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<br />834 <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Driscoll <br />to pass the third reading of an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE v <br />ESTABLISHING A NATURAL RESOURCES AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION" <br />to finally read as follows: <br /> <br />The City Council does ordain: <br /> <br />c-' <br /> <br />SECTION I ESTABLISHED AND CREATED: In accordance with and subject <br />to the limitations of Minnesota Statutes Annotated <br />412.621 subdivision 1, there is hereby established and created an <br />Advisory Natural Resources and Recreation ConiInissionfor the City of <br />Hastings. <br /> <br />SECTION II NATURAL RESOURCES AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION - <br />MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS: Subdivision 1. The Natural <br />Resources and Recreation Commission shall consist of eleven members - <br />mine regular, one student representative and one member of the City <br />Council, all appointed as hereinafter set forth. <br /> <br />Subdivision 2. Nine regular members of the Commission <br />shall be appointed by the City Council for terms of three years each. <br />No less than five of said regular members shall be residents of the <br />City. Three (one of whom can be a School Board member) of said regular <br />members shall be appointed by the City Council with the approval of the <br />Board of Independent School District #200. Subsequent regular appoint- <br />ments shall be for three year terms expiring on December 31st of the <br />third year of such term and until a successor is duly appointed. In <br />the event of a vacancy, the City Council shall appoint a person to com- <br />plete the unexpired term, such appointment being made irt the same manner <br />as the original appointment. The nine members holding office at the <br />time of the adoption of this ordinance shall continue in office until <br />the term for which they were appointed shall have expired. <br /> <br />,.-- <br /> <br />Subdivision 3. One member and,one a1tern~te, both of whom <br />shall be Senior High students of School District #200, shall be appointed <br />b~ and and serve at the pleasure of the Board of said School District, <br />upon the recommendation of the High School Student Council, for a one- <br />year term unless such appointment shall be sooner terminated by said <br />Board. Such member and alternate shall be appointed as soon as practi- <br />cable after the 1st day of September in the year in which such term <br />shall commence to serve until the 31st day of August in the succeeding <br />year. The named alternate may attend all meetings and in the absence <br />of the member shall vote and shall be counted in determining a quorum. <br /> <br />Subdivision 4. One voting member and one alternate, both <br />of whom shall be members of the City Council, shall be appointed by the <br />City Council for a one year term. No Council member shall serve as <br />member for more than two consecutive years. Such member and alternate <br />shall be appointed as soon as practicable after the 1st day of January <br />of each year, to serve until the 31st day of December of that year and <br />until his successor shall qualify. <br /> <br />SECTION III EXPENSES OF MEMBERS: The members of the Commission shall <br />serve without pay, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses <br />if funds therefor are provided in the adopted budgets of the Park Fund <br />and the Recreation Fund. <br /> <br />SECTION IV POWERS AND DUTIES: The Commission shall have the power <br />to adopt by-laws and elect such officers for such terms <br />as it deems desirable from the nine regular members and who are not <br />members of the City Council, School Board, Planning Commission. It <br />shall be the duty of the Commission to hold meetings of its members, and <br />to meet from time to time with the City Administrator and other officials <br />as may be designated to consider such matters pertaining to land <br />acquisition and other Open Space System programs and to Parks and Public <br />Recreation programs in the City as shall be referred to the Commission <br />by the City Council, City Administrator or School Board or as the members <br />of the Commission deem proper. The Commission shall make an annual <br />advisory report not later than 120 days prior to the end of the current <br />fiscal year which report shall contain the recommendations of the <br />Commission for program and budget for the ensuing year. Additional <br />Commission reports, conclusions, and recommendations shall be made to <br /> <br />. . 1 ~ <br />