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RESOLUTION <br />HASTINGS CHARTER COMMISSION <br />HASTINGS, MINNESOTA <br />October S, ~ 987 <br />Commissioner Johnson introduced the fallowing Resolution and <br />moved its adoption: <br />WHEREAS, the Hastings Charter, Sec. 3.04, describes the procedure <br />far electing an acting mayor; and <br />WHEREAS, in recent years, the City Council has had difficulties <br />in electing an acting mayor because of the requirement that the atinq <br />mayor receive a majority vote of the entire City Cauncil; and <br />WHEREAS, the Hastings Charter Commission has studied the <br />procedure for selection of an acting mayor and makes the following <br />recommendatian. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Hastings Charter Commission <br />as follows: <br />~.. That Sec. 3.04 of the Hastings City Charter be amended to <br />read as follows: <br />SECTION 3.04. ACTING MAYOR, At the first regular Council <br />meeting of the year and at such other times as a majority of <br />the Council deems it appropriate, the Mayor shall nominate a <br />councilperson to serve as acting mayor. The councilperson <br />nominated shall serve as acting mayor only if their <br />nomination is approved by a majority vote of the entire <br />Council. xf the councilperson nominated by the Mayor does <br />not obtain the majority vote as required, then the at-large <br />councilperson who has been in office the longest time shall <br />become the acting mayor without further vote of the Council. <br />If both at-large cauncilpersons have the same tenure, the <br />acting mayor will be determined by lot from amang the twa <br />at-large councilpersons. <br />The acting Mayor shall serve as Mayor in case of the Mayor's <br />disability or absence from the City. The councilperson <br />acting as Mayor during the absence or disability of the <br />Mayor shall continue his or her right to vote as <br />councilperson. <br />2. The Hastings Charter Commission recommends to the City <br />Cauncil that it enact this charter amendment by ordinance pursuant to <br />Minn. Sec. 410.12. <br />Commissioner Gilbert duly seconded the foregoing Resolution and <br />upon being put to vote, the same was unanimously adopted by all <br />Charter Commission members present. <br />