <br />are being placed in position and the <br />painting begun. <br />Summer term Brandrupp and Nettleton Busi- <br />ness College, Winona. Minn., opens June 1st. <br />Special rates. Write for catalogue now. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Monday to Mr. Daniel A. Burdash, <br />of St. Paul, and Miss Frieda M. Siels, <br />of South St. Paul. <br />Tho river registered six and nine - <br />tenths feet above low water mark <br />yesterday, a raise of three -tenths in <br />twenty -tour hours. <br />Peter Koppes set up monuments <br />over the graves of Stephen Raetz and <br />Mathias Sadler, in St. Boniface <br />Cemetery', last week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Coltman and <br />Miss Edith Anderson, of St. Paul, <br />were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. <br />Holmquist on Sunday. <br />A marriage license was issued <br />on Wednesday to Mr. Anthony <br />Moeczko and Miss Frances Leuczow- <br />ski, of South St. Paul. <br />George White, a ten year old son <br />of Mrs. W. R. Mather, jr., living on <br />west Fifth Street, dislocated his <br />right elbow by a fall from the limb <br />of a tree on Wednesday, while hunt- <br />ing bird's nests. In falling he struck <br />a barbed wire fence. <br />L. N. Countryman, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of D. B. Truax, having <br />juat returned from his winter's visit <br />at Daytona Beach, Fla. <br />The government lighthouse boat <br />Lily came up from Rock Island <br />Thursday night, leaving supplies for <br />the lights along the river, <br />Misses Margaret McDermott and <br />Mary Ford returned to Cannon Falls <br />on Tuesday from a visit with Misses <br />Delia and Margaret Clark. • <br />Mrs. Benjamin Nash, Mrs. August <br />Stincile, and Mrs. William Bergstrom, <br />of St. Paul, were the guests of Mrs. <br />L. J. Niederkorn on Sunday. <br />A needle four or five inches in <br />length was removed from the tongue <br />of J. T. Wray's cow last Saturday <br />afternoon by J. J. Schmitz, V. S. <br />Mrs. Kate Schott, of Walla Walla, <br />and Mrs. Henry Schreiner, of St. <br />Paul, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Otto Ackerman over Sunday. <br />J. W. Schlueter, a former Haat- <br />ings boy and now a prosperous mer- <br />chant of Dubuque, is visiting bis <br />sister, Mrs. Fred. Ruhr, in Marshal. <br />Senator F. II. Peterson, of Moor- <br />head, and W. A. Coon, of Minneap <br />olis, were here on court business <br />before Judge F. M. Crosby Saturday. <br />Mrs. L. W. Smock, Mise Helen <br />Smock, and Fred. Smock, of Chippe- <br />wa Falls, were in town Wednesday en <br />route to join her husband at Still- <br />water. <br />Mrs. A. H. Griefendorff and Miss <br />Amanda S. Griefendorff, of St. Paul, <br />were among those present at the <br />Breckner.Shumacher wedding on <br />Tuesday. <br />The steamer C. W. Cowles, which <br />has been on the ways at Wabasha, <br />passed up the river Thursday night, <br />ready for the raft and excursion <br />business. <br />Mrs. W. J. Wright, Misses Elise B. <br />and Mildred C. Wright, Mise Laura <br />S. Henry, and Miss Josephine A. <br />Caldwell drove up to St. Paul Park <br />on Saturday. <br />The loss of Mrs. Mary A. Orman <br />was adjusted on Monday by Ackerman <br />& Boynton, agents of the Firemans <br />Fund, $200 on barn and $52.25 dam- <br />ages to house. <br />P. 0. Peterson, of South St. Paul, <br />shipped a car of cattle and hogs from <br />this city and another of cattle from <br />Hampton to South St. Paul stock- <br />yards on Saturday. <br />At the cinch party given by• the <br />ladies of the Church of the Guardian <br />Angels on Wednesday evening four- <br />teen tables were filled, the prizes <br />being taken by Mise Emma Ruff and <br />J. M. O'Brien. <br />Joseph Elm received a check of <br />$150 from the Citizens' Fire Aliso <br />ciation of Mankato last Saturday, <br />insurance on his tenement burned re- <br />cently. Ernest Otte, agent. It was <br />the face of the policy. <br />A stranger named Tom Smith was <br />brought in Thursday by Policeman <br />Farrell, of Rosemount, sentenced <br />by Justice Heinen to ten days in <br />jail for drunkenness. He was taken <br />to Red Wing by Deputy Dunn. <br />Mr. Clark E. Bradley, of Bangor, <br />Wis., and Miss Inez Kiezer, of La <br />Crosse, were married at the latter <br />city on the 6th inst. They arrived <br />here Monday evening upon a wedding <br />trip, the guests of her cousins, B. 0. <br />and W. C. Pittenger. <br />The 8t. Paul Pioneer Press con• <br />Last is attracting considerable shell. <br />tion in this county. Among the <br />leading candidates are Miss Kate <br />Shubert, Hastings, Mise Madie <br />Devitt and Miss Sadie Walsh, of <br />Rosemount, Mies Lillian Drake and <br />MINI Winifred Maltby, of Rich <br />Valley, Miss Alice Haase and Mise <br />Mary Callahan, of Mendota. Bach <br />one of these young ladies have over <br />forty thousand votes to their credit, <br />and Miss Kate Shubert over fifty <br />thousand. <br />Tramps are reported to bare broken <br />foto a car loaded with baled straw <br />near the asylum grounds Wednesday <br />night, burning a quantity to keep <br />them warm, and charring the interior <br />of the car. The dripper was A. W. <br />Wilson, of Niniuger. <br />Another work train, in clta rgo of <br />Con. P. Henderson, arrived here <br />Wednesday to assist in the double <br />track work at East Ilastin;is, and a <br />pile driver new, in charge of J. B. <br />McGuire, is putting in a new bridge <br />at million Sloagh. <br />For hat good eight room house on <br />west Seventh Street. Fine cellar. cistern, <br />and well. Mrs. P. A. RENOSTROlr. <br />Among those in attendance at the <br />funeral or Mr. I' 3 Larpenteur on <br />Wednesday were Mrs. Emily- Zenzius, <br />C. L Zenzius. Mrs Stella Robertson, <br />Mrs. Josephine Barron, Mr. and Mrs. <br />W C. King, Mies Elmira L., Aurelia <br />M., and Althea R. King, 0. B. King, <br />and C M. King, of St. Paul. <br /> <br />A very pretty wedding took place <br />at St. Boniface Cbercb on Tuesday, at <br />half pant nine a. m., that of Mr. <br />Andrew Breckner and Miss Margaret <br />Schumacher, the Rev. Conrad Ulutz <br />rosier officiating. .Hiss Eva Hauer <br />was bridesmaid, and Mr. Charles <br />Breekner best.tnatt.- The ushers were <br />C. J. Ruetz and 1. P. Meyer. .Miss <br />Mary Kranz presided, at the organ. <br />The bride wore- a cream silk, with <br />hat to match, and carried a white <br />prayer book. .Miss Il;µrer a white <br />silk, hat to match, and carried a butt. <br />quet of white carnations and swttn- <br />zonias. At the dose of the nuptial <br />high mass a reception Has given :it <br />the home of the bride's parents, Jlr. <br />and Mrs. Acton Schumacher, in the <br />fourth ward, confined principally to <br />relatives and immediate friends. <br />They are both popular young people, <br />and received a number of handsome <br />presentsThey will take up a resi <br />deuce on T -ler Street, and their many <br />friends extend hearty congratulation.. <br />The World'. Beet Climate <br />Is not entirely free from disease..on the <br />high elevations fevers prevail. while on <br />the lower levels malaria is encountered <br />to a greater or less extent, according to <br />altitude. To overcome climate affections <br />lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, <br />fever and ague, and general debility, the <br />moat effective remedy if; Electric Bitters. <br />the great alterative and blood purifier; <br />the antidote for every form of bodily <br />weakness, nervousness, and insomnia. <br />Sold under guarantee at Rude's drug <br />stere. Price 50c. <br />A Sunday Maze. <br />Fire broke out iu the barn of Mrs. <br />Diary A. Orman, ou east Fifth Street, <br />Sunday afternoon, from unk own <br />causes, and it was totally consoled. <br />A team of J. F. Ormau and a horse <br />of Edward Morgan, of Vermillion, <br />narrowly escaped crematiou. The <br />flames extended to the baru of D. W. <br />McEwen, occupied by H. A. Glen- <br />denning, and the barn of Mrs. P. F. <br />Kranz, occupied by F. A. Fieseler, <br />and both were a total loss, with a <br />large quantity of Connecticut leaf <br />tobacco belonging to Mr. Fieseler <br />-RQur or five adjacent residences also <br />took fire, but were saved by the hard <br />work of the department. The loss <br />is reported covered by insurance. <br />Where is <br />Your Hair? <br />In your comb? Why so? Is <br />not the head a much better place <br />for it? Better keep what is left <br />where it belongs! Ayer's Hair <br />Vigor, new improved formula, <br />quickly stops falling hair. <br />There is not a particle of doubt <br />about it. We speak very posi- <br />tively about this, for we know. <br />IAM not change the color of the hair. <br />Aye <br />Formula with each bottle <br />p show it to your <br />doctor <br />rs Ask him about it, <br />then do as he .ye <br />Indeed, the one great leading feature of <br />our new Hair Vigor may well be said to <br />be this—it stops falling hair. Then it <br />goes one step further—it aids nature in <br />restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy <br />condition. Ask for "the new kind." <br />made by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. <br />Go=Carts. <br />Like above <br />only $5.50. <br />CALL AND SEE. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />&Son, <br />Hastings, -, Minn. <br />obituary. <br />Mr. Ambrose Stotesbery died at <br />his home in Denmark last Friday <br />afternoon, from heart trouble. Three <br />weeks ago be was stricken with <br />paralysis. He was born in Canada, <br />July 8th, 1828, and married there to <br />Miss Anna l.angerfield, settling in <br />Wasbiugtou County iu the catty '50e. <br />His vocation was that of a farmer. <br />lie leaves a wife, three daughters, <br />and four sons, Mrs. Arthur Louden, <br />Delia, Eliza, Alfred F., Samuel W., <br />George A., and 'Edward, all of Den- <br />mark; also two grandchildren. The <br />funeral was held from St. Mary's <br />Church, Basswood grove, oh Mon <br />clay, at two p. rule, the Rev. Arthur <br />Chani officiating. Interment at the <br />church cemetery. <br />Mrs. James Callan, of Eagan, diets <br />at the home of her son in St. Paul <br />on Saturday, after a protracted <br />illness, aged seventy four years. <br />Miss Elizabeth Hardt was born in <br />Ohio, married at Cleveland, and they <br />located in Dakota County in 1853, <br />being among our oldest residents. <br />She leaves a husband, seven sons, <br />and two daughters, Benjamin, of <br />Hastings, Bernard, Frank, and <br />Robert, of St. Paul, Andrew, of <br />Eagan, Charles, of Canada, James 8., <br />of Inver Grove, Mra. 'Phomas Hand - <br />ran, of St. Patti, and Mrs. Robert <br />Watson, of Eagan. The funeral was <br />held from St. Peter's Church, <br />Mendota, on Monday, at ten a. tn. <br />Mr. Frank Ii. Larlxmteur died at. <br />his residence on Fourth Street Mon- <br />day nfternoon from kidney trouble, <br />•tfter au illuees of less than a week. <br />The aunouucetusatt was a great bur - <br />prise to the community, his sickness <br />not being generally known. Mr. <br />Larpenteur was born in Baltimore, <br />Md., June 9th, 1835, removing to St. <br />Paul in 1849, and married to <br />Miss Althea E. Smith at Zutn- <br />brota, Feb. 9th, 1861. They <br />lived some time on a farm in <br />Goodhue County, coming to Hastings <br />in the fall of 1872. Mrs. Larpenteur <br />died Oct. 17th, 1904. M. Larpen- <br />teur was engaged in the livery busi- <br />ness, a well known and esteemed citi- <br />zen. He leaves threedaugbtere, Mre. <br />W. C. King and Mrs. Alice F. <br />Howard, of 8t. Paul, and Mrs. Hor- <br />tense Kayler, of this city. There are <br />two sisters, Mrs. Emily Zenzius and <br />Mrs. Joseph Lefebvre, in St. Paul, <br />and a brother in Paris. The <br />funeral was held frons the Church <br />of the Guardian Angels on Wednes- <br />day, the Rev. P. R. Cunningham <br />officiating. Interment at Lakeside. <br />Mrs. Lena Cysiewske, widow of <br />Anton Cysiewske, died at her home <br />iu Vermillion on Sunday of last week <br />from paralysis, after a long illness, <br />aged sixty-two years. She was an <br />old and highly esteemed resident of <br />that town, and had many friends in <br />this vicinity. She leaves two sons <br />and two daughters, Thomas, of Ver. <br />million, Joseph, of St. Paul, Mrs. <br />Joseph Henschel, of Kansas City, <br />and Mrs. Joseph Cook, of St. Paul. <br />The funeral was held from St. <br />Mathias' Church, Hampton, on the <br />following Wednesday, at ten a. in., <br />the Rev. Robert Schlinkert officiating <br />Interment at the church cemetery. <br />-- <br />Mrs John Schack, an early and <br />highly esteemed resident of Douglas, <br />died on Wednesday after a brief ill- <br />ness, at the advanced age of eighty-four <br />years. His wife died four years ago. <br />He was a well known farmer, and <br />bad many friends in this vicinity. <br />He leaves six sons and three daugh- <br />ters, Mrs. Michael Feidt, of Douglae, <br />Mrs. Nicholas Theis, of Hampton, <br />an(1 Mrs. Mary Strauss, of Clara <br />City. The funeral was held from St. <br />Mary's Church, New Trier, yesterday, <br />at ten a. m., the Rev, Robert Schlin- <br />kert officiating. Interment at the <br />church cemetery. <br />Margaret E., infant daughter of <br />Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan, of <br />Denmark, died yesterday from con- <br />vulsions, aged one year and three <br />months. The funeral will be held to- <br />day, at ten a, tn., with interment at <br />the Guardian Angels Cemetery. The <br />Rev. P. R. Cunningham will officiate <br />at the grave. <br />NEW TOWNS IN WASHINGTON. <br />Chicago, Milwaukee, ! St. Past BY. <br />Five new towns to be established this <br />month in Whitman County, in tile pro- <br />ductive Palouse dtstriet of eastern <br />Washington. Town lots on sale at Spo- <br />kane. Great opportunity for business <br />men and investors to invest their money <br />profitably. For lots in Seabury and <br />Pandora, sale will be held May 25th; for <br />lots in Kenova and Palisade, May 28th; <br />for lots in Maiden, May 27th. All sales <br />by auction. Further information from <br />F. A. Miller, general passenger agent, <br />Chicago. <br />1.0.0 T. <br />The following officers of Swea <br />Lodge No. 4 were installed on the <br />5th inst. by Edward Anderson, lodge <br />deputy: <br />C. T,—Hans Anderson. <br />V. T.—Mrs. J. A. Holmquist. <br />Rec. Secretary.—Mica Ebbs Nelson. <br />Asst. Secretary.—Mrs. E. Anderson. <br />Fix &cretary.—MissEminaHolmquIsl. <br />Treasurer.—John Benson, jr. <br />Marshal.—J. H. Jacobson. <br />Asst. Marshal.—John Johnson. <br />I. G.—Mrs. August Johnson. <br />0. 0.—F. A. Swanson. <br />P. C. T.—August Johnson. <br />J. G. Johnson was recommended <br />as lodge deputy. <br />'iara. <br />In Hastings, May loth, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />W. E. Moore, a son. <br />In Hastings. May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />J. N. Lorentz, a son. <br />In Hastinge, May Ilth. to Mr. and <br />Mre. James Peterson, a daughter. <br />At Vermillion. May lith, to Mr. and <br />Mrs. Nicholas Ries, a daughter. <br />Use A <br />NEW PFMFECHON <br />Wick Blue Flame Oil CookStove <br />Because it's clean. <br />Because it's econom- <br />ical. <br />Because it saves <br />time. <br />Because it gives best <br />cooking results. <br />Because its flame <br />regulatedcan be stantl <br />Because it will not overheat your kitchen. <br />Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. <br />Because it is the perfected oil stove. <br />For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, <br />or write our nearest agency. <br />Made in three sizes and fully warranted. <br />TYIcannot be equaled <br />a for its bright and <br />steaky simple *construction <br />sad absoluteY• <br />latest ofEquipped <br />throughout <br />and bei nickeled. An ornament to any room, <br />whether library, Mktg -room, parlor or bedroom. Every <br />l. warranted. Write to our nearest agency it not at <br />iIIITANDABD Oa COMPANY <br />(ta aPI*A ) <br />ESTABLISHED 1858. <br />AT F. E. ESTERGREEN'S <br />Wagon, Carriage, and <br />Repair Shop <br />You will find a large stock of good, reliable, stylish, and well made vehicles <br />of all kinds. Farmer's combination two seat spring wagon and extension <br />top surreys. Runabouts and bike wagons in both steel and rubber tires. <br />We have a few bargains in second hand buggies; come in and see them, get <br />prices and be convinced that we can give you better service, being in the <br />business, than any dealer. Being fitted up with power and machinery we <br />can do your repair work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. We are <br />also prepared to do rubber tiring of all kinds. On plow work we can not be <br />beateu, as we have recently got a new plow man, one of tine best in the state, <br />and can guarantee you better work than ever. We do all kinds of resawing, <br />planing, and jointing. All kinds of painting. Bring In your old buggies <br />and have them repaired and repainted; we make them look as good as new. <br />All work guaranteed. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN, <br />Telephone 26. Hastings, Minn. <br />Office and works corner Fifth and Vermfllioo Streets. <br />1 <br />Where Are You Going for <br />Your Vacation? <br />If you have not decided, let me tell you all about <br />the railroad round trip rates this sulnrner to <br />Colorado <br />Yellowstone Park <br />Pacific Coast <br />and many other parts of the West and Northwest. I will give <br />you illustrated folders describing the routes, scenery and <br />climate and giving list of hotels and boarding houses with <br />rates of board. <br />I will quote you rates (very low this year) from your home <br />town and will plan your whole trip. See me to -day. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent. <br />C. B.&Q.R.R. <br />CONTROL YOUR FINANCES. <br />If you knew that during the next twelve months your expendi- <br />tures would equal your income, you would want to change things, <br />wouldn't you. <br />A checking account will give you a complete record of each <br />month's receipts and expenditures. You will have up -to date knowl- <br />edge of your financial affairs. It is a good plan to pay all bills by <br />check. <br />We furnish you a bank book and checks free. We offer excep- <br />tional advantages for carrying checking accounts. <br />German American Bank, <br />IL <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />arid Smokers' Artists.. <br />208 Second Street. <br />J. C. ItArmBH$G, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />WALBRiDGE BROS. & RYAN, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />Undertaking. <br />Funeral Directors. <br />W. 8. Walbridge, State Licensed Embalmer. <br />EGGS FOR HATCHING. <br />single Comb Buff Orpiagtons Il per 15. Single <br />Comb White and Brown Leghorn 76o per 1a. <br />Some choice yearling stock Si lash, Ito pet dos. <br />Best of stook and sats deliver, guanateed. <br />~ fit! RLI=IE ISLAND POULTRY PARK. <br />M. Egalestoa. attar. <br />M ONEY TO IRAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm lands at lowest rates of interest. It will <br />pay you to look us up before borrowing else. <br />where. <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING CA�SSOCIATION. <br />A. J. SCHALLsa. Secretary <br />BIGGEST SNAP EVER. <br />The Fred. Kirchner house on Third Street, kW. <br />Wantedhase four <br />hundred and eightwo ty acres firsmen t land, near <br />good town, on the crop payment plan. No crop, <br />no payment, Look this up. C. E. REED, <br />Real Estate Broker, Itastings, Minn. <br />TG. MERTZ & SON. - <br />d. <br />Undertaking, <br />Funeral Directors. <br />A A. Martz, State LiNased Embalmer. <br />Wee. Wsesellsmisreeweit <br />