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<br />SUBD. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PUBLIC OFFICE. Public Officials are agents of public <br />purpose and hold office for the benefit of the public. They are bound to uphold the Constitution of <br />the United States, the Constitution of Minnesota and to impartially carry out the laws of the nation, <br />state and the City of Hastings and thus foster respect for all government. They are bound to <br />observe in their official acts the highest standards of morality and to discharge faithfully the duties <br />of their office regardless of personal considerations, recognizing that the public interest must be <br />their primary concern. Their conduct in both their official and private affairs should be above <br />reproach. <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />(a). <br /> <br />(a) <br />(b) <br /> <br />SUBD. 4. DEDICATED SERVICE. <br />All public officials of the City of Hastings should be loyal to the political objectives <br />expressed by the electorate and the programs developed to attain those objectives. - <br />Public Officials should not exceed their authority or break the law, or ask others to do so. <br />They should work in full cooperation with other public officials unless prohibited from <br />doing so by law. <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />SUBD. 5. FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT. <br />No public official shall request or permit the use of City owned vehicles. equipment, <br />materials or property for personal convenience or profit. except when such services re <br />available to the public generally or provided by municipal policy for the use of such public <br />official in the conduct of official business. " <br />No public official shall grant any special consideration, treatment, or advantage to any <br />citizen beyond that which is available to every other citizen. <br /> <br />SUBD. 6. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. <br />No public official shall engage in any business or transaction or shall have a financial or <br />other personal interest direct or indirect, which is incompatible with the proper discharge <br />of their duties in the public interest or which impairs their independence of judgment or <br />action in the performance of their official duties. This includes an interest arising from <br />blood or marriage relationships. close business or political association. <br />The following acts. although not intended to be all inclusive, shall be deemed to be a <br />conflict of interest: <br />(1) Incompatible employment as provided by Minnesota Statutes. <br />(2) Use of confidential information, obtained as a result of public position, for <br />.personal gain. <br />Soliciting of personal gifts and favors by a public official. <br />Use of official position for personal gain. <br />Representation by a public official of private interests before City governmental <br />agencies and participation in the profits from such representation. <br />Contracting with the City by a business in which a public official has a substantial <br />or controlling interest. <br /> <br />(3) <br />(4) <br />(5) <br />(6) <br /> <br />SUBD. 7. PUBLIC DISCLOSURE. <br />Not later than ninety (gO) days after the date of this ordinance, each public official of the <br />City of Hastings shall file for public record in the office of the City Clerk, a sworn <br />statement in a form approved by the City Council by resolution and which must contain, <br />at a minimum, the following information: <br />(1) The names of all businesses, corporations, companies, firms, partnerships, or <br />other business enterprises, doing business with or in the City of Hastings, in <br />which said public official is connected thereto as an employee, owner, director, <br />officer, adviser or consultant, or in which said public official has a continuing <br />financial interest, through ownership of stock or as a beneficiary of any pension <br />or retirement plan. <br />A description of all parcels of real property, other than property occupied by said <br />public official as a personal residence, in which said public official has any <br />interest, including the right to occupy any such property. <br /> <br />(2) <br />