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<br />MAY-22-2003 13:20 <br /> <br />BENSHOOF & ASSOC. <br /> <br />952 238 1671 <br /> <br />P.02/03 <br /> <br />~..'" <br />.. <br /> <br />. BENSHOOF & ASSOClATES, INC. <br /> <br />TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS <br />10417 EXCELSiOR BOULevARD, SUITE 'TWO I HOPKINs, MN 55343/ (952) 238.1687 I FAX (952) 238.1671 <br /> <br />May 22) 2003 <br /> <br />Mr. Jon Whitcomb <br />Wesley Investments, Inc. <br />275 South 3111 Street~ Suite 302 <br />Stillwater, MN 55082 <br /> <br />RE: Proposal to Complete Traffic Study for Residential Development in Hastings, MN <br /> <br />. Dear Jon: <br /> <br />As a ranow-up 10 our recent conversation) this letter is to present our proposal to <br />complete a traffic study for your planned residential development in Hastings. The 30 <br />unit condominium devc1opment win be located on Whispering Lane north of 4th Street. <br />From a conversation with the City engineer, we undt=rstand that the: traffic implications of <br />your proposed development will need to be addressed at the Whispering Lane/4th Street <br />and Whispering Lane/Fcathcrstonc Road intersections and along Whispering Lane. <br /> <br />In order to effe<:tively accomplish the preceding project objectives) we will complete the <br />following work tasks: <br /> <br />1. Obtain pertinent background IDformatloD. Items that we win obtain from <br />yo ur team and from govemment staff likel y win include: current development <br />plans, planned year of complttion for development, as-builts for Whispering <br />Lane through the subject inters~ctions, current and historic traffic volume <br />data> aerial photograph and street map of the area, any other planned nearby <br />new developments) and any planned improvements to roadways in the area. <br /> <br />2. Collect data. We win conec~ a.m. and p,m. peak period counts at the two <br />subject intersections. While conducting these counts, we also will observe <br />important roadway and traffic characteristics along Whispering Lane. <br /> <br />3. Complete traffic forecasts and analyses. For the year after full completion <br />of the development. we will project il-m. and p.m. peak hour traffic volumes at <br />the tWo referenced intersections on Whispering Lane. After completing our <br />traffic forecasts, we then will analyze whether the subject intersections could <br />safely and efficiently accommodate the projected volumes. We wii1 also <br />analyze the impact of the proposed development on existing driveway access <br />points on Whispering Lane. Ifwc: identify any level of service or safety <br />dìfficultie:i~ we win develop candida1c mitigation measures. We win discuss <br />our draft res nIts with you and will accomplish any fonow-up analyses needed <br />to respond to your comments. <br /> <br />E'd <br /> <br />6200-0Etr-ISS <br /> <br />qwo:)~~L. 1"l uor <br /> <br />eSI:SO EO E2 ~e¡..¡ <br />