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A tag from a 10 -cent piece will count FULL Vann <br />A tag from a 5 -cent piece will count HALF vales <br />Mia" Lillian IT e, of Rie VII - <br />ley, was in tows 8eay. She is <br />one of the leading csaidates. in The <br />Pioneer Yrs conteC' '.' <br />Mr. and Mrs. LA IC -Hebert and <br />Miss Pearl Hebert, nt, Minneapolis, <br />were the guests of ,Mrs. Harvey <br />Doten on Wednesday. <br />Mre. Andrew Blowgnist, of Minne- <br />apolis, was the guest of her brothers, <br />J. P. and C. A. Hanson, yesterday, <br />en route for Bed Wing. <br />N. B. Gergen, P. W. Mullaby, A. <br />L. Johnson, and J. P. Doffing went <br />up to St. Paul yesterday to attend the <br />sportsmen's tournamettk. <br />Howard Hitaman, of Phoenix, Ara., <br />and Herald Hitsmau, of Jamestown, <br />N. D., were the guestaie their cousin, <br />Raymond Norway, t it'keek. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J.' M. Langeofield <br />went out to Vermillion Thursday to <br />attend the closing exercises of •Miss <br />Clara M. Langenfeld's school <br />r.►rne.t rooms. beet expert in- <br />ciit�ysoetion, eaooeasful lm trat.e, Brandru .i <br />Y.ttleton nuances Collese, 11'luon.. Minn. <br />Ask for catalogue. <br />An inspector is hero from Wash- <br />ington, D. C., inspecting the applies - <br />Moos of aliens to be admitted to <br />citizenship under the new law. <br />The ladies' working band of the <br />Presbyterian Church realized about <br />$25 from their tea given at Mrs. L. <br />H. Voigt's on Tuesday evening. <br />The bazar given by the ladies of <br />the Church of the Guardian Angels an <br />Wednesday was a financial success, <br />the attendance being quite large. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Freiermutb <br />and Mr. and Mrs. George Freiermuth, <br />of New Trier, were the guests of Ald. <br />and Mrs. Peter Fasbender Wednesday. <br />Mrs. Gregor Nelson, of Prescott, <br />was in town yesterday, eu route home <br />from Menomonie, where she attended <br />the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Hans <br />PrClauice. <br />dius Donndelinger, formerly <br />of this city, removed bis family from <br />Mianeapolia to LaCrosse last week, <br />where he is manager for Swift & <br />Co. <br />Let the Johnson -Miller Hardware Com- <br />pany store your stove. They have the <br />best facilities in Hastings. <br />T. M. Hodgman and the Rev. A. <br />B. Driscoll were here on Wednes <br />day in the interests of Macalester <br />College, the guests of the Rev. R. L. <br />Lewis. <br />The building committee of the <br />Presbyterian Church has placed an <br />order for windows with Forman, <br />Ford, & Co., of Minneapolis, at a cost <br />of $800. <br />Miss Stella Hardy and Miss Edna <br />Seng, of St. Paul, were the guests of <br />Misses Sarah M. and Kathryn M. <br />Kleis, at the Gardner House, on <br />Sunday. <br />H. D: Palmer, of Minneapolis, is <br />district manager for the Brotherhood <br />of American Yeomen, and intends <br />instituting a homestead in this city <br />shortly. <br />Mise Clara M. Langenfeld closed <br />her term of school in District 35, <br />Vermillion, Thursday afternoon with <br />an enjoyable rhetorical and musical <br />programme. <br />The marriage of Mr. P. J. Fasben- <br />der, of this city, and Miss Regina <br />Zilliox, of St. Paul, will take place <br />at St. Agnea Church next Tuesday, <br />at nine a. m. <br />A. C. Darr has sold his residence <br />in the fourth ward to C. H. Reed, of <br />Duluth, for $925. The latter will <br />remove here at once, ,gud Mr. Dorr <br />goes to St. Paul. <br />Save money on your hardware bills by <br />trading with the Johnson -Miller Hard- <br />ware Company, Hastings. <br />The monthly meeting of the Bee- <br />thoven Club will be held at Mrs. M. <br />L. Chapin's studio, June 8th, it hav- <br />ing been postponed a week on account <br />of commencement. <br />Mrs. J. P. Hedin returned from <br />St. Peter yesterday, where she at- <br />tended the graduation Of her daugb <br />ter, Miss Emma A. Hedin, at the <br />Gustavus -Adolphus College. <br />At the practice meeting of the gun <br />club on Tuesday evening P. W. <br />Mallany made the highest score, <br />twenty out of a poesible twenty-five <br />at blue rocks, sixteen yards rise. <br />J. A. Holmquist, of this city, has <br />been appointed as one of the state <br />delegates to the World's Centennial <br />Temperance Convention at Saratoga <br />Springs, N. T.,June 14th to 24th. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coates, of St. <br />Paul, Mies Mollie Helwig, of Minne- <br />apolis, and Mr. and Mre. James Dar- <br />by, of Bed Wing, were the guests of <br />Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Morse yesterday. <br />Owners of automobiles are request- <br />ed to give the Peiler Post veterans a <br />lift to the cemetery on Saturday, as <br />many of them are now too feeble to <br />walk from the oonrtbouse to Lake- <br />side. <br />The Rev. Arthur Chard went down <br />to Red Wing on Monday to attend the <br />tnneral of Mr. 8. B. Foot, and from <br />there to Faribanit to . the commence- <br />ment exercises of Seabury Divinity <br />School. <br />TOBACCO <br />with valuable tags <br />Save your tags frofi .L , i, <br />h . <br />SPEAR HEAD J. T. STANDARD NAVY <br />TINSLEY'S 16 -oz. Natural Leaf <br />HORSE SHOE <br />Old Honesty <br />Piaster Workman <br />Sailor's Pride <br />Granger Twist <br />Pbk <br />Eglantine <br />Jolty Tar <br />Old Statesman <br />3Ig Four <br />amok Isar <br />Old Poach <br />Ivy <br />Tett smsy <br />Ides IN <br />W. N. TmIsy's <br />NNW tat <br />Tags from the above brands are good for the following and may <br />other useful presents as shown by catalog: <br />Gold Cuff Buttons -50 Tags <br />Fountain Pen -100 Tags <br />English Steel Razor -50 Tags <br />Gentleman's Watch -200 Tags <br />French Briar Pipe -50 Tags <br />Leather Pocketbook -80 Tags <br />Steel Carving Set -200 Tags <br />Best Steel Shears -75 Tags <br />Lady's Pocketbook -50 Tags <br />Pocket Knife -40 Tags <br />Playing Cards -30 Tags <br />60 -yd. Fishing Reel -60 Tags <br />Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which <br />to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags- redeemed at home, write <br />us for catalog. <br />PREMIUM DEPARTMENT <br />THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topics. <br />J. 0. Hedin was in from Douglas <br />on Saturday. <br />W. H. Wescott, of Eagan, was in <br />town yesterday. <br />J. F. Brown was over from Pres- <br />cott Wednesday. <br />G. B. Wilson is down from Vivian, <br />S. D., upon a visit. <br />E. B. Dehrer, of Inver Grove, was <br />in town on Thursday. <br />Jacob Haebe was down from West <br />St. Paul on Thursday. <br />Mrs. W. T. Bennette returned to <br />LaCrosse on Monday. <br />Mrs. Andrew Ryan went up to <br />Minneapolis yesterday. <br />Mrs. Arthur Chard went out to <br />Farmington on Tuesday. <br />Rudolph Wilhelmy was down from <br />South Park on Wednesday. <br />Andrew Oberg was down from <br />Inver Grove on Wednesday. <br />Peter Birchen has been added to <br />the force at the roundhouse. <br />The public schools closed on Thurs- <br />day for the summer vacation. <br />Louie Horback and son were clown <br />from Inver Grove on Saturday. <br />Mrs. A. D. Hill, of Minneapolis, is <br />the guest of Mrs. Samuel White. <br />John Pasch, of Hampton, was <br />among our Wednesday's callers. <br />Mrs. W. H. Norway left yesterday <br />upon a visit at Long Lake, Minn. <br />Mrs. Mary E. Conley was down <br />from Minneapolis on Wednesday. <br />Mrs. J. C. Fitch returned yester- <br />day from a visit at Florence, Ala. <br />Mrs. L. E. Tollefson and son left <br />yesterday upon a visit in Winona. <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Palmer went <br />up to Lake Minnetonka Saturday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frank went up <br />to Minneapolis to spend Sunday. <br />A. J. Clure has removed from New <br />Rockford, N. D., to Long Beach, Cal. <br />E. J. Fasbender is assisting in the <br />county treasurer's office during the <br />rush. <br />L. F. Rosenbaum went down to <br />Zumbrota on Tuesday for a couple of <br />weeks. <br />Mrs. Emanuel Arlea, of Farming- <br />ton, is the guest of Mrs. Hokan <br />Arlen. <br />A dancing party will be given at <br />the asylum auditorium next Tuesday <br />evening. <br />Miss Maud C. Benjamin came <br />down from St. Paul to spend Sunday <br />at home. <br />A M. Higgins was down from <br />Minneapolis Wednesday on legal <br />business. <br />Mrs. G. W. Speakes and Mrs. John <br />Dick went up to Minneapolis on <br />Tuesday. <br />Mrs. E. T. Davis, of St. Paul, is <br />the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. L. <br />Barnum. <br />Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Colley and <br />children left Monday upon a visit <br />at Milaca. <br />Mrs. Hubert Thomas left Tuesday <br />upon a visit in Oshkosh and <br />Milwaukee. <br />Miss Emma M. Hyland, of Minnea- <br />polis, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. <br />C. G. Ames. <br />Chief Nolan has unearthed the <br />old city plat book among the rubbish <br />in one of the unused cells at the <br />lock up. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Oman and <br />daughter lett yesterday upon a visit <br />at Cass Lake. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hanson and <br />son carne down from St. Paul to <br />spend Sunday. <br />Mrs. T. A. Thayer, of Red Wing, <br />was the guest of Mrs. Joseph Dezell <br />on Wednesday. <br />Miss Mae E. Stumpf, teacher in <br />District 20, Rich Valley, was in <br />town Saturday. <br />Miss Nellie Parker, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Mrs. J. H. Jacob- <br />son on Sunday. <br />Miss Augusta Peterson, of Wen- <br />dell, was the guest of Mrs. W. D. <br />Ames, at Etter. <br />The young men of Cottage Grove <br />gave a social hop at their Masonic <br />Hall last evening. <br />J. J. Gergen, station agent at Ver- <br />million, was in town Thursday, en <br />route for St. Paul. <br />Mrs. Christian Young, of St. Paul, <br />is here upon a visit with her mother, <br />Mrs. Henry Zusan. <br />Miss Katherine Burns, of Lake <br />City, was the guest of Mrs. John <br />[lusting on Sunday. <br />Mrs. E. M. Kauffman and (laugh= <br />ter, of Hampton, were the guests of <br />Mrs. G. W. Becker. <br />Miss Bertha Heinen, of Rosemount, <br />is the guest of her cousin, Miss <br />Walburga G. Gneng. <br />Philip Schweich, of Argyle, was in <br />town Wednesday, en route home from <br />a visit in Milwaukee. <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hubbard, of <br />St. Paul, are the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. F. D. Hubbard. <br />Mrs. Caleb Truax went up to St. <br />Paul yesterday to attend the funeral <br />of Mr. Addis Messenger. <br />Mrs. M. J. Swetlan and J. M. <br />Swetlan, of Cottage Grove, went up <br />to St. Paul on Thursday. <br />Mrs. Rudolph Peters and son, of <br />Livingston, Mont., are the guests of <br />Mrs. C. H. Hetherington. <br />P. J. Reinardy, of Marsban, is <br />building a smokehouse, Peter Schmitz, <br />of New Trier, contractor. <br />N. G. Wagner has completed the <br />repairs on the store buildiog next to <br />Engel's, Vermillion Street. <br />An enjoyable May party was given <br />by the young people at Workman <br />Hall on Wednesday evening. <br />Col. and Mrs. T. J. Sheehan, of St. <br />Paul, are the guests of her sister, <br />Mrs. Anna J. Hetherington. <br />Esther, a nine year old daughter <br />of W. A. Louden, in Denmark, is re- <br />ported quite ill with measles. <br />Supt. C. W. Meyer, of this city, <br />and J. N. Rotty, of Vermillion, went <br />out to Credit River yesterday. <br />Miss Edith Fisher, of Lakeland, <br />was in town yesterday, en route home <br />froom a visit in Cottage Grove. <br />Miss Maud H. Karpen, of Milwau- <br />kee, is here upon a visit with her <br />mother, Mrs. Hilarius Karpen. <br />Mrs. John McDevitt, of St. Paul, <br />is the guest of her sister, Miss <br />Margaret M. Duna, in Nininger. <br />Mrs. A. C. Newell and Miss Louise <br />Newell, of Morris, were the guests of <br />her father, Mr. Michael McHugh. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Bat. Steffen left Mon- <br />day evening for Port Washington <br />to attend the wedding of his nephew, <br />Mr. J. J. Steffen, and Miss Christina <br />E. Gesener. <br />Ink <br />Mrs. Mary Meeks and Miss Eleanor <br />H. Meeks left on Thursday for their <br />new home at Ocean Springs, Miss. <br />Mrs. Harriet Mavis is down from <br />Grey Cloud upon a visit with her sis- <br />ter, Mrs. Joseph McCoy, in Ravenna. <br />Miss Ilelen Irene Meyer, of this <br />city, graduates at the Lasalle Semi- <br />nary, Auburndale, Mass., June 9th. <br />Miss Winnifred Dudley, of Minne- <br />apolis, was the guest of her grand- <br />father, Mr. J. C. Dudley, on Sunday. <br />Emery Mabin and Mise Sadie <br />Mabin, of St. Paul, were the guests <br />of Mrs. J. H. McCreary on Saturday. <br />Knute Tollefson, of Eureka, drew <br />a wolf bounty of *6 for six cube at <br />the county auditor's offloe yesterday. <br />Miss Pearl B. Nemerotoeky, who <br />has been attending school here, lett <br />for her home in Red Wing yesterday. <br />Mrs. A. D. Hill, of Minneapolis, <br />and Mrs. A. S. Munger, of St. Paul <br />Park, were the guests of Mrs. Peter <br />Koppes. <br />Lee Harris, of Farmington, was <br />among those in attendance at the <br />funeral of Mrs. Harriet Fosler on <br />Tuesday. <br />Tine river registered twelve feet <br />above low water mark yesterday, a <br />raise of three and three -tenths during <br />the week. <br />The dog shot by Chief Nolan last <br />week was pronounced affected with <br />rabies by the state bacteriological de- <br />partment. <br />Fred. Strieble, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of his cousins, Misses <br />Helen and Elizabeth Stroechein, <br />yesterday. <br />Misses Anna and Minnie Frederick- <br />son, of Etter, were the guests of <br />Misses Mamie J. and Louise Olson <br />on Sunday. <br />Mrs. Chloe Truax came down from <br />Minneapolis Monday to spend the <br />summer with her daughter, Mrs. W. <br />E. Temple. <br />Mrs. John Kesel, of Vermillion, and <br />Miss Gertrude Schweich, of Hemp <br />ton, were in town Tuesday, en route <br />for St. Paul. <br />Victor Johnson completed the <br />mason work upon Quealy & Devaney's <br />new garage , on Vermillion Street <br />last Saturday. <br />F. J. Ficker is now yardmaster, <br />and L. C. Snyder day brakeman. F. <br />F. Engels is piloting a construction <br />train at Etter. <br />J. N. Rotty closed a successful <br />term of school in District 36, Ver- <br />million, last Saturday with an en- <br />joyable picnic. <br />T. J. Brady & Son put in a new <br />set of standard scales in front of their <br />place of business on Vermillion Street <br />on Wednesday. <br />A number of our young people <br />attended a pleasant dancing party at <br />Walter Keetley's, Marahan, on Wed- <br />nesday evening. <br />Mies Elizabeth Kalkes and Mies <br />Tillie Sersen, of Bt. Paul, were the <br />guests of Mrs. Ferdinand Qeng and <br />Mrs. J. M. Wasser. <br />Miss Kate Brackin, of Prescott, <br />was the guest of Miss Rosamond <br />Atz, at the home of Mrs. Arthur <br />Chard, on Tuesday. <br />Very few dogs are wearing a mex- <br />zle, ae required by the mayor's pros <br />lamation. It should either be en- <br />forced or withdrawn. <br />Washington, is., were tendered a <br />delightful reception et the Phenix <br />Hotel on Thursday evening. They <br />left yesterday upon a wedding trip to <br />St. Paul. <br />Mathias Kimmes, of Marahan, ' has <br />sold his house on Tyler Street, <br />occupied by Bernard Kirohens, to <br />Mathias Siebenaler, of Vermillion, <br />for $1,050, who will move into town <br />next fall. <br />Marriage licenses were issued on <br />Thursday toMr.Emil Bechtle,ot South <br />St. Paul, and Miss Rosie Betz, of <br />Lakeville, and Mr. John Bhellenbar- <br />ger and Miss Florence DiIley, of <br />Castle Rock. <br />W. L. Beebe, baetereologist of the <br />state Live Stock Sanitary Board at <br />St. Anthony Park, visited our city <br />and vicinity yesterday to inoculate <br />cattle afflicted with a disease similar <br />to black leg. <br />Twenty-five members of Pfiler <br />Post No. 89 attended memorial!ser- <br />vices in a body at St. Luke's Church <br />last Sunday morning, and listened to <br />an eloquent sermon by the Rev. <br />Arthur Chard. <br />The masses at St. Boniface Church <br />on Sunday will be held et 7:30 and <br />9:30 a. w., for the accommodation of <br />those going to Minneapolis to attend <br />the laying of thecorner stone of the <br />pro -cathedral. <br />This is excellent weather to give <br />the split log drag a teat on Second <br />Street. If the street committee do <br />not know how to build one, the Rev. <br />E. R. Lathrop will furnish plans and <br />specifications. <br />Accompanying the remains of Mrs. <br />John Felton from Si Paul Thursday <br />were her husband, parents, brothers, <br />and sisters, Benjamin Felton, of St. <br />Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. August <br />Cordes, of Prescott. <br />The social given at the school- <br />house in District 20, Rich Valley, <br />Friday evening for the benefit of the <br />organ fund was a very enjoyable <br />affair, netting d12. Miss Mae E. <br />Stumpf is the teacher. <br />H. E. •Scott, representiog the <br />Columbus buggies and automobiles, <br />be just returned from a business <br />trip to Porto Rico, and is the guest <br />of his brothers, A. A. and W. E. <br />Scott, after an absence of six years. <br />A bad washout occurred on the <br />river division Thursday night, between <br />Waoouta and Lake City, the trains <br />being delayed about half a day. The <br />Burlington trains were also run over <br />the Milwaukee tracks owing to a bad <br />washout at Bay City. It is reported <br />that sixteen freight ears are ditched <br />there, and three tramps killed. <br />ESTABLISHED 1858. <br />AT F. E. ESTERGREEN'S <br />Wagon, Carriage, and <br />Repair Shop <br />You will find a large stock of good, reliable• stylish, and well made vehicles <br />of all kinds. Farmer's combination two seat spring wagon and extension <br />top surreys. Runabouts and bike wagons in both steel and rubber tires. <br />We have a few bargains in second hand buggies; come iu and see them, get <br />prices and be convinced that we can give you better service, being in the <br />business, than any dealer. Being fitted up with power and machines we <br />can do your repair work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. We are <br />also prepared to do rubber tiring of all kinds. On plow work we can not be <br />beaten, as we have recently got a new plow man, one of the best in the state, <br />and can guarantee you better work than ever. We do all kinds of resawing, <br />planing, and jointing. All kinds of painting. Bring in your old buggies <br />and have them repaired and repaiuted; we make them look as good as new. <br />All work guaranteed. <br />F. E. EST E RG RE E N, <br />Telephone a6. <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />Office and works corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets. <br />Best Trips for <br />Your Vacation <br />Colorado $26 Round Trip <br />Colorado has a more invigorating and enjoyable summer climate and a <br />greater variety of opportunity for outdoor recreation and sport than any <br />other state in Americfj. Good board may be had from $6 a week, up. <br />Pacific Coast $60.00 Round Trip <br />Includes more unique scenic attractions and points of interest than any - <br />other trip -the Rockies and Sierraa-the Spanish Missions and Big Trees <br />-the Pacific Ocean and Puget Sound, Yellowstone and Yosemite as con- <br />venient side trips. 015 extra for Grand Tour including all Coast cities <br />from Vancouver to Los Angeles. <br />Above rates are daily tram June 1.1 will give you illustrated folders de- <br />scribing routes,pointaefbiterest, list of hotels and boarding houses with <br />rates for board and quota you rates from your home town.See we today, <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent. <br />C. 13. S.:, Q. R. R. <br />'A Cough <br />Medkine <br />A Check Account prevents the loss of money <br />by theft, carelessness, or accident. <br />This method demands that you <br />keep your money in the bank, <br />where we employ every means to <br />make it secure. We are responsi- <br />ble for loss when funds are in otir <br />care. We give you safety. <br />With your money in the bank, <br />you may issue a check against it. <br />lour checks are good only when <br />properly signed, and can be cashed <br />only by the party to whom you <br />gave it, who must endorse it. <br />This is an absolutely safe convenience which the <br />bank furnishes without charge. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a <br />regular cough medicine, s <br />strong medicine, a dator's <br />coughs, hard coughs, desper- <br />ate coughs. If your doctor <br />endorses It for your case, take <br />It. If not, don't take it. Never <br />go contrary to his advice. <br />W. publish oar Ibramalas <br />ii 2 w. heat = <br />tiers wz.:Linva.- <br />The dose of Ayer's Pitts is small, only <br />one at bedtime. As a rrde, laxative doses <br />are better than cathartic doses. Pot con-. <br />stipadon, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick - <br />headaches, they cannot be excelled. <br />Ask your doctor about this. <br />Go=Carts <br />0 010 <br />Lake above <br />CALL AND SEE. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />The county board of Washington <br />County has designated the road <br />from Newport to the Hastings bridge <br />as one of their four state roads. It <br />passes through the towns of Newport, <br />Woodbury, Cottage Grove, and <br />Denmark. <br />Charles Fosler, of Leola, S. D , <br />Mrs. J. E. Ward, of Wilmot, Mrs. <br />W. H. Tarling, of Grand Forks, and <br />Mrs. Rosa Poor, of Marshan, accom <br />panied the remains of their mother, <br />Mrs. Harriet Foster, to this city <br />oil Monday. <br />Mr. Joseph J. Winter and Miss <br />Anna Tagalog will be married at St. <br />Dominic's Church, Northfield, next <br />Wednesday, followed by a reception <br />at the home of the bride's parents, <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Tussing, in <br />Greenvale. <br />Only seven marriage licenses have <br />been issued in this county thus far <br />this month, and the clerk of court is <br />beginning to think that the young <br />people are trying to bOycot him. <br />This is a very poor showing for leap <br />year, girls. <br />The ladies' aid society of theMetho <br />dist Church tendered Mr. D. B. <br />Truax a delightful surprise at his <br />home last Monday afternoon, his <br />ninetieth birthday. Appropriate re- <br />marks were made by the Rev. E. R. <br />Lathrop, and luncheon was served. <br />Paul, arrived here from Daytona <br />Beach, Fla., last Saturday evening, <br />and were tendered a delightful wel- <br />come at the home of his parents, Mr. <br />and Mrs. W. B. Reed, on west Second <br />Street. They will remain here dui, <br />ing the summer. <br />Mr. Charles 0. Pitcher, of this <br />city, and Miss Bertha Rasmussen, of <br />Sioux City, were married at the <br />latter place on the llth inst. They <br />arrived here Friday evening and were <br />tendered a delightful reception at <br />the home of his parent., Mr. and Mrs. <br />J. B. Pitcher, on weet Fogrth Street. <br />They will take up reeideuee in <br />John Meisch, of Miesville, is build- <br />ing a new stock barn, thirty-two by <br />sixty, sixteen feet posts, William <br />Berg, of New Trier, contractor. The <br />raising takes place this afternoon, <br />with an expected attendance of thirty- <br />two. <br />norm <br />At Ipswich, May 22d, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />In Vermillion. May 23d. to Mr. and <br />EDWIN S. fITC11 <br />Going Out of Business, <br />and will sell his goods regardless of cosi, <br />commencing <br />Monday, May 25th. <br />Fixtures for sale and store for rent. <br />EDWIN 5. FITCH. <br />FOR SALE. <br />One hundred and sixty acres of good land In <br />Rich Valley. .511 cultivated and iu crop. 540 <br />per mere. <br />Highly improved eighty acres fri town of <br />N.1500. Easy terms. <br />The 0.'1', Gilkey house and four lots on Ver. <br />million Street. 51.430 C. E. REED. <br />Real Estate Broker. Hastings, Minn. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />and Smokers' Articles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />J. C. 1.1AMBEIRG, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />Funeral Directors. <br />W. S. Walbridge, State Llocused Embalmer. <br />EGGS FOR HATCHING. <br />staler comb nue ;al 15. Single <br />Comb White and Brown Leghorn. Mc per IS. <br />Some choice yearling stock 11 each, 110 per dor. <br />Hest of stock and safe delivery guaranteed. <br />PRAIRIE ISLAND nouLTRY FARM. <br />Bon 95. Eggleston. Minn. <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city propezty and <br />farm lands at lowest ratea of Interest. It will <br />pity you to look us up before borrowing else - <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING ASSOCIATION. <br />A. J. SCIIIALLIR. Secretary <br />A 0. Mertz, Slate Licaused Embalmer. <br />