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<br />Police Depar"tmen"t <br /> <br />150 East Third Street <br />Hastings, MN 55033 <br />Police Chief: Mike McMenamy <br />Non-Emergency: 437-4126 <br />Emergency: 911 <br /> <br /> <br />Noise Ordinance <br />Enforcement <br /> <br />Members of the <br />Hastings City Council as <br />well as the Hastings <br />Poiice Department have <br />received numerous calls <br />regarding concems about noise disturbances in the City <br />of Hastings. A primary concern is the vehicle noise <br />disturbance from vehicles with bass amplifiers that emit <br />a loud bass boom box noise while the vehicles are <br />traveling our iocal streets. <br /> <br />aH<>weet\ Safet~ <br /> <br />Hastings Police Department would like to <br />remind all citizens of some Halloween <br />safety tips for upcoming Halloween events: <br /> <br />~ Door to door trick-or-treating should always be done in <br />~ the early evening hours. <br /> <br />Because of the numerous complaints to City Council <br />members and the Police Department, the Hastings City <br />Council Public Safety Committee has discussed <br />adopting an ordinance prohibiting this type of noise <br />problem. After review of our current ordinances already <br />in place, it was found that we currently have two <br />Hastings City Ordinances that deal with vehicle noise <br />issues and concerns. Ordinance 9.27 deals with <br />disorderty conduct; Sections 7, 8 and 9 of this ordinance <br />all deal with vehicle noise such as spinning of tires, <br />racing of motors or the production of any unnecessary <br />noise within a vehicle. City Ordinance 9.55, Public <br />Nuisance, also covers vehicle noise problems; Section <br />1 states, "by maintaining or permitting a condition which <br />unreasonably annoys, injures or endangers the safety, <br />comfort or repose of any member or members of the <br />public is a violation of this ordinance." <br /> <br />Calls received by Council members as well as the Police <br />Department concerning vehi.cle noise amplified with <br />bass is an issue that will be dealt with. Hastings Police <br />Department is going to advise all citizens that this <br />department will begin active enforcement of this type of <br />violation. Officers will be stopping vehicles when this <br />noise type of problem is observed. The first stop will <br />result in a driver being given a written warning, which <br />will provide a documented record for the police <br />department's computer system. If there are future <br />contacts with the same driver and vehicle for a simiiar <br />type of offense, a violation summons may be issued to <br />the driver for the ordinance violation. The violations <br />summons does not go on a person's driving record as <br />a traffic ticket would, but will require the person receiving <br />the summons to go to court and speak to a judge <br />concerning the ordinance violation. <br /> <br />"'" Hastings Police Department <br />~ ~ encourages all citizens to be <br />t. ~informed of this ordinance, and to <br />- ~~ work together with your family <br />members to help deal with this <br />Page 6 problem. <br />Fall 2002 <br /> <br />~. I Children should always have a friend or somebody to <br />. /c<.' accompany them, and small children should be <br />accompanied by a parent or adult. <br /> <br />..1M Children should only trick-or-treat in their own <br />~ neighborhood, in areas that they are familiar with. <br /> <br />~ When walking, always stay on the side of the street. <br /> <br />..1M Use resident's driveways or sidewalks to walk up to the <br />~ door and try to stay off the homeowner's grass. <br /> <br />~'I Homeowners are encouraged to have as many lights <br />- "., .1'" on as possible in driveways and entryways of residences <br />- IZ to welcome the trick-or-treaters to their door. <br /> <br />..1M People driving vehicles should be especially aware of <br />~ children on foot In the area during Halloween evening. <br />and should drive slowly and cautiously through <br />residential street areas. <br /> <br />~. - II Children are encouraged not to eat their candy untii they <br />"c:<:' are back at their residence and a parent or adult can go <br />through the candy to make sure that nothing appears to <br />have been tampered with. <br /> <br />Hastings Youth Recycling Project <br />Spotlights Girl Scout Troop #1584 <br />as the Third Youth Green Team <br /> <br /> <br />Members of Girl Scout Troop #1584 are helping to educate the <br />community about the Youth Recycling Drop-Off Collection Box for <br />cardboard and mixed paper. Residents, small businesses, and <br />churches are encouraged to drop-off their ciean cardboard, magazines, <br />catalogues, phone books, boxboard, newspapers, and junk mail in the <br />large green recycling coliection box located In the parking lot at Terry's <br />Ace Hardware Store, 375 West 33" Street. <br /> <br />The Girl Scouts earn $15/ton for every ton of cardboard and mixed <br />paper dropped off in the collection box. Funds earned will be used to <br />support Girl Scout Troop 1584 badge activities. The learn and Earn <br />Youth Recycling Project is co-sponsored by the City of Hastings and <br />Waste Management. Since the program began earlier this year, Youth <br />Green Teams have recycled 47 tons of mixed paper and earned $705 <br />for their organizations. <br /> <br />For more information and to receive a Youth Recycling Green Team <br />application, contact Marty McNamara, City Parks and Recreation <br />Department, at 437-5858. <br />