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<br />MAY-23-2003 15:16 <br /> <br />763 569 5799 <br /> <br />763 569 5799 <br /> <br />P.19/19 <br /> <br />REPORTABLE CONDITION <br /> <br />During our audit we noted a condition which is considered to be a "reportable condition" as <br />defined by standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. <br />Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies <br />in the design or operation of the internal control over financial reporting that, in our judgment, <br />could adversely affect the City's ability to record, process, summarize and report on financial <br />data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. <br /> <br />Lack of Sef{re1!atio" of ACCOUlltinJ! Duties <br /> <br />During the year ended December 31, 2002, the City had a lack of segregation of accounting <br />duties due to a limited number of office employees. . <br /> <br />Management is aware of this condition and has taken great strides since 1998 to compensate for <br />the lack of segregation, but due to the large staff needed to handle all of the accounting duties, <br />the costs of obtaining desirable segregation of accounting duties can often exceed benefits which <br />could be derived. We are in agreement with managemenCs assertion that the lack of segregation <br />of accounting duties is currently cost prohibitive and impractical to correct. However~ <br />management must remain aware of this situation and should continually monitor the accounting <br />system, including changes that occur. <br /> <br />Although the item listed is considered to be a reportable condition, we do not feel it is a material <br />wealmess. <br /> <br />MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />Old outstandin~ checks: <br />During our audit of cash we noted that on the outstanding check list, there were a few checks <br />dated for the years 2000 and 2001 amounting to $470. We recommend the City estab1ish a policy <br />to keep the outstanding check list CUlTent by stopping payment on outstanding checks over a year <br />old and issuing new checks. <br /> <br />Update Authoriz.ed Sií!nature Requirements <br />While auditing the City's cash acc.ounts, we found the City properly requires two signatures on <br />all checks to prevent unauthorized disbursements. However, a review of the signature card at <br />Wells Fargo indicates the bank only requires one signature to allow for checks to clear. <br /> <br />Although we did not find cancelled checks with only one signature, we recommend the Fjnance <br />Director contact the bank and revise the signature requirement. This action may prevent <br />potential problems with unauthorized disbursements. <br /> <br />17 <br /> <br />TOTAL P.19 <br />