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City of Hastings <br />Natural Resources and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />Parks & Recreation Conference Room <br />February 10, 2009 – 6:00 pm <br /> <br />1)Roll Call at 6 pm: Commissioners Flaten, Schommer, Miller, Smith, Vandehoef and Tessmer-Tuck, Parks and Recreation <br /> <br />Director Bernstein. <br />Absent: Commissioner Rohloff, Superintendent Smith <br />2)Approved January meeting minutes. Motion by Miller. Seconded by Tessmer-Tuck. Passed unanimously. <br /> <br />3)Goals and Objectives – Director Bernstein will be sending out a copy of the proposed NRRC Goals and Objectives with <br /> <br />revisions via email. This topic will be placed on the March meeting agenda. <br />4)Departmental updates were reviewed with NRRC members. <br /> <br />Oliver’s Grove Title Transfer – The property that Oliver’s Grove sits on is owned by the Hastings Economic <br />5) <br />Development and Redevelopment Authority, not the City of Hastings. Director Grossman is planning to bring a <br />resolution forward to City Council transferring the title of that property to the City of Hastings. Oliver’s Grove is listed <br />in the Parks Comprehensive Plan and has been maintained as a city park for many years. <br /> <br />6)Levee Park Committee Update – Director Bernstein has been attending a variety of MNDot meetings regarding the <br /> <br />new bridge. There has been some discussion surrounding the proposed pedestrian/bike exit from the Hwy 61 bridge to <br />the downtown Levee Park area. A map with some proposed sites for a spiral loop ramp were reviewed. Due to the need <br />for the ramp to be ADA compliant and of a certain grade, the spiral is estimated to be 70-100 feet in diameter and about <br />40 feet high. Director Bernstein does have concerns about this large footprint in an area with limited space, although he <br />does support the need for some type of pedestrian/bike entrance and exit closer to downtown that MnDot’s 4 Street <br />th <br />access. One possibility would be to place the ramp under the new bridge. There may be a more feasible alternative than <br />the spiral concept, including the idea of a switchback. The estimated cost for the spiral concept is about 3.5 million <br />dollars which would not be funded by MnDot. Director Bernstein believes that if the only ped/bike exit is located at 4 <br />th <br />Street, the City needs to create some type of attraction in Levee Park that would draw people back into the downtown <br />area. Commissioner Flaten commented that he feels 3.5 million is too much money for this project and that people who <br />are biking wouldn’t mind biking back a couple of blocks to get to the river. Director Bernstein also mentioned the issue <br />of how to get people safely across 2 Street in this scenario. There is a potential to put a trail leading people from 4 <br />ndth <br />Street through downtown to the river trail, but we need to do this in the safest manner possible. It might be possible to <br />put some type of pedestrian crossing on 2 Street by the Mississippi Belle with a marked crosswalk, flashing lights, etc. <br />nd <br />Commissioner Schommer appreciates the historic concept of the spiral ramp, but thought the cost was too great. <br />Commissioner Vandehoef agreed and commented that this spiral wouldn’t look like the original one-loop spiral bridge <br />anyway. Commissioner Miller feels that an exit from the bridge down to 2 Street is very important, but thought that a <br />nd <br />switchback design might fit better and be more cost effective. Commissioner Flaten commented that there is a spiral in <br />Eagan and there are many more all over the metro area. Commissioner Smith mentioned that bike riding through the <br />downtown area is very pleasant and it is important to allow access in some manner. Commissioner Tessmer-Tuck asked <br />if there would still be vehicle entrances/exits before 4 Street with the new bridge, and could we possibly use those in <br />th <br />some way to allow ped/bike access. Director Bernstein replied that they are in current plans, but that MnDot is <br />examining them as they need to make sure that they allow safe turning radiuses for buses. <br /> <br />The NRRC also received copies of three conceptual plans for what the Levee Park redevelopment could look like. <br />Director Bernstein explained that all three designs had basically the same features, but in different locations. The <br />commissioners all agreed that scheme #3 was the plan they liked the best, which features the visitor center in the middle <br />of the park with other possible amenities (labyrinth, gardens, river walk, winter skating, water playground, outdoor <br />theater, etc.) located throughout the park. It was very important to the Downtown Business community not to lose any <br />parking and all three plans dress up the parking areas with plantings. Commissioner Miller liked that scheme #3 had a <br />great view of the river from the visitor center. Although there is currently no funding available for this redevelopment, <br />the City wants to have a plan in place for the future. There are an assortment of programs working with the National <br />Parks Service to obtain funding for the visitor center and the Levee Park project. Cost estimates really depend on what <br />we do and whether or not visitor center goes in. If we proceed with the concept, open meetings would be held to get <br />input from residents. The bridge project will only pay to fix the areas that it disturbed during the construction. Director <br />