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City of Hastings July 6, 2009 <br />City Council Minutes Page 2 Of 3 <br />12. Authorize Advertisement for Bids -Adams Street/East Hastings Lift Station Replacement <br />13. Approve Appointment of Planning Commissioner <br />14. Solicit Bids for East 4~' Street Paving <br />15. Transfer of Funds-Police Department <br />Public Hearing-Ordinance Amendment Relating to Liquor License Compliance CI-ecks <br />and Presumptive Penalty Process, and Best Practices Business Policy <br />Mesko Lee introduced the item and stated that no comments from the public have been <br />received by staff at this time. <br />Mayor Hicks opened the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. <br />Hearing no comments, Mayor Hicks closed the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. <br />Second Reading/Ordinance Amendment Relating to Liquor License Compliance Checks <br />and Presumptive Penalty Process, and Best Practices Business Policy <br />Councihnember Elling Schultz stated that this policy is an opportunity for the City to <br />work cooperatively with the business community to reduce sales to minors. There was discussion <br />on how the information will be updated. Staff proposes to include information about <br />participation and recertification annually during license renewal periods. <br />Moved by Councilmember Elling Schultz, seconded by Councihnember Hollenbeck to <br />approve the ordinance amendment as presented. <br />6 Ayes; Nays, none. <br />Request to Reconsider Request to Amend Liquor License at Rivertown Days <br />City Attorney Fluegel noted that a request to reconsider must be made by a member who had <br />previously voted in the prevailing side of the previous vote. <br />Moved by Councilmember Slavik, seconded by Councilmember Nelson to reconsider <br />previous action by the City Council to establish a midnight end time for the musical performance <br />at DuGarel's on July 17 and 18, 2009. <br />Councilmember Slavik stated that the situation was alose/lose one for both City and business <br />owner. He stated that he would like to see additional coordination between the licensees and City <br />on these types of requests, and that he would support a consistent end time set in ordinance. <br />Nelson stated that there was not enough notice given regarding the change. <br />Alongi stated that he supported the decision made previously, and that it is poor practice to <br />reconsider decisions made in good faith. Alongi stated that additional advance planning can be <br />done so that similar future requests are presented in further advance. <br />Elling Schultz stated that the consistent midnight end time was an effort to establish <br />consistency. <br />Mayor Hicks stated that while previous years' requests may have been granted, the City <br />makes decisions based on the information that is available at the time. Current information <br />available suggests that a uniform end time is recommended. A motion to reconsider is a very <br />important and significant decision. Hicks also stated that only the music is ending at midnight <br />and that service in the tent is still available until 1:00 a.m. <br />A roll call vote was taken on the motion to reconsider. <br />2 Ayes (Slavik, Nelson); 4 Nays (Alongi, Hicks, Elling Schultz, and Hollenbeck) <br />Motion to reconsider fails. <br />Accept Proposal for Storm Water Utility Study <br />Egger introduced the item and recommended the proposal from WBD for $34,200 be <br />approved as presented. There was discussion on what the consultant's role would be, and Egger <br />stated that they will assist with detail information on utility rate structure recommendations. <br />