Laserfiche WebLink
To meet the requirements of the "Jobs" National Objective, the business being assisted must enter <br />into an agreement showing commitment that at lease 51% of jobs created or retained will be available <br />to Iow~mod income persons. The business must also be prepared to provide a list of all jobs, detailed <br />information about the jobs being created or retained, the selection and hiring process, and <br />demographic information about the employees. <br /> <br />If you checked the Urgent Need Benefit box, please answer the following: <br /> <br />Please describe the nature and degree of seriousness of the condition requiring assistance: <br /> <br />What evidence is there that other financial resources were not available to alleviate the urgent need? <br /> <br />When did the serious condition begin? <br /> <br />Which Housing or Community Development Need does your Project address? <br /> <br />High Priority Needs - Housing <br /> <br />Renter, small related, 0-50% of median income · <br />Renter, large related, 0-50% of median income <br />Renter, elderly, 0-50% of median income <br />Renter, all other, 0-30% of median income <br /> <br />Medium Priority Needs - Housing <br />[] Renter, small related, 51-80% of median income <br /> <br />High Priority Needs - Community Development <br />[] Parks/Recreation Facilities and other public <br />facilities not identified as medium or Iow priorities <br />[] Street Improvements <br />[] Public Services not identified as medium or Iow <br />priorities <br /> <br />Medium Priority Needs - Community Development <br />[] Non-Residential Historic Preservation <br /> <br />[] Renter, all other, 31-80% of median income <br />[] Owner, 0-80% of median income <br />[] Special Populations, 0-80% of median income <br /> <br />Low Priority Needs - Community Development <br />Neighborhood, Health & Parking Facilities <br />Solid Waste Disposal <br />Asbestos Removal Facilities <br />Employment Training <br />Health Services <br />Child Care Centers <br />Micro-Enterprise Assistance <br />Economic Development Technical Assistance <br /> <br />** Needs identified as Low Priority in the <br />Consolidated Plan should be funded with <br />sources other than CDBG. <br /> <br />[] Water/Sewer Improvements <br />[] Sidewalks <br />[] Storm Sewer Improvements <br />[] Handicapped Services <br />[] Transportation Services <br />[] Substance Abuse Services <br />[] Anti-Crime Programs <br />[] Youth &/or Senior Centers <br />[] Youth &/or Senior Services <br />[] Child Care Services <br />[] Other Youth &/or Senior Programs <br />[] Commercial/Industrial Building Rehab <br />[] Commercial/Industrial Infrastructure <br />[] Other Economic Development Activities <br />[] Planning <br /> <br /> <br />