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Hastings, Minnesota <br />March 16, 1992 <br />The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota net <br />in a regular meeting on Monday, March 16, 1992 at pa me <br />in the City Hall Council Chambers, 100 Sibley Street, Hastings, <br />Minnesota, <br />Members Present: Councilmem,ber Johnson, Trautma.nn, dicks, <br />Riveness and Mayor Werner <br />Members Absent: Councilmember Mathiowetz and Simacek <br />Staff Members Present: Dare osberg, City Administrator e <br />Barb Thompson, City Clerk; <br />Tom Montgomery, Public Works Dir., <br />Mike Wozniak, Community Dev. Dir.; <br />and Sham Moynihan, City Attorney <br />The Mayor called for corrections or additions APPROVAL GE <br />to the minutes of the regular meeting on March 2, 1992 MINUTES <br />and hearing none declared the minutes approved as <br />presented, <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautmann, seconded by CONSENT <br />CouncilmtemberF Hicks to approve the consent agenda as AGENDA <br />presented. <br />1. Pay all bills as audited <br />2. Amendment to Lindberg- Pierce Architectural <br />Agreement to rovide for Interior Design Services <br />3, Video Equipment Consultant Request for Proposal <br />4. Authorize Advertisement for Bids, Street <br />Department Motor Grader <br />5. 3rd/Final Reading Ordinance 319-Interim Ordinance ORDINANCE <br />S o for rum NO, 319 <br />6. Autho Adve for 199 Di T <br />Program Bids <br />Approve Additional Election Judges for April 7. 1992, <br />8, Resolution loo. 28-92 Encouraging the Governor RESOLUTION <br />and Legislature to Protect the ,integrity of the NO. 28-92 <br />Local Government Trust Fund (See Amendment <br />9, Authorize Advertisement for Bids for Asbestos <br />Abatement Contractor <br />Ayes; Mays, None. <br />The Mayor opened the Public Dearing at 7:03 p, m, PUBLIC <br />to consider an ordinance amending City Code Section HEARING- <br />3.10, Sud, 2A, Section 3.10, Subd. 2D, Section ORDINANCE <br />3.2 0, Subd. 2 and Section 5,34, Subd. 3, which AMENDMENT- - <br />increases license fees on on -Sale Beer licenses, LICENSES <br />Off -Sale Beer licenses, on --Sale Liquor licenses and <br />Cigarette licenses. The Mayor asked if anyone wished <br />to speak on issue, and Linda Hoeschen as owner of <br />the Mississippi Belle expressed her concerns. The <br />Mayor asked if anyone else wished to speak on the <br />issue, no one wished to do so. The Mayor closed <br />the public hearing at 7:06 pems <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by 1991-B <br />Councilrember Rireness to approve the request for <br />Change order #3 to the 1991-B Street & utility CBANGE CRDEl <br />Construction Contract, 5 Ayes; Nays, None, <br />Moored by Gouncilmember Hicks, seconded by TABLE <br />ouancilmember Johnson to table the variance request VARIANCE <br />from Larry Sanders of 509 West 6th Street because RE UE T- <br />t .sre were not enough City Councilme bens present LARRY <br />to approve a variance, 5 Ayeso Nays, None. SANDERS <br />