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<br />1484 <br /> <br />a. All necessary business expenses, car allowances, and <br />advertising allowances as set forth in a reasonable preapproved <br />budget. This preapproved budget must be submitted by Baumeister <br />prior to the commencement of each quarter and the City must act <br />upon the same prior to commencement of the respective quarterly <br />periods. Before reimbursement for said business expenses, car <br />allowances, and advertising allowances are in fact made, <br />Baumeister shall submit detailed listings identifying the nature <br />of the expense for which reimbursement is sought and providing <br />such other reasonable requested details as the City may request <br />with reference to said expenditures. It is understood that the <br />expenses referred to in this subparagraph shall not under any <br />circumstances exceed $10,000.00 per annum. <br /> <br />b. In addition to the other considerations hereinbefore <br />provided, Baumeister shall receive a sum equal to 5% of the gross <br />sales price of any land sales in the Hastings Industrial Park <br />which sales are consummated during the term hereof or in continua- <br />tion hereof. Said commission shall be payable upon closing of the <br />respective sale. Provided, however, that no commission shall be <br />due Baumeister for any sale closed during the term hereof or any <br />extensions of this agreement, for which the City of Hastings must <br />pay Calder Corporation a land sales commission by virtue of the <br />fact that during the term of the contract with the City Calder pro- <br />moted a sale to the respective purchaser. <br /> <br />c. All expenses incident to the establishment of an office, <br />including office help and like overhead expenses are to be borne <br />solely by Baumeister, and the City shall not be responsible for <br />reimbursement therefor. <br /> <br />7. This Agreement shall in all respects be construed to establish <br />an independent contractual relationship and Baumeister shall not be con- <br />strued to be an employee of the City nor shall the City be construed to be <br />an employer of Baumeister. Baumeister shall be responsible for payment of <br />all income and all other like taxes due upon consideration received from <br />the City of Hastings, and the City of Hastings shall not be responsible for <br />any tax withholding with reference thereto. <br /> <br />8. Other than appropriate disclosures to City officials of the City <br />of Hastings, the City and Baumeister agree to keep secret the names of,or <br />any information relative to any past, present or prospective purchasers or <br />lessees from the City. Baumeister shall not divulge to any person, other <br />than officers of the City of Hastings, and prospects or persons authorized <br />,by the City, any information relative to the properties of the City being <br />offered for sale. All contact, prospect, and other like information in <br />the possession of either the City or Baumeister shall be and remain the <br />property of the City and upon termination of this Agreement for any reason <br />whatsoever at any time whatsoever, the same shall be delivered in total to <br />the City. Baumeister agrees that he will not use any papers, records, nor <br />will he divulge any information whatsoever relating to his relationship <br />hereunder except to appropriate officers of the City. <br /> <br />9. Baumeister agrees that for one (1) year subsequent to termination <br />of this agreement, for any cause whatsoever, or without cause, he will not <br />be involved either as principal agent or employee or in any capacity what- <br />soever in the promotion of industrial sales to any persons, firms or dor- <br />porations with whom he had negotiations or dealings during the term of this <br />contract. <br /> <br />10. Upon termination of this agreement for any cause whatsoever, or <br />whether terminated without cause, Baumeister will submit to the City a de- <br />tailed list of all persons with whom he is carrying on negotiations for <br />location in the City of Hastings Industrial Park and will provide in detailed <br />memorandum form the status of the negotiations, including names of contacts <br />in the respective prospect firms. <br />