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<br /> <br />CITY OF HASTINGS <br />CITY COUNCIL FOLLOW UP <br />for informational purposes only <br /> <br />Monday, November 1, 2010 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br /> <br />II. ROLL CALL <br />Councilmembers Slavik, Alongi, Balsanek, Hollenbeck, Nelson, Schultz and Mayor Hicks <br /> <br />Staff: City Administrator Osberg, City Attorney Fluegel, Assistant City Administrator Mesko Lee, <br />and Community Development Director John Hinzman <br /> <br />III. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM <br /> <br />IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> <br />Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 18, 2010 <br />Minutes approved as presented <br /> <br />Proclamation— <br />Hunger Awareness Day <br />The proclamation was read. Hollenbeck, Schultz to approve as presented. 7-0. <br />Amy Sutton from Hastings Family Service thanked the Council for their support <br /> <br />Recognition— <br />Firefighter Chuck Paulson <br />The proclamation was read. Slavik, Alongi to approve as presented. 7-0. <br />The Council thanked Chuck for his years of service. <br /> <br />V. COUNCIL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED <br /> <br />A Resolution reauthorizing Resolution 01-09-09 to Allow for Expansion of a Marina was added as Item #3 <br />under Community Development <br /> <br />VI. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />The items on the Consent Agenda are to be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. There will be no discussion <br />on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the items will be removed from the Consent <br /> <br />Agenda to the appropriate Department for discussion. <br />Alongi, Balsanek; to approve as presented <br /> <br />1. Pay Bills as Audited <br />2. Resolution 11-01-10—Rescinding Gambling Permit for MLBA at RJ’s Tavern & Bar and <br />Approving Premises Permit for MLBA at Roadhouse 61 <br />3. Approve Liability Waiver and Indemnification Agreement for use of Firearms Training <br />Facility <br />4. Approve 2010 Gobblegait <br />5. Approve Retirement of Stephanie Nornes <br />6. 2011 Community Funding Recycling Grant Application <br />7. Resolution 11-02-10-Accepting Donations for Halloween Party <br /> <br />VII. AWARDING OF CONTRACTS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />1. Public Hearing—Ordinance Amendment: Abolishing the Police Civil Service <br /> <br />Commission and Creating a Public Safety Advisory Commission <br />PH was opened at 7:15; hearing no comments PH was closed at 7:15 <br />2. Public Hearing—Ordinance Amendment: Fee Adjustments <br />PH was opened at 7:18; hearing no comments PH was closed at 7:18 <br /> <br /> <br />