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<br />City of Hasting NRRC Minutes <br />September 14, 2004 <br />6:00 pm <br /> <br />1) Roll Call at 6 pm, commissioners Vaughan, Christianson, Brown, Vieth, O'Melia, Sieben, Becker, <br />Popp and Parks and Recreation Director Bernstein and Interim Superintendent Smith. <br /> <br />2) Motion made by Sieben and second by O'Melia to approve the June 2004 minutes. Passed <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />3) Commissioner Vaughan asked to add the skate park to the agenda. <br /> <br />4) The following dates will approved the NRRC meetings: <br />October 12,2004 <br />November 9, 2004 <br />December 14, 2004 <br />January 11,2005 <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />5) A request for a sign for the Greten Family Park Sign. <br />Discussion included: <br />The sign does not conform to the other park signs in the City of Hastings. <br />Cost of the sign, approximately $3,500 + tax, which is Cities cost. <br />Naming of park <br />Potential upgrades of signs for future through aU city parks. <br />Consistency of parks signs and names for all City of Hastings parks. <br />For future can we have all developments in the City of Hastings come through the NRRC <br />for approval? <br />Branding of Hastings Parks. <br />MOTION: O'Melia recommends table request until staff will research specifics about agreements with <br />the park and the development. Second by Seiben, Passed unanimously. <br /> <br />6) Director Bernstein gave a verbal report on the process of the two warming shelter requested to be <br />build at Wallin and Lions park. <br />Discussions included: <br />Ward 2 has a small balance ($109,000) in the dedication fees account (Lions park) <br />Ward 4 has approximately $400,000 in the account (Wallin Park) <br />Council asked staff to rebid the project for two separate buildings and for staff to have <br />discussions with the Lions contributions. Lions made a commitment to assist in the <br />project but will discuss amounts with their board. <br />Project has a vision of constructing Wallin shelter in 2004 and potential shelter at lion's <br />parks for 2006. <br />Question of is Lions park a neighborhood park or community park? Master plan labels <br />the park as a neighborhood park. <br />Staff will ask for bids again on Wallin shelter for 2004 for basis shelter with a "shopping <br />list" for added items, such as drinking fountains, types of heating and automatic overhead <br />doors. <br />Question of why the architect drew a $125,000 shelter when he new budget was $100,000 <br />per shelter? <br /> <br />(~) <br /> <br />7) Director Bernstein gave a verbal report on the process of the Vermillion under pass bike path. <br />Discussion included: <br />Possible ribbon cutting ceremony. <br />When and who would be invited? <br />