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Page <br />D ecember 6, 1994 <br />Mayor Werner opened the Public Hearing, at 7:28 p.m. to hear P.H,- R . <br />comments of the proposed adoption of a Ordinance placing a moratorium AMEN <br />on the siting of adlt establishments within any oni <br />u ni district of the City MORATORIUM <br />of Hastings; and directing a study to be conducted. The City Clerk provided <br />proof o f affidavit of publication. Mayor Werner asked if anyone wished to <br />speak on the issue, on one wished to do so. The Mayor closed the public <br />hearing at 7:30 p. m . <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Councilmember <br />Sirnacek to approve the 2nd Reading of an Ordinance placing a <br />moratorium on the siting of adult establishments within any zoning district <br />of the City of Hastings; and directing a study to be conducted. 6 Ayes; <br />Nays, None. <br />Mayor Werner opened the Public Hearing at 7:31 p.m. to hear <br />comments on the consideration of adoption of an ordinance of the City of <br />Hastings amending City Code Section 2.12, Subd. 2(C), by allowing the <br />Natural Resources and Recreation Committee to serve more than three <br />consecutive terms in certain circumstances. The City Cle rk pr <br />proof of affidavit of publication. Mayor Werner asked if anyone wished <br />to speak on the issue; the following persons did so : Gene R einar d y and <br />Bob Schom er, members of the Planning Commission,, spoke in favor <br />of the Council considering an Ordinance amendment which would <br />include all Commissions, rather than only the 1\TRRC. Lynn Morat. ka, <br />Chairperson ofNRRC, asked Council to approve the 2nd Reading of th <br />proposed amendment at this time. Mayor Werner asked if anyone <br />else wished to speak on the issue, no one wished to do so. The Mayor <br />closed the public hearing at 7 p.m. <br />2ND READING- <br />MORATORIUM <br />ADULT <br />ESTABLISH- <br />ENT <br />P.R. -NRR <br />TERMS <br />Moved by Councilmember Si macek, seconded by Councilmember R JECT <br />Warner to reject the 2nd Leading of an Ordinance amending City Code 2ND R <br />Section 2.12, Subd. 2(C), by allowing N.RC Conunssioners to serve NRRC ORD. <br />more than three consecutive terns in certain circumstances. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks to table this item and direct <br />Staff to draw up an Ordinance which includes all Commissions. Motion <br />died due to lack of a second. The vote was then taken on the original <br />motion to reject; 5 Ayes; Nays, Hicks. <br />Moved by Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember APPROVE <br />Warner to adopt a Family and Medical Leave Policy. 6 .Ayes; Nays, AMMY <br />No rte. <br />M Werner r e - opened the Public Hearing on the 1995 Budget <br />Truth In Taxation which was continued from the special meeting on <br />November 29, 1994 at 7:44 p.m. Mayor Werner asked if anyone wished <br />to speak on the issue, no one wished to do so. The Mayor closed the <br />public hearing at 7:45 p . n. <br />Moved by Councilmember Sirna.cek, second by Councilmember <br />Warner to adopt Resolution Igo. 10594 adopting the 1995 Property Tax <br />Levy of $4,380,000 less HACA o f $1,002,622 for a certified levy of <br />377 378. 6 Ayes; Nays, Nome. Copy of resolution on file. <br />MEDICAL <br />POI" <br />CONTIT�U <br />1995 BUDGET/ <br />TRUTH TAX <br />RING <br />RS. No, 105 - 94 <br />1995 TAX LEVY <br />