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Hastines City Council Minutes for March 17, 1997 Reaular Meetine Page 5 of 5 <br /> Public Hearing-Wallin 6th Addition- Rezone <br /> Mayor Werner opened the public hearing for the rezoning of Wallin 6th Addition at 9:01 <br /> p.m. Mayor Werner asked if there was any public comments on this item and hearing none closed <br /> the public hearing at 9:03 p.m. <br /> Rezone-Wallin 6th Addition <br /> Moved by Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Yandrasits to table <br /> consideration of rezoning of the Wallin 6th Addition until Metropolitan Council has reviewed the <br /> Comprehensive Plan amendment to include the subject property in the Municipal Urban Service <br /> Area(MUSA) and reclassify the land use designation of said property from Rural to Urban <br /> Residential I (U-I)based on the following finding that according to a 1994 amendment to the <br /> Metropolitan Planning Act, no local official control such as zoning ordinance may be amended <br /> (after August 1, 1995) in conflict with the community's Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 6 Ayes;Nays, None. <br /> Public Hearing- Vacate Spiral Court R-O-W and easements <br /> Mayor Werner opened the public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Spiral <br /> Court R-O-W and easements at 9:03 p.m. Community Development Director Mike Wozniak <br /> explained the request before Council. Mayor Werner asked if anyone wished to speak on the <br /> issue, no one wished to do so. The Mayor closed the public hearing at 9:05 p.m. <br /> Resolution No. 3-13-97, a Resolution Vacating the Spiral Court Right-of-Way and <br /> Abutting Drainage and Utility Easements <br /> Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Councilmember Riveness, to approve <br /> Resolution No. 3-13-97, a Resolution vacating the Spiral Court Right-of-Way and Abutting <br /> Drainage and Utility Easements. <br /> 6 Ayes;Nays,None. <br /> Boat Harbor Lease Agreement <br /> City Administrator Dave Osberg introduced this item. Terry Plan, the boat harbor leasee, <br /> noted he was in agreement with all of Mr. Osberg's proposed amendments to the Boat Harbor <br /> Lease. <br /> Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Councilmember Moratzka to approve the <br /> Boat Harbor Lease with the following amendments: <br /> • All property would be required to be removed from the property within 120 (previously <br /> 90) days after the termination date of the lease. <br /> 0 The termination date was changed to February 1. <br /> 6 Ayes;Nays,None. <br /> Comments From Audience <br /> Paul Truax of First Baptist Church requested clarification on the assessment <br /> determination. Mayor Werner explained the assessment determination amount has not been <br /> established nor acted upon. <br /> Terri Cavalier of 1107 Lyn Way, expressed her concern of overflow parking from the <br /> high school onto residential streets. Staff was directed to meet with School officials to clarify <br /> and establish solutions to address the overflow parking problem. <br /> r- <br /> Unfinished Business <br /> Councilmember Moratzka advised the Citizens Swimming Pool Committee has been <br /> rescheduled for April 7, 1997. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Councilmember Riveness to adjourn the <br /> regular Council meeting at 9:44 p.m. <br /> 6 Ayes;Nays, None. <br /> ATTEST <br /> Mayor 6ty Clerk <br />