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Hastings, Minnesota <br />June x.9,1.995 <br />The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota net . regular meetin <br />Monday, June 19, 1995 at :00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1.01 4th Street Bast, <br />Hastings, Minnesota. <br />Members Present: Couneilmember Riveness, Warner, Johnson, Simaeelc, Hicks, <br />Moratzl a and Mayor Werner <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Members Present: Dave Osberg, City Acbmu' listrator; <br />Barb Thompson, City Clerk; <br />Mile Wozniak, Connunity Development Director; <br />and Shawn Moynihan, City Attorney <br />Mayor Werner asked if there were any corrections or additions APPROVAL of <br />to the minutes of the regular meeting of June 5, 1995 and hearing none MINUTES <br />declared the minutes approved as presented. <br />Moved by Couneilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember CONSENT AGENDA <br />Moratz a to approve the consent agenda upon moving Items No. 8 & 9 to <br />the Community Development Director as Items No. 1 - Site Plan - Four Unit <br />Dwelling - 2955 River wood Drive; Igo. 2 - Site Plan - Four Unit Dwelling <br />2975 I iverwood Drive. 7 Ayes; Nays, None. <br />1. Pay all bills as audited <br />._. <br />2. Item Withdrawn <br />3. Resolution No. 58-95 - Application for Lawful Charitable Gambling RES. loo. 58-95 <br />to Minneapolis olis West Suburban Jr. Kodia s - Denied <br />4. Declare Excess Property - Street Departxn.ent - Broken Light Pole <br />5. Appoint Heritage Preservation Commissioners - Marls J. Simaee <br />and Sandra Weinberg <br />6. 1st Reading Order Public Hearing - Rezone & Minor Subdivision <br />(Lot Line Adjustment) - 1575 King Midas Lane <br />7. Minor Subdivision - 105 & 107 East Second Street <br />8. Site Plan - Fo r Unit Dwelling - 2955 Riverwood Drive - to Community <br />Development Director <br />9. Site Plan - Four Unit Dwelling - 2975 Riverwood Drive - to Community <br />Development Director <br />10. variance (No. of Parking Stalls) - Perkins Restaurant Expansion <br />1206 vermillion Street <br />11. Resolution No. 9 -9 - Federal (MnDot) Transit Grant for 1996 RES. NO, 9 -9 <br />12. Fire Department State of Minnesota Agreement - Renew School <br />Inspections Contract <br />13. Appoint Mel Behnke to Industrial Park Board <br />14. Authorize Bids for Sealeoat Program <br />15. Authorize Purchase of Lumber - Vermillion Trail Bridge - Top <br />Home Center <br />Moved by Councilm mber Hicks, seconded by Council nember SITE PLANS - <br />Morata. to refer the request for approval of to site plans at 2955 and 295572975 <br />2975 Riverwood Drive to H.B. Offing, to the Planning Committee of the RIV RWOO <br />Council recommendation at the July 1 oth City Council meeting. 7 .Ayes; <br />Nays, None. <br />