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CITY F ASTIN S <br />F LL ®U A EN A <br />~'~~ ir~~~r c~~i~~zc~l p~crp~s~s ~~zl~y <br />Monday, June 1, 2009 <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br />7:00 PM <br />II. ROLL CALL <br />Present: ayor icks, Councilmembers Alongi, alsanel~, Elling Schultz, ollenbecl~, <br />and Slavik <br />Absent: Nelson <br />Staff: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator esko Lee, City <br />Atto ey Fluegel, Public orbs Director ontgomery, Asst. City Engineer Caven, <br />Planning Director inzman, Parrs Recreation Director e stein <br />III. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM <br />V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 18, 2009 <br />inutes approved as presented <br />V. COUNCIL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED <br />VL CONSENT AGENDA <br />The items on the Consent Agenda are to be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. There will be <br />no discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the items will be <br />removed from the Consent Agenda to the appropriate Department for discussion. <br />Alongi requested that Item #4 be moved to Administration. Mayor Hicks requested that <br />Item # 11 be moved to Administration <br />Slavik, Alongi to approve the Consent Agenda as presented <br />6-0 <br />1. Pay Bills as Audited <br />2. Authorize Letter of Support for CMAQ Grant for Park & Ride <br />3. Resolution Q6-01-09-Accept $125 Donation from Joan Voigt for Pioneer Room <br />4. Resolution-Accept Donation of DARE Vehicle from Hastings Ford-Chrysler- <br />IT C)IjEl~ TC) ~41~1~IIVI~T TIC)IV <br />s. Request for Extended Closing Time at Vets Park <br />6. Approve Solicitation for Requests for Proposal-Copier Equipment <br />~. Resolution Q6-02-09-Approve a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the <br />Hastings Jaycees to Operate the Rivertown Days Beer Garden at Jaycees Park on <br />July 17, 18, and 19, 2009 <br />s. Resolution Q6-03-09-Approve Liquor License Amendment for American <br />Legion to Allow the Sale of Beer in a Temporary Site on July 17, 18, and 19, <br />2009 <br />9. Resolution 06-04-09-Fireworks License: Pinnacle Fireworks (Clancy's, 1399 <br />So. Frontage Road) <br />10. Resolution 06-OS-09- Approve Gambling Permit and Two-Day On-Sale Liquor <br />License for SEAS Fall Festival on September 19 and 20, 2009 <br />