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<br /> PUBLIC FISHING PIER <br /> COOPERATNE AGREEMENT <br />This agreement, between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the Commissioner of the Department of Natural <br />Resources, hereinafter referred to as the "State", and the City of Hastings, hereinafter referred to as the "City". <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Natural Resources has the authority, duty, and responsibility under Minnesota Statutes <br />Section 97 A.141 to provide public water access sites on lakes and rivers, where access is inadequate; and <br />WHEREAS, the State and the City are authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, to enter into agreements to <br />jointly or cooperatively exercise common power; and <br />WHEREAS, the State and the City have determined that a fishing pier site on Lake Isabelle, hereinafter referred to as the <br />"Fishing Pier" is of high priority under the state public water access program; and <br />WHEREAS, the City owns land described as; Sec. 27 , T.115N, R.17W, as shown in Exhibit A and on the attached map; and <br />WHEREAS, plaus for the Fishing Pier have been developed and approved by the State and are attached hereto as Exhibit B <br />and shall be referred to as the "Plan"; and <br />WHEREAS, the State and the City desire to cooperate in the installation and maintenance of the Fishing Pier on Lake <br />Isabelle; and <br />WHEREAS, a resolution or copy of the City councillboard meeting minutes authorizing the City to enter into this agreement <br />is attached hereto as Exhibit C; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefit to be derived by the public bodies hereto and for the benefit of <br />the general public, the parties agree as follows: <br />I. INSTALLATION <br /> Installation of the Fishing Pier structure itself shall be the responsibility of the State, however, the City shall <br /> provide personnel and equipment when feasible to assist with the installation. The City will coustruct and <br /> pay for a concrete footing and approach at the shoreline connecting the Fishing Pier gangway to the shore. <br /> The City will also construct and pay for a hard surfaced, accessible sidewalk/pathway, which meets ADA <br /> requirements of less than a 5% gradient, 1 % cross slope and 1 % tolerance connecting the Fishing Pier to an <br /> accessible parking space. The City agrees to complete their portion of the project Installation within one <br /> year of the effective date of this Agreement. <br />II OPERATION OF THE FISHING PIER <br /> The City shall operate the Fishing Pier in the following manner: <br /> a. The City shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, regulations, rules and ordinances which <br /> may apply to the management, operation, and maintenance of said premises. <br /> b. The Fishing Pier may only be used for fishing, observation and other compatible uses. <br /> c. The Fishing Pier and related facilities shall be free and remain open every day during open water <br /> season for at least sixteen (16) hours per day between the hours of6;00 a.m. and midnight or in <br /> conjunction with the City's established hours for a facility of this type. The City may close the Fishing <br /> Pier for emergencies, or for other reasous, without prior written consent of the State. The City shall <br /> notify the State within 48 hours of the closing of the Fishing Pier for emergency reasons or if the <br /> facility will remain closed longer than 24 hours. <br /> d. Free and adequate parking in the vicinity will be provided for the Fishing Pier including at least one (1) <br /> designated accessible space for persons with disabilities. <br />