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<br />6. Samples of paint colors, when required; <br />7. Plan and description of changes to architectural details; <br />8. Samples and illustrations of proposed replacement materials; <br />9. Description of area proposed to be cleaned and methods, companies or <br />chemicals to be used; <br />10. Details of signs or awnings including lettering, design, size, color and <br />materials. <br />11. Statement of how the proposal relates to historic significance of site. <br /> <br />D. Review of application. The Commission may approve, approve with conditions, <br />or deny an application. All findings and decisions of the Commission shall be <br />recorded in Commission minutes, or on the application itself when a Commission <br />meeting is not required. Decisions are final, subject to appeal to the City Council. <br /> <br />The Commission shall designate types of alterations, such as maintenance <br />activities or minor alterations which can be approved by the Preservation Staff or <br />referred to a Committee or the whole Commission at a public meeting. <br /> <br />The Commission shall designate types of alterations which can be approved by a <br />Committee of three Commissioners or referred to a whole Commission at a <br />public meeting. <br /> <br />Alterations not designated above will be considered by the whole Commission at <br />a public meeting. <br /> <br />The Commission may call a public hearing for types of alterations that are for, but <br />not limited to demolition, relocation, major addition or remodeling and infill <br />construction on a property designated as a Heritage site or within a Heritage <br />Preservation District. Notice of the public hearing at a meeting during which an <br />application will be reviewed shall be mailed to the applicant and property owners <br />within 350 feet of the property, 10 calendar days prior to the meeting. <br /> <br />E. Required findings. <br />1. Alteration within a site or district: Before approving a certificate of <br />approval, the Commission shall make written findings that the alteration <br />will not materially impair the integrity of the site or district and is consistent <br />with the applicable design guidelines adopted by the Commission, if <br />design guidelines do not apply, is consistent with the recommendations <br />contained in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. <br /> <br />2. Guidelines and Standards. The Commission will be guided by the <br />Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, as well as by the <br />Design Guidelines adopted by the Commission for the review of proposed <br />changes within Heritage Preservation Sites and Heritage Preservation <br />Districts. In all cases, the Commission will give consideration to the <br />