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HASTINGS CITY COUNCIL <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HASTINGS <br />VACATING ARIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT ACROSS PORTIONS OF THE FREITAG <br />PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 22, 23, AND 27 TOWNSHIP <br />115N, RANGE 17W, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Council member <br />Resolution and moved its adoption: <br />introduced the following <br />WHEREAS, Ruth Lehmann, co-personal representative of the Estate of Raymond <br />Freitag has initiated consideration to vacate aright-of-way easement dedicated to the City <br />of Hastings per Document No. 246564, Book 66, of Misc. Records, Page 502, Dakota <br />County, Minnesota generally located in portions of Sections 22, 23, and 27, Township <br />115N, Range 17W, legally described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the West line of Section 23, Township 115, Range 17, 270 <br />feet North of the southwest corner thereof, thence North 60 degrees 00 minutes <br />East, 160 feet; thence due East 520 feet; thence due South 250 feet; thence due <br />West 480 feet; thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes West, 370 feet; thence due <br />West 295 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes West, 210 feet; thence South <br />74 degrees 00 minutes West, 195 feet, more or less, to a line 800 feet West of and <br />parallel to the East line of Section 27, Township 115, Range 17; thence North along <br />last described line 55 feet, more of less, to the South line of Section 22, Township <br />115, Range 17, thence North 74 degrees 00 minutes East, 195 feet; thence due <br />North 175 feet; thence South 63 degrees 30 minutes East, 330 feet; thence North 60 <br />degrees 00 minutes East, 380 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, <br />containing 7.5 acres more or less. <br />WHEREAS, a Public Hearing on the proposed vacation was held before the City <br />Council of the City of Hastings, as required by state law, city charter and city ordinance; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Hastings in all respects proceeded with the vacation hearing <br />as provided by the Charter, ordinances and applicable Minnesota Statutes. <br />