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<br />City of Hastings <br />Natural Resources and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />Parks & Recreation Conference Room <br />April 8, 2008 - 6:00 pm <br /> <br />1) <br /> <br />Roll Call at 6 pm: Conunissioners Miller, Nelson, Rohloff, Schommer, and Vaughan, Parks and Recreation <br />Director Bernstein, Superintendent Smith. <br />Absent: Commissioners Smith and Vandehoef <br /> <br />2) <br />3) <br /> <br />Approved March meeting minutes. Motion. by RoWoff. Seconded by Vaughan. Passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Setting Agenda: Add Hub's Landing, Dog Waste, and Dakota. Electric Substation under New Business. Add <br />Mississippi Boat Dock under Old Business. Motion to approve revised agenda by Schommer. Seconded by <br />Nelson. Passed unanimously. . <br /> <br />4) <br /> <br />Department updates will be emailed to NRRC. Bernstein mentioned that we have lots of new things offered this <br />year in terms of recreation. The arena floor project is well underway. Ann Grotjohn from Youth First will be at <br />the Hastings YMCA Healthy Kids Fair to represent the department. Staff is working to get recycling containers <br />and a good collection routine added to Vets and our picnic shelters this year. The commissioners were given <br />copies of new department brochures & flyers. Bernstein also mentioned that three ribbon cutting ceremonies <br />will take place this summer for the new Public boat dock, the new Mississippi overlook, and the Lake Isabel <br />Improvements. <br /> <br />5) Mississippi Boat dock - The dock arrived this week and Portable Barge will have it installed by Thursday. One / <br />float was not shipped and the dock is currently a little tilted. However, this will be fixed shortly. A rules sign <br />will be installed at the dock. There is no fishi~g or swimming, among other things. There will be protective <br />pilings installed in case there is a runaway barge. h1 the past years, we haven't seen a barge hit this particular <br />area, but the area will have some protection just in case. <br /> <br />6) .Skateboard Park - Bernstein received a letter from the YMCA asking Hastings to consider donating the <br />skateboard equipment to the St. Croix Valley YMCA in Hudson. Miller asked if we are sure that we won't be <br />using it ourselves yet. Nelson asked how much the original equipment cost and also if the equipment is <br />deteriorating at all. Bernstein replied that the equipment cost about $40,000-$50,000 and that it .is being stored <br />currently with no real harm being done to it. Bernstein also added that this equipment was offered to be placed <br />tile Hastings YMCA, but tllat tIle YMCA felt there wasn't really a good location for it there. Staff is still <br />looking into ideas from the Skate Park Committee tha.t weren't explored for pla.cing the park. in Ha~ting~ <br />somewhere. Vaughan feels that since the equipment was purchased by C:ity of Hastings residents, we should at <br />least try to sell the equipment if it is going to leave Hastings. A lot of taxpayer money was spent. Schommer <br />agreed, stating that although he understands why the YMCA would ask, he feels the equipment should stay in <br />Hastings or else be sold to recoup some of the money. Miller agreed that if the location was closer and Hastings <br />.. residents c"ould use the equipment, that would be different. Schommer also said that we.would welcome the <br />YMCA's partnership to resurrect the skate park in Hastings ifpossible. Nelson asked how long the equipment <br />has been stored? Bernstein replied that it has been less than two years. The equipment is stored in an open air <br />enclosure and is exposed to the elements, but it was designed to withstand the elements and is in good shape. <br />MOTION - Vaughan motioned to reject the request from the YMCA at this time. Seconded by Schommer. <br />Passed unanimously. <br /> <br />7) WHEP Presentation by Joe Beattie, Phil Vieth, and Brian Huberty. The Wetland Health Evaluation Project <br />originated in Dakota County and is also in Hennepin County, with quite a few cities involved. )V etlands are <br />compared with other areas and the health of each is evaluated. The City of Hastings Coordinator is currently <br />Kevin Smith. Our team leader is Joe Beattie. There is citizen involvement with residents of Hastings area being <br />involved with data collection and education. The NRRC is the arm of the government that allows WHEP to <br />operate and get funding. Miller wondered if these presentations are done in the schools. Some of Beattie's <br />students actually participate in the program and do it during the school year. Vaughan asked if the public is ever <br />invited to watch. The pu~lic is always welcome - WHEP had a booth at the Hastings READS Environmental <br />