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Hastings, Minnesota <br />September 19, 1994 <br />The City Council of the City of Hastings, Nfinnesota met in a regular meeting on Monday, <br />September 19, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 101 4th Street East, <br />Hastings, Minnesota. <br />Members Present: Councilmember Johnson, Simacel , Trautmann, Hicks, Riven ss, <br />-- Warner and Mayor Verner <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Members Present: Barb Thompson, City Cler1; <br />Paul Czech, City Planner; <br />Lori Webster, Finance Director; <br />and Shawn Moynihan, City Attorney <br />John gyros man, HPC Director, introduced local artist Tecla Karpen, who presented the <br />first print of her painting "A Paint Brush Alb of a Hastings Native", to the City of Hastings, <br />which was accepted by Mayor Werner. <br />Mayor Werner asked for corrections or additions to the minutes <br />of the regular meeting of September 6, and the special meeting of <br />September 14, 1994, and hearing none declared the minutes approved as <br />presented. <br />Moved by Councilmember Riv ness, seconded by Councilmember <br />Hicks to approve the consent agenda with the moving of Item No. 6 - <br />Vets Home Waiver of Penalty to City Administrator agenda Item No. 3. <br />7 Ayes; Nays, lone. <br />1. Pay all bills as audited <br />2. Home Occupation - 1393 Jefferson Street - Rachel Poster <br />Home Occupation - 1342 Nest 20th Street - Gerald Anderson <br />4. 1995 Community Landfill Abatement Funding Application <br />5. Fixed Asst Appraisal Consultant <br />6. vets' Home Waiver of Penalty (Moved to City Administrator Item No. 3 <br />7. Fire Department Technical Media, Systems <br />8. Purchase of ,Additional Election Booths - 1995 Budget <br />Mayor Werner opened the Public Hearing at 7;07 p.m. to <br />consider a request from William King, Sr., to rezone the property from <br />the flood way to the flood fringe (A.g.) zoned district. The property in <br />question is part of King's Cove Marina sit sated east o f Highway 61 on the <br />north side of the Mississippi River. The City Clerk provided proof of <br />affidavit of publication. Mayor Werner asked if anyone wished to spear on <br />the issue, and free Erickson of 613 East 1st Street addressed Council with his <br />concern. Mayor Werner asked if anyone else wished to speak on the 'issue, no <br />one wished to do so. The Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. <br />APPROVAL OF <br />NUNUTES <br />CONSENT <br />AGENDA <br />PUBLIC <br />HEARING - <br />AN <br />RING'S COVE <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautman., seconded by Councilmember 2ND REAI PiG <br />Riveness to approve the 2nd Reading to rezone Ding's Cove property from the REZONE <br />Flood Way District to Flood Fringe District with underlying Agriculture -KING'S <br />zoning classification. 7 Ayes; lays, None. CDC <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Councilmember Warner RES. NO. 5 94 <br />to adopt Resolution No. 5 -94 receiving the bids and awarding the contract IN D. PARK <br />for the 1994 Industrial Park Sanitary Sever and Watermain Construction SEWER -9 <br />Project to the low bidder of Gartzke Construction, Inc. for $39,192.00. PROJECT <br />7 Ayes; Nays, None. Copy of resolution on file. <br />