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<br />I <br /> <br />I <br />~I <br />'i__~l; <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />rEM, JRARY snEET EASH1EHT <br />-.. "- <br />Dated: Apri 1 4. !990 <br /> <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEnATlON, the sufficiency of w. is hereby <br /> <br />owledged, County Crossroads Center Limited Partnership. a!, l1esota Limited <br /> <br />Pa!'Lnership (Grantor), hereby conveys and Qu'it claims to the C >.y of Hastings, <br /> <br />~':innesotll. !.j; Corporation (Grantee), Cl temporary eaSell,,!It for a public <br /> <br />"et over, under and acrc~s th, land legolly described as: <br /> <br />Those parts of Lots 1. 3. 4 1d 5. Block I, COUNTY <br />CROSSROADS CEIHER ADD IT ION. accord i ng to the recorded <br />fJlllt thHrcot, Dilkol,il COUrtly, MillrlCSOt.l, lying northerly <br />of a line described as beginning at the northca~t cornel' <br />of Outlot R of said County Crossroads Center Addition; <br />thence easterly along tile easterly extensioll of the <br />north I ine of said Out lot B to the northeast line of <br />'3aid Lr)l 1 and said 1 ine ttlere terminating; ilnu lyiny <br />southerly of a line 66.00 feet northerly of an~ para lIe 1 <br />with said ubove-described 1 ine. <br /> <br />This easement is granted for the pUT'Pose o-~ locClling. ins.talling, <br /> <br />;',aintainina arid constructing a PUblic street over, under alld across the abovo- <br /> <br />described property, Hithio sai( e-a5l!ment, Grantee shall have the r~ght to <br /> <br />construct. locate and operate <' public street, to acquire and remove all <br /> <br />structure:;, trees, shrubs, yrdss '_'ild herbage ~o Jlel' ob5trllctioTls interfering <br /> <br />with th,' locatioll, constructit; and maint; .nce of sa;~ public st,'eel. <br /> <br />;:urU ore, within Ull!; I!.'a:.;cmeo\o, Grantee Shi' 1,W(~ the rl~ht to ~rade, le....el, <br /> <br />. ill dlld excavatF? ~he easem~nt property to prevent the Jocationof <br /> <br />'J i ldings, trees, fences and other ~;tructur' J) [fIe ,easemr.nt area ,;,hich are <br /> <br />(I(;(;ns.istent with the construc.:tiOrl, milintelli, ,Iociltion und opero fon of a <br /> <br />:Ij!.l~ ic stre(~t. <br /> <br />This tempOCilr} street easement shall ten ,Ite upon the. colllple' 'DII of the <br /> <br />dr'll Street illlprOVCffil?lltS. <br /> <br />The .~bove Grantor, for itself, its succc~; ,.Irs and as:.igns, ;':0'1(" ,:wt5- witb <br />