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Page 2 November 21, 1994 <br />Mayor Verner opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 p.m. regarding the P.H. <br />reassessment hearing on tax forfeited property at Lot 1, Block 2, R iverwood REASSESS. <br />Addition. Mayor Werner asked if anyone wished to spew on the issue, and MENT <br />no one wished to do so. Mayor Werner closed the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. FEA1W9G TAX <br />FORFEITED <br />RWERWOOD <br />Moved by Councilmember Riven ss, seconded by Councilmember RES6 NQ I -94 <br />Warner to adopt Resolution No. 100- 94 of the City Council of the City of REASSESS- <br />Hastings ad opting the reassessment for the remaining balance of unpaid ITT TAX <br />assessments on tax forfeited property legally described as Lot 1, Bloch FORFEITED <br />2, R.ivearwood Addition. 6 Ayes; Nays, None. Copy of resolution on file. RTVERWOOD <br />Moved by Councilmember Siniaeel , seconded by Councilmember <br />Ri eness to adopt Resolution loo. 101-94 receiving the feasibility report <br />and calling for a hearing on County State Aid Highway No. 42, River Street, <br />and Grove Street; Street and futility Improvements. 6 Ayes; lays, None. <br />Copy of resolution on file. <br />Moved by Councihnember Rive .ess, seconded by Councilmember <br />Simacel to approve the 3rd Reading of Ordinance 365 for the City <br />of Hastings adopting Chapter 17 of the City Code, coneeming Structure <br />Maintenance for "Rental" Residential Properties, to include changing <br />Sec. x 4.2, by deleting "Housing Official" and inserting "Compliance <br />Official ". 6 Ayes; lays, None. <br />Moved by Councilmember Warner, seconded by Councilmernber <br />Simacek to authorize City Staff to begin the process of implementing the <br />Advanced rife Support Program for the Hastings Fire Department <br />Ambulance Service. 6 Ayes, lays, None. <br />Moved by Councilmember Warner, seconded by Council nember Hicks <br />to tale action amending the Temporary Restricted Duty Policy that <br />was adopted at the City Council meeting on November 7, 1994 by deleting <br />provisions that suggest that temporary restricted duty may be assigned only <br />to employees who have been injured on the job. These amendments allow <br />temporary restricted duty to be made available to employees who have <br />become temporarily disabled. 6 Ayes; Nays, None. <br />RE& NO., 101-94 <br />AEG <br />C SAH 42 <br />YWR VE <br />M T S <br />ORD, 365 <br />CH, 17 <br />STRUCTURE <br />MAINT. <br />ADVANCED <br />LIFE SUPPOIRT <br />-FIRE DEPT. <br />AMEND <br />TEWORARY <br />RESTRICTED <br />U1Y POIICY <br />Moved by Councilmember Pricks, seconded by Councilmember Warner SCHEDULE <br />ULE <br />taking action scheduling a public hearing for Tuesday, December 6, 1994 PIHI_ <br />at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers t the Hastings City Hall SOLID W S1 <br />for purposes of discussing the 1995 solid waste collection rates and I - -9 <br />other solid waste collection options. 6 ,Ayes; Nays, None. <br />Moved by Councihnembear Johnson, seconded by Councilmember SCHEDULE <br />Warner to approve the 1 st Reading of an Ordinance placing a moratorium P.H._ <br />on the siting of adult establishments within any zoning district of the NXXZATCRKM <br />City of Hastings; and directing a study to be conducted, and scheduling 1 - -9 <br />a public hearing for Tuesday, December 6, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. 6 Ayes; Nays, lone. <br />City Admi strator Dave Osberg presented information regarding 1995 <br />the proposed 1995 Budget and information that will be presented at the BUDGET <br />November 29, 1994 Truth and Taxation and Budget Nearing. No action <br />was taken, <br />