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Pare 4 April 6. 1992 <br />4, Authorize Staff to prepare necessary <br />documents for the signature by Leonard Bauer, <br />to clarify that a library would be acceptable <br />public use for the property located at <br />Pl Avenue and H ighway 55. <br />Ayes; Nays, None. <br />Moved by Councilmember S ima e , seconded by LOCAL OIL, <br />Councilmember Riveness authorizing the City Clerk and BLDG, <br />Mayor to sign the Purchase Agreement to acquire the ANALYSIS/ <br />Local oil Company building at 5th & vermillion Streets PURCHASE <br />contingent upon the satisfactory subsurface AGREEMENT <br />investigation. This motion also includes approval of <br />an Agreement with Braun Intertec to conduct that <br />investigation. 7 Ayes; Nags, None. <br />Moved by Councilinember Sima ek, seconded by RESOLUTION <br />Councilinember Trautmann to adopt Resolution No. 33-92 NO, 33-92 <br />directing the Hastings City Staff and City Council. BUDGET <br />to use extreme caution on various appropriations and REDUCTION <br />expenditures for the balance of 1992, due to the State MEASURES <br />of Minnesota budget problems and potential impact on <br />the City of Hastings, 7 Ayes, Nays, None. Copy of <br />resolution on file Q <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by CONSULTANT- <br />Councilinember Johnson approving Staffs recommendation TELECOM - <br />to reject the five proposals that were received from UNICATION <br />T Con 7 Aye , r Nays, None, <br />Moved by Councilmember Johnson, se conded by <br />Councilmember ber Hicks to adopt Resolution No. 34-92 <br />approving the request from In Step Promotions to <br />hold a Professional Boxing Show at the Hastings <br />Armory on April 27, 1992. 7 Ayes; Nays, , None . <br />Copy of resolution on file, <br />RESOLUTION <br />No. 3 -92 <br />PROFESSIONAL <br />BOXING AT <br />ARMORY <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by RESOLU'T'ION <br />Councilmember Riveness to adopt Resolution No. 32-92 NO. 32-92 <br />which declares approximately 7 bicycles as excess POLICE <br />property to be sold at a public auction on April. EXCESS <br />261 1 99 2 . PROPERTY <br />Moved. by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by <br />Councilmember Trautmann to amend the previous motion <br />to review the revenue derived from the bike sale <br />during the 1993 budget process. 7 Ages; Nays, None. <br />A vote was then taken on the original motion <br />as amended. 6 Ayes; Nays., Trautmann, Copy of <br />resolution on file. <br />Jill Hoffman and also Russ Adams of APAC AUDIENCE <br />addressed Council on the Three Rivers Manufactured COMMENTS <br />Park Project. <br />Moved by Councilmember Riveness, seconded by ADJOURN <br />Councilmember Simacek to adjourn this regular City To CLOSED <br />Council meeting to two closed door sessions re <br />an employee disciplinary action, and the 1992 `ire- <br />fighters Union Contract at 8:45 p.. 7 Ayes; Nays, <br />None t <br />At 9 4:14 p.m. the City Council reconvened from RECONVENED <br />the closed door session. <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautmann, seconded by EMPLOYEE <br />Councilmember ber Ri eness to approve Staffs DISCIPLINARY <br />recor r endati n regarding the employee disciplinary ACTION <br />action. 7 Ayes; Nays, None* <br />