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<br />XI. COMMUNICATIONS PLAN <br /> <br />The City recognizes the necessity of an effective plan to communicate with <br />employees, residents, vendors, contractors, businesses, schools, other <br />governmental agencies and the media during a pandemic. <br /> <br />The City Emergency Management T earn shall be responsible for activation of this <br />Communications Plan as deemed necessary. A Communications Committee may <br />be established and may consist of the Mayor, Emergency Management Team, <br />City Administration and any department heads designated by the City <br />Administrator. <br /> <br />A. Public Information Officer (PIO) <br /> <br />Under this plan, the Public Information Officer (PIO) for the City of Hastings is the <br />Mayor. If the Mayor is unavailable, the City Administrator or Community Relations <br />Specialist would serve as the alternate PIO. These individuals would be given access <br />to all information necessary to carry out their roles as PIO for the City of Hastings. <br /> <br />B. Communications Committee <br /> <br />The Communications Committee, under the direction of the Emergency Management <br />Team, is charged with the following responsibilities: <br />1. Support the City PIO in the dissemination of emergency public information. <br />2. Establish coordinated news conferences, news releases and determine schedules <br />for media briefings. <br />3. Prepare and disseminate educational and rumor control information through the <br />City's various media outlets; including but not limited to the City web site, <br />Newspapers, Cable TV, local radio and pamphlets. <br />4. Coordinate actions with the designated PIOs representing other state and federal <br />agencies, voluntary agencies and local governments involved in the emergency <br />response. <br />5. Coordinate actions with the designated PIOs from any businesses and industries <br />that have direct involvement in the response to and recovery from a pandemic. <br />6. Monitor media reports and other sources to identifY unanticipated public health <br />concerns, rumors, and other issues that may arise during an event. <br />7. Manage requests for, and release of, information through the Communications <br />Committee. <br />8. Coordinate communications among all city departments. <br /> <br />C. City Department Heads <br /> <br />Department Heads will assist with the following public information tasks: <br />1. Support the City PIO in the dissemination of emergency public information. <br /> <br />Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Plan <br /> <br />16. <br />