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<br />,--. <br /> <br />,--- <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />233 <br /> <br />Hastings, Minnesota <br />April 21, 1980 <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota met in a regular <br />meeting on Monday, April 21, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the <br />Ci ty Hall. <br /> <br />Menbers present: Councilmen Trautmann, Trutna, Kulzer, Stoffel, <br />Shannon, Karnick, Collins, Legler, and Mayor <br />Petersen. <br /> <br />Menbers absent: <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />The Mayor called for additions or corrections to the minutes of the <br />rooeting of April 7, 1980. To amend the rrotion deleting ItenE 3, 4, 5, by adding <br />Cannon Street, 22nd Street to 23rd Street, Cannon Street was omitted in the original <br />rrotion. '!he minutes were approved as amended. <br /> <br />The Mayor opened the public hearing to consider an <br />ordinance amendment to the 1-2 Zoning district classification <br />adding coomercial recreational facilities as a special use in <br />that district for the purpose of constructing a racquetball <br />court facility located at 515 East 3rd. Street. The legal notices <br />of the hearing were read into the record by the Administrator. <br />The Hearing had been properly called. The Mayor gave everyone an <br />opportunity to speak on the subject. No one appeared for or <br />against the proposed amendment. The Mayor closed the public hearing <br />at 7:35 p.m. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORDINANCE AMENIMENT <br />1-2 :ZONING DISTRICT <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Karnick, seconded by Councilman <br />Legler to pass the second reading of the ordinance amendment to <br />the 1-2 Zoning district classification, adding commercial <br />recreational facilities as a special use in that District. The <br />Special Use Permit will be acted upon by the Planning Carmission <br />on April 28, 1980, it was held back for further site plan infor- <br />ma tion. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. <br /> <br />2ND READING ORDINANCE <br />AMENIMENT 1-2 ZOOIRJ <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman <br />Legler to approve the variance request for Henry Endres, 647 <br />W. 6th Street, for a sideyard setback to allow construction of <br />a fireplace on the east side of his property four feet fran the <br />property line, with the recannended condition that before the <br />building permit is issued, the Building Inspector and Mr. Endres <br />resolve a potential concern regarding srroke entering the second <br />story window of an adjacent house. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. <br /> <br />APPROVE VARIANCE <br />SIDEYARD SEIBACK FOR <br />CHIMNEY <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Trautmann, seconded by Councilman <br />Legler to adopt resolution #26 awarding the Dutch Elm Diseased <br />Tree Rerroval Contract to Hoffman-McNamara Tree Service, Hastings, <br />the lowest responsible bidder. Copy of resolution on file. <br />Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. <br /> <br />RESOl1Jl'IOO #26-80 <br />AWARD BID DU'IQI ElM <br />TREE REMOVAL <br /> <br />Skip Soleim, representing the Hastings Public Library <br />Board, presented the Library Expansion Proposal to the Council. <br />'!hey asked the Council for approval to submit the proposed <br />addition to the Library to the voters by means of a referendum, <br />at a Special or General Election. Moved by Councilman Shannon, <br />seconded by Councilman Legler to approve the Library Board pro- <br />ceeding with coopiling the necessary information to verify the <br />exact arrount of rroney needed for the addition. These figures <br />are to be ready at least 35 days before the General Election on <br />Noveni:>er 4, 1980, to pass a resolution for referendum. Ayes, 8; <br />Nayes, none. <br /> <br />LIBRARY EXPANSIOO <br />PROPOSAL <br /> <br />A petition was presented to the Council requesting PETITIOO TO VACATE <br />the vacating of Bailly Street. Moved by Councilman Legler, BAIil..Y ~l' <br />seconded by Councilman Collins to refer this to the City Engineer <br />and Ci tyyPlanner for reca:rmendation and to set a public hearing on <br />the vacation for May 19, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chanbers. <br />Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Kulzer, seconded by Councilman <br />Trautmann to accept the resignation of Ron Kurowski fran the <br />Volunteer Fire Dep' t. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. <br /> <br />RON KURa'lSKI RE3IGNS <br />VOI1JNTEER ! FIRE DEPI' <br /> <br />-1 <br />