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Page 3 September 6, 1994 <br />Moved by Councilmember Sima el , seconded by Council- FLOOD PLAIN- <br />member Riveness to approve the Flood Plain Special Use Permit to KING'S Cow <br />allow King's Cove Dredge Spoils Project, subject to the following <br />conditions <br />. The application shall provide all information required to <br />comply with Chapter 70 of the Building (Grading Permit <br />Requirements ) and Chapter 15 of the City Code (Storm water <br />Management Ordinance prior to issuance of a grading <br />permit for the pro3 ect. <br />b. The applicant shall provide evidence that all required <br />permits from other public agencies lave been obtained <br />prior to beginning work on the project. <br />Ayes; Nays, Warner <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautma an., seconded by Council- SHOR LAN D <br />member I-licks to approve the Shoreland Management Special Use SPECLkL USE <br />Permit to allow the King's Cove Dredge Spoils Project, subject -SIG' S <br />to the following conditions: <br />a. The application shall provide all infbrmation required <br />to comply with Chapter 70 of the Building (Grading Permit <br />Requirements) and Chapter 15 of the City Code Stonn ater <br />Management ordinance) prior to issuance of a grading <br />permit for the project. <br />b. The applicant shall provide evidence that all required <br />permits from other public agencies have been obtained <br />prior to beginning work on the prof iD-ct. <br />6 .yes; Nays, Warner <br />Moved by Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Council- ST R- -WAY <br />member Simacel to approve the request for a site plan from Todd SITE PLAN <br />Si.ewert of Stor - -Way for a new 30 foot b Zoo foot storage <br />building at 445 Spiral Boulevard subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. The proposed structure and accessory items including, <br />but not limited to, the parking lot and landscaping <br />shall be completed pursuant to the approved site plan. <br />Upon request for occupancy of the storage building, <br />all uncompleted items contained within the site plan <br />shall be addressed pursuant to the escrow requirements <br />contained within the site plan review provisions of the <br />City's ommg ordinance (Section 10.24). <br />2. Prior to a Certificate of occupancy being issued for the <br />proposed storage building, the applicant shall provide a 100% <br />opaque fence around the outside storage area.. <br />3. The south wall of the proposed building being constructed <br />of masonry above the planter. <br />Ayes; Nays, None. <br />Mayor Verner called for a 5 minute recess at 9:16 p.m. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Council- WASTE DANA - <br />member Simacek authorizing the issuance of a residential solid MEET-3 YEAR <br />waste collection license effective January 1, 1995 through LICENSE <br />S <br />December 31, 1997 to Waste Management - Hastings (Hastings <br />Sanitary Disposal). . 7 ayes; Nays, None. <br />