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<br />.'Cf~.[t..?:, . <br /> <br />." . <br />. ,,' ">".f.' ,'-'", -.:,' <br />", ..:...,'...., .. ~.' .' ',' i.. .,.~(-~it~.'"~.:"A;~'~" <br />~ ' , ~'. .. ~ ' 'j. : '''',: >-, <br />,at e...... , ; IJ~:',:/ <br /> <br /> <br />: ":;i!'::?~ }S~3(;~ . <br /> <br />. '3",'. and other matters . required' by!av to be:.,o'.pubU.hecl' - ..,el1 .' <br /> <br />,'.",t', . <br />\' .:~.'.~. ;:. <br />:,';.... 88 such other' matters as" the' council may dee.'"'.pub1ic <br /> <br />. <br />_;,i;;.,:~.~": <br /> <br />. ... <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1122 <br /> <br />,- _'.'; ~~}f~' <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />. .. <br /> <br />""(\~ ) .''.:' <br /> <br /> <br />;<':~ ~.; <br /> <br />. .' <br />.', I <br />. . <br />,; ',.'r <br />" . ~ ';' ~ ~. <br /> <br />"J:, <br /> <br />t." . <br /> <br />.. <br />, ,0, <br /> <br />. ",,'., <br /> <br />.f';:";?' <br />. ";"..\' \ : interest to have publishea in. this manner'. <br />. \:,;'J..:.;~ '. ~-J' I,"' <br />'.','\ ,"':;" '. ,.., , ... ': .' <br /> <br />~:A::"/.;:8ectiC>>D 7 ~O~';>!.r' Sales' of 'Real : PropertY , .' <br />',:::';:::::~:;:r1. ":'.H::;':.\;':::';:,' >.i~.'i' ,.' , ' . '. <br />.,~'~';~</~:~i.~'~F::.~>:'.': :.,:.. ....:;::~/,:.. No real pioperty of the' City' shall be' di8p08ed of unless the . ..:.: <br />;""'-;..'.'.:' ~':' :".~I'. '>'.;: :....;..~.....'.... . . <br />':~\;!~rS:)~,':'::L' Jf:: CouncU lIhall fint pas.'. re.olut1~. cont.W.DII .p.cific fiaclf,aa8., . ,:. <br /> <br />:'~.,;:;,. : ~.i :;,.'t.:.<,:, ,,)~.:;:.\. that the property :l8 no 1~8er needed' foJ:City purpo~es~' 'the . . <br />.... ::.X,""" '""",,.c:}.>. . . . ..,': ,,: ;~. <br />;.'~:.:~\~;::/::~~>}~\<'.~:.~::i;..:.'):~~Y;proceec1s. of any 8ale of 8uchproperty shall' be used', as far 88 .. ,." . <br />,:;i\'.;:;:;'~~;.\i,?l';\2%; ". . . . '::>':> <br />,,' :....~;-;-:L~;;';;;:~.<~.....<~:;{'.:';.ti...~' possible, to retire eny outstand1:ng indebtedness incurred by the .i'::. ....' . ';. <br />I~li~~~~~~~J~~'~~~;;~t;City iathe purth..... COD8tructiOll or imp_t of thia pro- . \',':'h::.5~t <br />..,.,;;:.;'~~fit~;;'i&~:"~"i:(?:~:\>::~:,;,;,\~~t, .' \' ;'. "" ......;.:. ~ " 'r <br />.i:;:})~';~~)~:~~(.\:'::':':;~~;:\'~"';;.~~~'r'}~'perty If there is no such outstand~g indebtedne88, the Cound,l', <":):7;:':'. "'.:'.1: <br />~:):,';;:J.;~:.:..~,~:t"~s.:::;-:;:..,.Y")::'~:,\', . tjhe ..:....;::. ';:\!~~ t.; <br />~'{~;~~~1t~::;;;Y'>\'::.::~~C'.~':':i':'-'.>;:(d,may by resolution designate some othet" public use for IProceecla,,~,"~!.:L':',;,>,>,::,,:~, <br />;?'~~9~i':;:' '," ::' . '/P.:;( . . ..' ,:f:'-';. :;ri'; .,":; ( <br />~y~;i.{:l::(<'> ',;~"<',~";'.:'~.;;'.:)Sale8 of real property owned by the' City. .hall be doI\ducted' iD:,)~>;,:'l:'~';>:~.:"'~':f <br />'0/{.i1~:". <};>~",..,. .' '. :" ..' ".::',';:\>::;t;::,.:;, <br />.....,"i"h!'. ..' .;.;, , ';"';"':'oommercially rea80nable manner8. .,...,...;...;'!';'''' './>. <br />J;;~~(~ '. i .' ,".'. ~~~~ . . . :;:F;~i:i"';? <br />. ~,.:,;~(. Section'.7 .05 ~";''', 'Vacation of Streets' and Alleys ' ;';. ;!..:.: .'::';- <br />~}i.~~).~:.ti;~~J~I~. Th. Couacil MY by raaolutiOll approved by at 1eut. aajOritJ'<W:ci:'i,:(.1~.' <br /> <br />,"",~"""",~,~.~'::/.i':.:'",'<".':':;' ',"',l"'!.::;of its entiremember8hip. vacate any street' or alley or part,<.!:,.;.I.. .+i: <br /> <br />,t,~r0'(~~Z$J;!;{AB*1\;;f{;);; thereof within the Ci~ of HastiDII.. Such v.utiOll may b. .... . )~~~:iF;';l.ti: <br />!~;~,.,,~:t::S~ ;;<j-X!.;\~oa1y after publiahed notice and .. Gpi>ortunity for affected < .;, \?::.fI:f <br />;;~:t:';~fP~::~<,+::,;,;~~::::;/:'::~/i~::/Y~:;;{": ." , '. .' :{i':',;,~~:~:<;~ :;.. <br />(~0:;U.f,;~'~i;:J;;:,:::.:,...:">,.,.:.\,\.>',<,'propei'ty owners and the public to be heard, and upon 8uch further' .\';;,~',"~;":~' <br />...,..,~y~, , . ,"""):' .. , " r.' d\'" <br /> <br />~~S~:;e . .. ..~j}~: terms ..d by ouch further procedure. as the C_cil MY preacrA.."i 'L'/";~\ <br />~'i;;~~" ... .1;%1': .. J:.,::,i'~ <br />7',,,{,,'./,..,.; . :.!)::.A notice of completion 'of such proceeding8 8hall be filed'with · ...:..... .~.~ <br />:ff.jf:J:' ., .. '. ",:'\i@'( , :} ':. ".,t, <br />:;'~:)i:,N. .. :;lZthe Begiater ~f Deeds. ' '. ":::;,1 <br /> <br />i;':\.;;'~~{~\,'e~~icn:~.':.'1.()6.::/;; City to Succeed Right8 and Obligations of former':Citv :.' .....:);:! <br />t',~(o'}:.:;f:Y:'\:~.'::','\,<i;'~.":;,~;:,':"'" , ..., '.' ."." 7i\t;.,~: <br />:~<':J~:~,.:.?:~.;~,:':;~-//<'.:>.':"'i\'):~~,Th" City .hall succeed to all the: property/rights, and privileg...:, ~: ~~"~;..i <br />;:""t>'~,;';}::/ -);":~\~:;::",,'::":.::~;~>\ I' .' " . ..'.. " . V . . . ..' .', . ,~' <br />"::;':';"-:\>.:.;,}:;ii;'~;J.':: aad .hall b. .ubjectto' all ~l qb1,iIl8U.' of the. CiI:1.a.~ . .,"::: <br />\'.":;:",".~:;;;;~i:.::~:~:<,~:,..;;,:t,~;':~ir'(:./s,', ..:. : "" ~.," . ,":. "\'I~; .,,,' :.:.' '" . ~', <br />) :''',:' ' ..,. r',:,: .::,.;,:.}~,::.:., the former Charte~.' . ;., '.. ;.; ,t. '. ".', ..' \.~ <br />. ' ." ,.:. ;.;".. . . . , " \. . , .' . .' . <br /> <br />t';.;:;-,:. : :X.,,:. .:, ::5;:J.yrd ". ;"'.:~:::.; r: ,>.: .. :' ,'. ,'.' . or>: .... .... .. ... <br /> <br />._:' . .,.' '" . '.:' ;..'. l,. i ~I ..'r'.'.~ ." 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