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s <br />• <br />THE' GAZETTE. <br />Minor Tones. <br />Building association to -night. <br />Samuel [+lairs was down from St. <br />Paula Tuesday. <br />Mrs. A. A. Scott went up to St. <br />Paul yesterday. <br />Mrs. F. C. Irons went up to Minne- <br />apolis Thursday. <br />A social hop was given at Masonic <br />Hall last evening. <br />Christopher Ash was down from <br />St. Paul Thursday. <br />Joseph Lautner is the new butcher <br />at Otto Reissuer's. <br />N. L. Bailey carne up from Decorah <br />Tuesday upon a visit. <br />Mrs. J. N. Mares went over to <br />Stillwater on Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Taplin returned <br />to Fargo on Thursday. <br />Caleb Truax came up from Foun- <br />tain City on Thursday. <br />Miss Ellen Downey went out to <br />Rosemount on Thursday. <br />P. J. Rohr and bride were in from <br />New Trier on Thursday. <br />J. L. Strathern was down from <br />Rich Valley on Thursday. <br />Chris. Bauer, of Marshan, was <br />among our Monday callers. <br />Fred Maltby, of Rich Valley, was <br />among our Monday callers. <br />Sheriff McDevitt returned Wednes- <br />day from a visit in Joliet, I11. <br />A. A. Scott fractured his right <br />wrist Tuesday evening by a fall. <br />C. L. Caldwell was down from St. <br />Paul Monday on legal business. <br />G. W. Morse has closed his black- <br />smith shop on Vermillion Street. <br />H. J. Peck, of Shakopee, was in <br />town Tbursday,on legal business. <br />Hokan Arlen returned Thursday <br />evening from a visit at Glenwood. <br />C. K. Albee, of Faribault, was in <br />town Wednesday on legal business. <br />Miss Grace Bradford, of Empire, <br />is the guest of the Misses Judkins. <br />Mrs. Isaac Lincoin, of Aberdeen, <br />is the guest of Mrs. A. J. Schaller. <br />Mrs. 1V. P. Truax, of Minneapolis, <br />--was the guest of Mrs. P.A.Ringstrom. <br />E. P. Bertrand, of Sleepy Eye, was <br />at the Pbcenix Hotel on Wednesday. <br />A dancing party was given at <br />the town hall in Denmark last even- <br />ing.. <br />Anton Marschall, of Vermillion, <br />left Monday upon a visit at Lomira, <br />Wis. <br />H. A. Muggenburg is in charge <br />of J. C. Lemberg's confectionery <br />store. <br />The Select Orchestra went out to <br />New Trier on Monday to play for a <br />dance. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dady and <br />children were down from Duluth upon <br />a visit. <br />Miss Ida G. McShane returned to <br />Cloquet on Sunday to resume <br />teaching. <br />Misses Alice A. and Nellie C. <br />Rawav went over to Stillwater on <br />Tuesday. <br />Miss Anna M. Then returned to <br />Springfield last Saturday to resume <br />teaching. <br />Mrs. Katherino•Hensel, of St. Paul, <br />is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. <br />H. Voigt. <br />The iron crew at the railroad bridge <br />has been transferred to Durand for a <br />9,ew days. <br />Emil Knippeuberg and Charles <br />Stapf were over from Prescott on <br />Thursday. <br />The river registered two and two- <br />tenths feet above low water mark <br />yesterday. <br />The City Hotel on Second Street <br />is to have a new front and other im <br />provements. <br />The St. Boniface Band will prac- <br />tice at the Opera House on Wednes- <br />day evenings. <br />Mrs. John Clark, of Redwood Falls, <br />is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. <br />A. A. Hicks. <br />E. H. Rother, of Marshan, re- <br />turned on Tuesday from s visit in <br />Velva, N. D. <br />Mrs. J. T. Gillick, of Chicago, <br />was the guest of Mrs. W. H. O'Con- <br />nell on Sunday. <br />Miss Emma W. Larson is clerking <br />at Joseph Then's Little Store, on <br />Vermillion Street. <br />Mayor Nicholas Klotz, of Ver- <br />million, was in town Thursday, en <br />route for St. Paul. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mack and <br />Thomas Mack returned to Watertown, <br />S D., on Saturday. <br />A meeting of the charter commis- <br />sion is to be held at City Hall next <br />Wednesday evening. <br />Mrs. Thomas Murnane, of Empire, <br />was the guest of her brother, J. E. <br />Murphy, on Tuesday. <br />John Ries returned to L1mira, Wis., <br />on Monday from a visit -with J. N. <br />Girgen, of Vermillion. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dorr accom- <br />panied the remains of their infant <br />daughter to Rochester yesterday for <br />interment, <br />The electric light company installed <br />a motor at the courthouse Saturday <br />rg, <br />of <br />, of <br />ay, <br />of <br />er8 <br />ger <br />c at <br />the <br />to <br />ne- <br />t <br />lte <br />re. <br />su- <br />pe, <br />er <br />k- <br />m - <br />of <br />tis <br />Y. <br />nt <br />id <br />il. <br />ill <br />ill <br />(1. <br />to <br />th <br />r. <br />as <br />is <br />or <br />e <br />is <br />& <br />a <br />0 <br />t- <br />8 <br />r <br />• <br />0 <br />m <br />0 <br />for pumping purposes. <br />Martin Gergen and Fred. Freebe <br />of Cannon Falls, were the guests <br />H. M. Schaffer on (inday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Simons <br />Shakopee, were in town blond <br />en route for Prairie Island. <br />E. C. Anthony received a cheek <br />$50 on Tuesday from the Travel <br />on account of recent illness. • <br />Nets Benson is home in Ninin <br />from Gustavus -Adolphus Colleg <br />St. Peter, to spend vacation. <br />F. A. Kranz, postal clerk on <br />Northwestern Road from Elroy <br />Tracy, is home on :t vacation. <br />Quite a number went up to Min <br />apolis on IVednesday to attend <br />Speakes-Frankenfeld wedding. <br />Mrs. Delia A. Jones and M <br />Cora R. Jones returned from Pew <br />kee, Vis., Wednesday evening. <br />Miss Nettie Hone, of Westbo <br />N. D., is here upon a visit with h <br />grandmother, Mrs. A. E. Owen. <br />Edward Parmenter, late blac <br />smith at G. W. Morse's, is now e <br />ployed at J. W. Downs & Son's. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Clark, <br />Regina, Can., were the guests of 1 <br />sister, Mrs. A. A. Hicks, over SundaMr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore spe <br />Sunday with his parents, Mr. at <br />Mrs. John Moore, in South St. Pat <br />The Hastings Dancing Club w <br />give a social hop at Workman lIt <br />next Tuesday evening. All invite <br />Master John Pitcherreturned <br />St. Paul Saturday from a visit wi <br />his grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Pitche <br />Bernard Marsh, of Hutchinson, tv <br />down to attend the funeral of h <br />little niece, Rosaliue Morvec, <br />Marshan. <br />F. J. Jackson, railway contract <br />on the Grand Trunk Road, is horn <br />in Nininger from Edmonton, Alb <br />upon a visit. <br />Bert. Henry, of Minneapolis, <br />acting as engineer of the Hastings <br />Dakota train, C. T. Morse taking <br />short lay-off. <br />The county treasurer issendiitg ou <br />the delayed state appropriations t <br />the various school districts, amoun <br />ing to $13,241. <br />Zeke, the country boy, an amusln <br />rural comedy, attracted a fai <br />audience at the Opera House on Wet <br />nesday evening. <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Chamber <br />lain and Fred. Myers, of Nininger <br />left last week for Hammond, be., t <br />spend the winter. <br />John Bremer, of Nininger, wen <br />up to Inver Grove on Monday, owin <br />to the serious illness of his sister <br />Mrs. Fred Beater. <br />E. H. Hanson, John Anderson <br />and Joseph Smithwere down fro <br />St. Paul Wednesday upon a rabbi <br />hunt at Spring Lake. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Palmer wen <br />up to Minneapolis Wednesday t <br />attend the funeral of her mother <br />Mrs. A. G. Anderson. <br />Mrs. B. W. Whittemore and Miss <br />Carrie Whittemore, of Minneapolis <br />were the guests of her nephew, C. T <br />Morse, on Wednesday. <br />The annual meeting of the King's <br />Daughters will be held at the resi- <br />dence of Mrs. 11. A. C. Ball on Mon- <br />day, at half past 'two p. m. <br />Mi88 May Pirrung, Miss Marie <br />Coppy, turd Herbert Pirrung, of St. <br />Paul, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. <br />Henry Rother, in Morahan. <br />A. F. Hickman returned to Minne- <br />apolis Monday with his stereopticon <br />and the bulletin at the Bijou sa <br />"closed for want of people." r <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. A Wright,' <br />South St. Paul, were the guests ?If <br />his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George <br />Wright, in Denmark, on Monday. <br />Miss Lizzie A. Hull was down <br />from St. Paul Thursday to accompany <br />the remains of her mother, Mrs. <br />Elizabeth Hull, there for interment. <br />Camp No. 8684, M. W. A., will <br />give its annual ball at Masonic Hall, <br />Cottage Grove, next Friday evening. <br />Tickets seventy-five cents. Music by <br />Hilliard's Orchestra. <br />Drs. H. G. VanBeeck and L. D. <br />Peck held au autppsy upon the body <br />of John ,"Norquist, who died from <br />suffocation in Rich Valley last week, <br />per order of Coroner Mertz. <br />The standpipe for the waterworks <br />is to he located on the two lots, <br />corner of Vermillion and Ninth <br />streets, owned by the Sisters of St. <br />Joseph. Consideration $350. <br />Bat. Steffen, of the Phoenix Hotel, <br />pleasantly entertained a number of <br />friends on Monday evening, his <br />namesday. Anton Steffen, of Sleepy <br />Eye, was among those present. <br />The special committee began col- <br />lecting assessments for the lateral <br />sewer on Second Street this week, <br />meeting with excellent success. <br />Hanson Bros.were the first to respond <br />with a check. <br />The Guardian Angels cinch party <br />at the parochial schoolhouse on Wed- <br />nesday evening was quite well attend- <br />ed. The head prize was won by Mrs. <br />G. W. Morse, of this city, and the <br />foot by John Maher, of Marshan. <br />Mrs. J. A. Sinclair and daughter <br />returned from Kankakee, l:li,, Thurs. <br />day, accompanied by Mrs. F. 0. <br />Earnshaw sad daughter. They are <br />stopping at the Exchange Hotel. <br />The marriage of Mr. Nicholas F. <br />Kranz, of this city, and Miss Mary <br />E. Kelly, of Minneapolis, will take <br />place at St. Anthony Church, in that <br />city, next Tuesday, at nine a. m. <br />P..M. !lusting an <br />M. Busting, of Rave <br />day for Fon du Lac, <br />the marriage of the <br />Lucy Kieffer, and Mr. <br />Misses Kathryn C. an <br />Miss Theresa <br />, left on Mon - <br />to attend <br />sin, Miss <br />Bishop. <br />Margaret <br />L. Steffen delightfully entertained a <br />number of yonug people at the <br />Phn'nix Hotel last Saturday evening, <br />iu honor of Miss Mayme Toomer, of <br />Delhi, Ia. <br />The Milwaukee Road has a Bur• <br />veying crew looking over the ground <br />between the station and the Ver- <br />million. There will be something <br />doing on the Hastings & Dakota <br />next spring. <br />.1. H. Foster, assistant genera <br />superintendent, Supt. G. A. Van <br />Dyke, of the Hastings & Dakota <br />division, Supt. B. F. VanVliet, of the <br />river division, F. M. Mellen, train <br />master, and T. V. Robinson, road <br />toaster of the Hastings & Dakota <br />were in town Monday on a tour of <br />inspection. <br />School Board Prneeedinga. <br />Regular meeting, Jan. 7th. Pres- <br />ent Messrs. Doffing, Johnson, Schal- <br />ler, Torrance, and VanBeeck, the <br />president in the chair. <br />It was decided to dispense with the <br />Easter vacation, to make up for lost <br />time at Christmas. <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />Scutt, Foresman,& Co., text book.$ 1.32 <br />Newson &Co., text books ,.. 14.40 <br />Wm. Gaertner & Co., apparatus.. 44.22 <br />D. Appleton & Co., text books.... 18.50 <br />Educational Publishing Co., pads 18.50 <br />A. C. McClurg & Co., text book. 1.20 <br />Row, Peterson, & Co., text books. 7.20 <br />Houghton, Miffing, & Co., books. 10.38 <br />Gibson Soap Co.. solvene 12.00 <br />F. A. Engel, coal 302.40 <br />F. B. Lucking, mdse 1.40 <br />H. D. Gleim. hauling cinders.... 5.00 <br />C. L. Barnum, freight, drayage.. 1.35 <br />G. H. Taplin, pine wood 4.00 <br />Adams Express Co.. express 1.45 <br />U. S. Express Co.. express 1.95 <br />Electric Light Co., lights 3.91 <br />Edward Barrett, sawing wood11.58 <br />J. R. Frey. labor, 20.80 <br />Mrs. J. S. Mills, labor 1.45 <br />Mrs. Peter Rollinger, labor 2.40 <br />Edward 'temple, labor 4.45 <br />Mrs. Benjamin Kreig, labor 3.80 <br />Am. Manual Training Co., lessons 150.00 <br />The Beethoven Club. <br />A delightful programme was given <br />last Saturday evening, at Mrs. M. L. <br />Ctlapin's studio. The special event <br />was the singing of M188 Suzanne <br />Kranz, who greatly pleased the <br />audience by her generous response <br />with encores. The pianola numbers <br />by Richard Arlen and J. C. Morey <br />were of interest to many of the <br />guests, and J. N. Then tgid of music- <br />al things heard while in Europe. <br />The social feature is proving success- <br />ful in cultivating a better acquaint- <br />ance among the members, besides <br />giving time to discuss the items in <br />the literary part of the programme, <br />Adjourned to Feb. 3d. <br />Rank Foolishness, <br />-When attacked by a cough or cold, <br />or when your throat is sore, It is rank <br />foolishness to take any other medicine <br />than Dr. King's New Discovery," says C. <br />0. Eldridge. of Empire, Ga., "I have <br />used New Discovery seven years and 1 <br />know it is the best remedy on earth for <br />coughs and colds, croup, and all throat <br />and lung troubles. My children are sub- <br />ject to croup, but New Discovery quickly <br />cures every attack." Known the world <br />over as the king of throat and lung <br />remedies. Sold under guarantee at8. E. <br />Rude's drug store. 50c. and $1. Trial <br />bottle free. <br />C. 0. F.. <br />The following officers of St. <br />Joseph's Court No. 542 were in- <br />stalled on Wednesday evening by <br />John Heinen, D. H, C. R.: <br />C. R. -Theodore Schaal. <br />P. C. R. -N. M. Pitzen. <br />V a R. -P. M. Haas. <br />Fin. Secretary, -George Raetz. <br />Treasurer, -B. J. Raetz. <br />S. C. -P. M. Kranz. <br />J. C -William Biekofskl. <br />J. S. -Nicholas Kleis. <br />0. S. -Peter Rollinger. <br />Trustees. -N. R. Bergen. W. J. Vane, <br />Anton Illigen. <br />ow's This. <br />We offer ons hundred dollars reward for any <br />case of catarrh that can net be cured by Hall's <br />Catarrh Cure. <br />F. <br />We, the undersigned,en eate kntt own Toledo, J Ceney <br />for per- <br />fectly honorablt e in all busing believe <br />,vas nd <br />financially able to carry out any obligago6a <br />made by his firm. <br />WaLD[Xa, KnrxsX, &WMsaayriit, <br />Halle Catarrh ureeIs (taken Internally, ae n` <br />directly upon the blood and mucous autraoes <br />of <br />the system. Testimonials sent free. Pelee 750' <br />per bottle. Sold by all drug/late, <br />Hall'sFamily Pills are the best <br />Suicide an Rich Valley, <br />William Russell, of Rich Valley, <br />took a dose of strychnine yesterday <br />and walked over to Arthur Fahey's, <br />a neighbor, where be dropped dead. <br />He was a well known farmer, and bad <br />many friends in this vicinity. He <br />leaves a wife and family. Coroner <br />Mertz went out in the afternoon to <br />investigate, <br />1 <br />COUCHES <br />AT COST. <br />We are closing out our tufted <br />couches at cost. <br />CALL AND SEE THEM. <br />Like cut only $10.00, <br />worth $3o.00, <br />J. G. 1'1ertz <br />& Son, <br />Hastings, - Minn. <br />GO%LI <br />A REAL WONDER TO <br />the cook to see the great amount <br />of beat that you can get out of a <br />small amount of <br />J. V. PERKINS' <br />WASHED NUT COAL. <br />Try a sample. 30 cos. per hundred or <br />$S.715 per ton. <br />J. V. PERKINS, <br />Office Phone No. 93, <br />Bell Block, Vermillion Street, <br />Hidings, Minn. <br />Connell Proceedings. <br />Special meeting, Jan. 6th. Pres- <br />ent Ald. Fasbender, Gleim, Hanson, <br />Hartin, Johnson, Jones, Nelson, <br />Niedere, and Radabaugb, Mayor West <br />in the chair. <br />The fourth estimate of the Des <br />Moines Bridge & Iron Company, <br />$2,442.92 on sewers and $1,615 80 <br />on waterworks, was presented, ap- <br />proved by the city engineers and <br />inspector. <br />On motion of Ald. Fasbender, the <br />mayor and clerk w e instructed to <br />issue an order in payaient of $1,000 <br />interest on bridge bonds and $500 on <br />refunding bonds. <br />On motion of Ald. Nelson, the <br />claim of the S. Swenson Artesian <br />Well Company, $16.80, was referred <br />to the city attorney. <br />On motion of Ald. Fasbender, the <br />application of B. 8. Ruhr for liquor <br />license was granted and bond approv- <br />ed, with the Bankers' Surety Com- <br />psay as surety. <br />On motion 'i -of Ald. Hartin, Aids. <br />Radabaugb, Hanson, and Fasbender <br />were appointed as a committee to <br />assist the committee from the Com- <br />mercial Club in making collections <br />for the lateral sewers. <br />On motion of Ald. Radabaugh, the <br />sewer company was permitted to give <br />three short whistles two minutes prior <br />to every <br />On moti <br />quests of <br />lot. <br />of Ald. Nelson, the re- <br />s Misses Judkins and J. <br />B. Pitcher to cut trees were referred <br />to the atieet committee, with power <br />to act. <br />On motion of Ald, Fasbender, the <br />disposal of rock from the sewer ex <br />cavations waa left with the street <br />committee. t <br />On motion of Alil. Hartin, a reeo <br />lution was adopted fixing the rate of <br />interest on lateral sower warrants at <br />six per cent, to begin Jan. 15th. <br />On motion of Ald. Jones, the re. <br />quest of Devaney & Co. to pile <br />np rock, corner of . Vermillion and <br />Third Streets, in readiness to build <br />was granted, they to assume all risks. <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />DesMoinea Co., sewer estimate..$2,442.92 <br />Des Moines Co., water estimate. 1,615 80 <br />Malting Co.. coal 12.70 <br />Anna L. Baron, typwritiog,.., 1.00 <br />Electric Light Co., street lights. 205.26 <br />J. V. Perkins, coal 2050 <br />Hama Bros, mdse20.60 <br />Fasbender & Son, mdse 19.91 <br />Taplin & Teal, pine wood 2.25 <br />The Gazette, printing 11.15 <br />McMullin Co., lumber.... ... , 17.31 <br />8mead Mfg. Co., tiles 3.50 <br />Eureka Fire Hose Co., hose..., 370.00 <br />C. L. Barnum, freight. drayage. .25 <br />elentine Then, street work..., 1,00 <br />KN/ Estate Transfers. <br />Gregory Bolt to H. C. G. Schmidt <br />lot twelve, block fourteen, South <br />St. Pani, Syndicate Park <br />J. 8. Goodrich to E. A. Jaggard500 <br />lots eighteen and nineteen, block <br />one, Sunnyside Addition to South <br />Park 50 <br />Anna E. Haas to Patrick O'Neal, <br />lots forty and forty-one, block one, <br />Eureka Improvement Co.'s re- <br />arrangement A, South 8t. Paul500 <br />e$edghel"I have a higher hath level <br />slam I began using Dr. King's New Life <br />Pills," writes Jaoob Springer, of West <br />Franklin, Me. "They keep my <br />stomach, Mier. and bowels working just <br />right." If these pills disappoint you on <br />trial, money will be refunded at 8. B. <br />Rude's dreg store. <br />Ortt.ary. <br />Mabel, infant daughter of Mr. and <br />Mrs. G. 11, Skeete, of Nininger, died <br />last Friday from pneumonia, aged <br />ten months. The funeral was held <br />from the Church of the 'Guardian <br />Angels on Saturday, at two p. m,, the <br />'Rev. P. R. Cuuniugham officiating. <br />Interment at the church cemetery. <br />Mrs. A. G. Anderson died at her <br />home in Minneapolis last Sunday <br />morning from diabetes, after a pro- <br />tracted illness, aged seventy-two <br />years. She was a former well known <br />resident of Etter,. removing to the <br />former town five years ago, and was <br />highly esteemed by her many friends. <br />She leaves a husband and grown up <br />family, one of the daughters being <br />Mrs. J. A. Palmer, of this city. The <br />funeral was held from the Bethany <br />Mission Church in Minneapolis on <br />Wednesday, at two p. in. <br />Mrs. Lynn A. Stilwell died at her <br />residence on west Thirteenth Street <br />Monday night from quick consump- <br />tion, after a brief illness. Miss <br />Edith L. Stockfish was a daughter of <br />Mr. and Mra. Martin Stockfish, born <br />in Hastings, Dec. 24th, 1881, and <br />married Feb. 28th, 1900. They <br />lived in Kaason a year, and then <br />returned to this city. She was an <br />estimable young woman, with a large <br />circle of friends to mourn her early <br />death, She leaves a husband, <br />three daughters, and one son. The <br />funeral was held from the house <br />on Thursday, at two p. w., the Rev. <br />Arthur Chard officiating. Interment <br />at Oakwood. <br />Eloise, infant daughter of Mr. and <br />Mrs. A. C. Dorr, living on west <br />Seventh Street, died Wednesday <br />night from capillary bronchitis, aged <br />eleven weeks. The funeral was held <br />from the house yesterday, at eight <br />a.m., the Rev. R. L. Lewis officiating. <br />The remailns were forwarded to <br />Rochester for interment. <br />A. Evenson, an old resident of <br />Greenvale, died last Friday, aged <br />sixty-two years. He was a single <br />man, living with hie brothers on <br />farm. The funeral was held from <br />the Synod Church, Eureka, on Mon- <br />day, the Rev. N. A. Quammen offi- <br />ciating. <br />Peter Fahey, a 'pioneer resident of <br />Dakota County, died at his home in <br />Burnsville on 'Tuesday, aged eighty- <br />four years. He was born at Mount - <br />rose, county of Galway, Ireland, and <br />leaves two sons and four daughters. <br />The funeral was held from St. John's <br />Church, Savage, on Thursday. <br />Martin Mahoney died at his home <br />in Empire last Friday, after an ill <br />nese of about it month. Ele was <br />born in Ireland in 1840, coming to <br />this country in 1850, and locating on <br />hie present farce in 1867. He leaves <br />a wife and three children, Martin, <br />John, and Mrs. Joseph Peters. <br />The Hampton lneursnee Company. <br />The annual meeting of the Hamp- <br />ton Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance <br />Company was held in Haas' Hall, <br />Hampton, on Tuesday. <br />The following officers were elected: <br />Directors. -P. J. Girgen, William <br />Giefer, Nicholas Werner, Henry Schaffer, <br />Michael Serres, John Molitor. Joseph <br />Kruse, P, J. Brummel, Conrad Ficker. <br />President, -Michael Serres. <br />Secretary. -Henry Schaffer. <br />Treasurer. -Adam Schaffer. <br />The annual statement , la given as <br />follows: <br />Policies 12 forte Dee. ;flet, 1907 370 <br />Insurance In force Dec. 3lst,..$599,750.00 <br />Losses paid during the year... 2,107.22 <br />Cash on hand Dec. 31st., 436.43 <br />You Mczy <br />Need It <br />Ask your doctor about the <br />wisdom of your keeping Ayer's <br />Cherry Pectoral in the house, <br />ready for colds, coughs, croup, <br />bronchitis. 1f he says it's all <br />right, then get a bottle of it <br />at once. Why not show a <br />little foresight in such matters? <br />Early treatment, early cure. <br />Ws publish oar tort•Wy <br />Vnweem *sr a.ateeisseen t <br />We Sisostor <br />• <br />Many <br />the whole trois iled uble is l duentdo stupid, <br />Dlady <br />Liver. We drmly believe your own doe- <br />tor will tell you that an occasional dose <br />of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great <br />deal of good. They keep the liver active. <br />"••'Rads by the Z. 0. Ayer Ca.. LawNL Resar-� <br />ESTRAYED. <br />Estrayed from the ;pasture of N. W. Martin, <br />about two months ago, a <br />BNndi.d Caw. <br />Finder w111 be rewarded by returning same to <br />owner. JOHN K LEIS. <br />Prop. Gardner House, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />FOR SALE, <br />N. W. Tap11n bonne os litsmsey Street. <br />Three Iota on Vermillion Street, nest to <br />Engel', Implement store. <br />Terms reasonable. <br />REED, <br />ke <br />WO !sr, <br />ESTE RG <br />RE3L3N's <br />Wagon and Carriage Shop. <br />p <br />We are now showing a full line of <br />Portland Cutters, <br />Spring Cutters, <br />Business Cutters. <br />In Bob Sleds we have all styles, all our own make and guaranteed. One <br />beat. Bobs with either cast or wood knee, chain Bobs, Farmington Pat. <br />Bobs, and can make you any style to order. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the best work, using Never Slip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of all kinds. <br />Having added a new planer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your -patronage. <br />Dealer in coal and wood. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Office and works, corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets, Hastings. <br />r <br />MANY SAFEGUARDS <br />Are thrown around an incorporated bank. This bank is incorporated <br />under the state laws. Its capital Is pard up in cash, and its stockholders <br />are subject to a double liability. <br />It is required by law to maintain a safe reserve of cash, and is restricted <br />as to the loans it can make. <br />It is regularly inspected by the bank examiner, and is required to publish <br />at frequent intervals statements of its condition. It is also examined several <br />times a year by a committee of its own stockholders and by an expert out- <br />side auditor. <br />Its officers are covered by bonds in large surety companies, and the bank <br />is insured against lose by fire, burglary, or hold-up. <br />Absolute safety is the best thing we have to offer you, and in addition to <br />this our customers enjoy all the facilities of a modern bank. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />L <br />Ho! <br />For the Southland <br />This is the best season for Visiting <br />California, Florida, 'Mexico, Cuba <br />and the West Indies. <br />Low rates every day all Winter <br />to all the principal Winter resorts. <br />Printed matter on any Winter reiiott gladly <br />furnished or obtained for you without charge. <br />1 be glad to quote rates and make up a <br />schedule for your Winter trip. <br />.J. M.O'BRIEN, Agent. <br />C. B. &Q. R. R. <br />Sons of Hermann. <br />The following officers of Hastings <br />Lodge No. 59 were installed on Mon- <br />day evening by Otto Claassen, lodge <br />deputy, assisted by Fritz Mahler <br />and Emil Lehmann: <br />President. -A. G. Kuenzel. <br />Vice President. -William Muggenburg. <br />Treasurer, -Otto Reissner. <br />Secretary, -Otic Claassen. <br />Conductor, -William Lehmann. <br />Inside Watchman. -John Snyder. <br />Outside Watchman. -Peter Stotzheim. <br />Trustee. -A. R. Everman, Theodore <br />Hubley. <br />An enjoyable banquet followed. <br />A Cure for It leery. <br />"I have found a cure for the misery <br />malaria poison produces." says R. M. <br />James, of Louellen, 8. C. "It's called <br />Electric Bitters, and comes in fifty Dent <br />bottles. It breaks up a case of chills or a <br />bilious attack in almost no time; and it <br />puts yellow jaundice clean out of com- <br />mission." This great tonic medicine and <br />blood purifier gives quick relief in all <br />stomach, liver, and kidney complaints and <br />the misery of lame back. Sold under <br />guarantee at S. B. Rude's drug store. <br />The Fire Department. <br />At the annual meeting on Monday <br />evening the following officers were <br />re-elected: <br />President, -Henry Fieseler. <br />Secy. andfreaa.-J. A. Holmquist. <br />Finance Committee.-Edway Cobb, <br />Mathias Jacobs. <br />There were seven ' tires and one <br />else alarm in 1907, the only one of <br />much consequence being the Presby- <br />terian Church. Estimated lases, <br />$10,750; insurance $5,550. <br />0. A. R. <br />The following officers of Peller Post <br />No. 89 were installed last Saturday <br />evening by W. H. DeKay, past <br />commander: <br />Commander, -William Hodgson. <br />Sea. Vice Commander. -R. D. Robinson. <br />Jun. Vice Commander. -Samuel White. <br />Adjutant. -A. R. Knapp. <br />m <br />Quarteraster,-W. H. DeKay, <br />°per of the Day. -T. R. Fahy. <br />Officer of the Guard. -A. C. Rocketed. <br />Chaplaii.-W. L. Matteson. <br />Sergi. Major. -J. H. Hone. <br />Quartermaster Sergt.-J. B. Lambert. <br />Ohnreh £aa eumme aw5. <br />The Rev. E. R. Lathrop will preach at <br />the Methodist Church to -morrow morning, <br />his seventy-seventh birthday. <br />Men. <br />In Ravenna, Jan. 4th, to Mr. and lire. <br />TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. <br />Teachers state examinations will be held at <br />Hastings and Farmington. The following is <br />the programme of examinations for common <br />school certificates: <br />Jan. , 0th and 31st, and Feb. 1st, 1009. <br />Thursday, Jan. 30th. <br />(First grade studies.) <br />A. tl.- 8:00 Enrollment, <br />8:15 Geometry. <br />10:00 Physics. <br />1'. M.- 1:30 Algebra. <br />3:15 Physical geography or general <br />history. <br />Agriculture may be taken at any ono of above <br />periods, and mac be substituted for either <br />geometry or physical geography. <br />Friday, Jan.31st. <br />(Second grade studies.) - <br />A. M.- 8:00 Enrollment. <br />8:90 Professional test. <br />9:30 Spelling. <br />10:00 Arithmetic. <br />1'. M.- 1:15 Geography. <br />2:45 Composition and penmanship. <br />3:90 beading. <br />Saturday. Feb. 1st. <br />(Second grade studies continued.) <br />A.H.- 8:00 0. S. history. <br />9:45 English grammar. <br />11:30 Music. <br />1'. M.- 1:15 Physiology, tygiene. <br />9:45 'Civics. <br />4:00 Drawing. <br />Certificates that expire Mar. 1st, 1908. must be <br />renewed at this time. C. W. MEYER, <br />County Superintendent. <br />EBTttAY NOTICE_ <br />Came to my premises about Dec. 10111. a <br />Bay Mars. <br />Ownsr is requested to call, prove property <br />pay chargee, and take it away. <br />WALTER VOLKF.RT, <br />P.O. Rich Valley. Rosemount, Minn. <br />Dr. Worstell, <br />EVE, ES4., NOSE, <br />AND T BOAT. <br />GI Scientifically Fitted. <br />At of HOouch moTEL PRnth. OEM{tX first ■nchilsi d <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />and Snookers' Articles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />tJ. C. LAIm$1HttG. Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />e7 G. MERTZ & BUN. <br />• undertaking, <br />Funeral Directors. <br />A O. Mertz. State Licensed Embalmer. <br />FOR SALE. <br />Two Hundred and Forty Acres <br />of choice farming land in Denmark, four miles <br />north of Hastings. Good house, barn, granary, <br />well, etc. Price riaaonable, and easy terms. <br />Inquire of Mrs. PETER SWANSON. <br />P. 0. Langdon, Routs 9. <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm hinds at lowest rates of interest. 1t will <br />pay you to look us up before borrowing else - <br />DAKOTA CO. BCIIeDING ASSOCIATION, <br />A. J. Scam -Las. Ssaretery <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN, <br />Hasunaa, Mian. <br />un/.rtakbte. <br />reams' Diroottwe. <br />..1.00•0110,1•11fter rut, <br />• <br />• <br />u <br />