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<br /> 23 <br /> Hastings, Minnesota <br /> July 18, 1983 <br /> The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota met in <br /> a regular meeting on Monday, July 18, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council <br /> Chambers of the City Hall. <br /> Members Present: Councilmen Karnick, Nesbitt, Klimek, Pike, <br />,-- Plan, Kulzer, Trautmann, Werner, and Mayor <br /> Stoffel. <br /> Members Absent: None. <br /> The Mayor called for additions or corrections to the minutes <br /> of the regular meeting of Tuesday, July 5, 1983 and hearing none declared <br /> the minutes approved as presented. <br /> Moved by Councilman Trautmann, seconded by Council- GRADING PERMIT - <br /> man Werner to approve the grading permit as submitted by Mr. VERMILLION STREET - <br />C\J Olson which would allow the filling of parts of Lots 15, 16, WILLIS OLSON <br />to and 17 Block 1 of Vermillion Addition. Ayes, 8; Nayes, <br />to None. <br />0 Moved by Councilman Pike, seconded by Councilman HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT - <br />CD Klimek to approve a home occupation permit for a carpenters 1343 WEST 16TH STREET - <br /><t office at 1343 West 16th Street - Gary Hanson. Ayes, 8" GARY HANSON <br /> , <br /> Nayes, None. <br /> Moved by Councilman Pike, seconded by Councilman FINAL PLAT/VARIANCE - <br /> Klimek to approve the final plat for Riverwood 2nd Addition - RIVERWOOD 2ND ADDITION <br /> South side of County Road 47 near the Vermillion River - <br /> Siewert Construction, subject to the payment of the Inter- <br /> ceptor Sewer Fees. Also to approve a variance for a 15 <br />,-- foot walk way width. Ayes, 8; Nayes, None. <br /> Moved by Councilman Trautmann, seconded by Counci1- 2ND READING - ORDINANCE <br /> man Nesbitt to table the 2nd Reading of the Zoning Ordinance AMENDMENT - ADDING <br /> Amendment adding the County Jail as a permitted use in the PI COUNTY JAIL AS A PER- <br /> Zoning District including a provision which includes the MITTED USE IN THE PI <br /> County's proposal for a Micro-wave communications tower as ZONING DISTRICT <br /> a permitted assessory use until the August 1, 1983 regular <br /> City Council meeting. Staff and citizens would negotiate <br /> items with the County such as locations, police dispatch, <br /> TV interference, and soforth. Motion and second were <br /> withdrawn. <br /> Moved by Councilman Kulzer, seconded by Councilman <br /> Ttautmann to pass the 2nd Reading of the ordinance amendment <br /> adding the County Jail as a permitted use in the PI Zoning <br /> District. This excludes the County's proposal for the Micro- <br /> Wave Communications Tower as a permitted assessory use. A <br /> Public Hearing was set for the August 1, 1983 regular City <br /> Council meeting. Ayes, 8; Nayes, None. The Mayor appointed <br /> Bob Kulzer, Fred Trautmann, and Tom Nesbitt to serve on a <br /> Committee to study the County's proposal for a micro-wave <br /> Communications Tower. <br />-- Mr. Gayle Erickson gave a presentation on the DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL - <br /> condominium proposal at the Lock and Dam Road, near Lake GAYLE ERICKSON <br /> Rebecca. The City received a petition opposing this devel- <br /> opment with 33 signatures on it. <br /> The City is in receipt of a petition signed by RESOLUTION NO. 36-83 <br /> eight (8) residents requesting that 11th Street from Spring RIVERTOWN DAYS - 11TH <br /> to Maple would be posted for 'No Parking' during Rivertown STREET 'NO PARKING' <br /> Days, which would be July 22, 23, and 24, 1983. <br /> Moved by Councilman Werner, seconded by Councilman <br /> Trautmann to adopt Resolution No. 36-83 and accept Staffs <br /> recommendation to prohibit parking on both sides of the <br /> street during Rivertown Days Festivities. Ayes, 8; Nayes, <br /> None. Copy of Resolution on file. <br />