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Save the steamboat Delta Queen ~ a private initiative to support this historic landmark Page 4 of 8 <br />T_he_Co_n~ress hasn't_refused__the exemption_yet! <br />Sep 2, 2007 <br />There is a general misunderstanding on what happened on the political scene so far regarding the Delta <br />Queen's exemption from the Safety at Sea Act: The Congress, consisting of the House of <br />Representatives and the Senate, hasn't even voted on an exemption for the Delta Queen yet. <br />So far it's only a single, totally uninformed and most likely Union-influenced Representative from <br />Minnesota, Rep. James Oberstar (D), chairman of the Transportation committee, who refuses_to <br />present the exemtion to the full House of Representatives for vote. And it's one single Union- <br />controlled Senator, Sen. Inouye or Hawaii (D), who does the same thing in the Senate. According to <br />an article in the Winona Daily News, the Transportation Committee of the House at least has discussed <br />the issue, citing Rep. Walz, member of this committee: "I voted in committee for the exemption, and my <br />reasoning was ... for historical preservation". And it seams that the committee is as uninformed as its <br />chairman is. By the way: Walz is not member of the Coast Guard subcommittee where this issue should <br />belong to. <br />Let's not blame the Congress for this, so far. Let's force Sen. Inouye and Rep. Oberstar to respect basic <br />democratic rules and let the people's representatives vote on the exemption for the Delta Queen! <br />Let's sent aletter-to-the-editor to every newspaper that is repeating the nonsense of "the Congress has <br />denied the exemption". Remind them of the facts, ask them to stop copying the press release of Majestic <br />America Line who originally has published this Congress-denied-exemption nonsense. <br />Arguments- in Favor- of the Delta Queen <br />Aug 12, 2007 <br />6 Comments <br />When you're writing or talking to politicians and reporters about the Delta Queen, there are hundreds of <br />good arguments on favor for the Delta Queen. The Delta Queen raises big emotions in all of us. But on <br />the political floor, this discussion is mainly about the Safety at Sea Act. Emotions are important, but try <br />to prioritize the safety aspects before the romantic and historical ones. <br />Here are some ideas on what arguments are really important: <br />The Delta Queen is a very safe boat to travel on: <br />- Though the Safety at Sea Act requires noncombustible material for the construction of boats, the <br />wooden superstructure of the Delta Queen doesn't mean there is a bigger fire hazard. It's along-known <br />fact that wooden structures often survive longer in catastrophic fires than noncombustible structures, <br />which quickly fail and melt. <br />- The Safety at Sea Act assumes that ships are remote from land and other vessels. The Delta Queen can <br />be landed in minutes over the entire route she traverses. Her forward mounted swing bridge and <br />inflatable emergency boats on the stern make it easy and effective to evacuate passengers very quickly <br />within moments of notice. Also remember that the staterooms on the Delta Queen have exits directly to <br /> 10/26/2007 <br />