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<br />adaptive use is economically feasible. <br />3. That the distinguishing characteristics of significance are for the most part <br />original and intact or capable of restoration. <br />1. The existing or proposed use is compatible with the preservation and maintenance <br />of the site. <br />C. ~Planning Commission Review:..~ The Heritage Preservation Commission shall <br />advise the City Planning Commission of the proposed designation of a Heritage <br />Preservation Site, including boundaries and secure from City Planning Commission its <br />comments or recommendation~ with respect to~ <br /> <br />tAethe relationship of Heritage Preservation Site designation to the <br />comprehensive plan and zoninq code of the City of Hastings~, ' <br /> <br />the consistency of the proposed desiqnation with applicable development plans <br />or development obiectives adopted by the City Council. <br /> <br />The Commission shall respond to the HPC within 30 days of receivinq the <br />proposed desiqnation. recommend approval. reiection or modification of the proposed <br />desiqnation 'Nithin 30 davs after recei'linq it. <br />its opinion as to the effect of the proposed designation upon the surrounding <br />neighborhood, and its opinion and recommendation as to any other planning <br />consideration which may be relevant to the proposed designation, together with its <br />recommendations of approval, rejection, or modification of the proposed designation. <br />The said recommendation shall become part of the official record concerning the <br />f)roposed designation ::md shall be submitted by the Heritage Preservation Commission <br />along with its recommendation concerning the proposed designation to the City Council. <br />The Heritage Preservation Commission may make such modifications, changes, and <br />alternations concerning the proposed designation as it deems necessary in <br />consideration of the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. <br /> <br />D. ~Preservation Commission Findings and Recommendation:..~ The eligibility of a <br />property for designation as aA Heritage Preservation Site shall be determined by the <br />Commission in open meeting, notice of which shall have been sent to all owners of <br />property considered for designation, with opportunity for public comment. The <br />Commission shall adopt a resolution of recommendation for each site or for a district as <br />a whole. <br />E. ~State Historic Preservation Office's Rfeview:.. of future Heritage Preservation <br />Sites" Prior to making its recommendation to the Council, every proposeda+-ef <br />designation by the Commission shall be sent to the State Historic Preservation Office <br />for review and comment in writing within 60sMy days. <br />F. .!!.Council Designation.:..!!. The Commission shall forward its recommendations, together <br />with its findings of significance and integrityeligibility and with the comments of the Planning <br />Commission and ofthe State Historic Preservation Office, to the City Council. <br />The City Council, upon recommendation of the Commission may, by resolution, <br />designate a Heritage Preservation Site or District. Prior to such designation, the City <br />Council shall hold a public hearing, notice of which shall have been published in a <br /> <br />J:\HPC\Sec.2.18 amendment 4-15-05.docC:\WINNT' Prefiles"JMahefle'{\My DaeHfllefltffiefllift8f1ee8ffiQfldmentilldy3.deeDeeuffioflt2 <br />