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Mayor Hicks opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. <br />Paul Swanstrom, 505 McNamara Street, stated that the current biannual inspection and <br />rotating license term seem fine and there is no need to change. <br />Betty Sieben, no address given, stated that the rate increase is astronomical. <br />Tracy Hatch, no address given, stated that it is difficult to be a landlord and additional fees <br />cannot be passed along in this economy. <br />Tony Berens, no address given, stated that annual license is fine, but many other cities do a <br />two year license. <br />Ryan Crick, no address given, stated that no change in the license term is needed. <br />Michael Bryan, no address given, stated that if the inspection will remain on a biannual basis, <br />what savings will occur. <br />Hearing no further comments, Mayor Hicks closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br />Public Hearing 2009 Fee Ordinance Updates <br />Assistant City Administrator Mesko Lee presented the item and outlined some of the <br />proposed changes. Osberg provided an update on the proposed rental housing fee changes. <br />Mayor Hicks opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br />Osberg read an email from Jim Kummer, opposing the fee increase, and Mark and <br />Whispering Lane Apartments, also opposing the fee increase. <br />Tom Dunn, no address given, stated that the comparables made were not equitable. <br />Vince Teuber, no address given, stated that the proposed increases are unreasonable. <br />Todd Ringfeld, no address given, stated that the proposed increases seem like a revenue <br />enhancement tool. <br />Steve Green, 218 2nd Street, stated opposition to the proposed increases. <br />Darren Hatch, 2630 Yellowstone, stated opposition to the proposed increases. <br />Paul Swanstrom, stated that the proposed structure is not equitable. <br />Ms. Schaeffer, asked whether the City would accept county inspections. Code Inspector <br />West stated that the City does not, as the inspections do not always cover the same things. <br />Michael Bryan, no address given, stated support for inspections every 2 years and <br />standardization in property maintenance, but there is inequity in the proposed structure. <br />Tony Berens, 211 2nd Street East, stated that the proposed fees are not in line with what other <br />communities charge. <br />Ross Hartman, Lyn Way, stated that he agrees with the goal of rental housing to help renters, <br />but the proposed fees don't do that. <br />Joan Davidson, 1373 West 12d' Street, stated that she doesn't support the proposed fees. <br />Hearing no further comments, Mayor Hicks closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br />Second Reading/Ordinance Amendment Building Safety and Rental Housing Ordinance <br />Updates <br />Mayor Hicks stated that the proposed fees are too high at this time. He stated a desire for <br />staff to do a further analysis and bring this back to the Council in the future. <br />Councilmember Schultz stated she would support that action, and suggested that staff <br />consider a star program, similar to what other communities have. <br />Moved by Councihnember Schultz, seconded by Councilmember Alongi to approve the <br />Building Safety updates as proposed, and to delete any changes to the rental housing code <br />proposed. <br />Councilmember Hollenbeck stated that she is a rental property owner and will abstain from <br />the vote. <br />6 Ayes; Nays, none. Councilmember Hollenbeck abstaining. <br />Second Reading/Ordinance Amendment 2009 Fee Ordinance Updates <br />Councilmember Alongi requested additional analysis by staff when considering fee <br />adjustments. <br />