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<br />U The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the shoretands of the public <br />water bodies as classified in Section 16.04~ of this ordinance. Pursuant to <br />Minnesota Regulations, Parts 6120.2500 6120.3900, no lake, pond, or <br />flowage less than 10 acres in size need be regubted in 3 local government's <br />shorel3nd regul3tions. ^ body of water created by a private user INhere there <br />'Nas no previous shorel3nd may, at the discretion of the governing body, be <br />exempt from this ordinance. <br /> <br />1.2 The shorelands within the City of Hastinqs is hereby established as the <br />Shoreland Overlav District with its attendant requlations. The boundaries of <br />the Shoreland District are established within 1000 feet from the ordinary hiqh <br />water level of a lake, pond or fIowaqe that is qreater than ten (10) acres in <br />size and 300 feet from a river or stream. or the landward extent of a flood <br />plain desiqnated bv ordinance on a river or stream. whichever is qreater. <br />The Shoreland Overlav Districts are specificallv delineated on the official <br />zoninq map of the City of Hastinqs. and is herby adopted bv reference and <br />declared to be part of this ordinance. <br /> <br />1.3 The Shoreland Overlav District shall overlav the zoninq districts established <br />bv Chapter 10 Land Use Requlations (Zoninq) of the Code of Ordinances of <br />the City of Hastinqs. as amended from time to time. The requlations and <br />requirements imposed bv this ordinance shall be in addition to those <br />established for the underlvinq zoninq districts and the conditions and <br />requlations of any other applicable ordinance and requlation of the City. In <br />the event of a conflict between ordinance requirements. the most restrictive <br />provision shall applv. <br /> <br />Subd.2. <br /> <br />Compliance <br /> <br />The use of any shoreland of public waters; the size and shape of lots; the use, <br />size, type and location of structures on lots; the installation and maintenance of <br />water supply and waste treatment systems, the grading and filling of any <br />shoreland area; the cutting of shoreland vegetation; and the subdivision of land <br />shall be in full compliance with the terms of this ordinance and other applicable <br />regulations. <br /> <br />Subd.3. <br /> <br />Enforcement <br /> <br />The City of Hastings is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this <br />ordinance. Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance or failure to comply <br />with any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and safeguards <br />established in connection with grants of variances or special uses) shall <br />constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as defined by law. For each <br />day. the violation continues a separate offense shall be declared. Violations of <br />this ordinance C3n occur regardless of 'Nhether or not 3 permit is required for a <br />