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<br />2. Reduction of reflectance and urban heat islands through increasing <br />canopy cover. <br />3. Conservation of energy through strategic shading and the use of <br />windbreaks. <br />4. Conservation of water through xeriscaping design strategies including <br />using decorative rock as ground cover, limiting turf areas, selecting low- <br />water-use plants and designing efficient irrigation systems. <br />5. Selection and placement of plant materials to limit required maintenance <br />of landscaped areas. <br />6. Preservation or restoration of natural amenities. <br /> <br />SUBD. 3. REQUIRED LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING: <br /> <br />A. In all districts except Downtown Core (DC) and Residential Mixed Use (RMU), <br />all new developed uses shall provide a landscaped yard along all public streets. <br />The landscaped yard shall consist of trees, shrubs, planted ground cover and <br />other vegetative materials. Ornamental non-vegetative material may also be <br />used. This yard shall be at least twenty (20) feet deep, measured from the street <br />right-of-way line. This yard shall be kept clear of all structures, storage and off- <br />street parking. Except for driveways, the yard shall extend along the entire <br />frontage of the lot, and along both streets in the case of a corner lot. Each side <br />yard shall have a minimum of ten (10) feet of landscaped area and each rear <br />yard shall have twenty (20) feet of landscaped area. <br /> <br />B. Required Landscaping. Overall composition and location of landscaped areas <br />shall complement the scale of the development and its surroundings. In general, <br />larger, well-placed contiguous planting areas shall be preferred to smaller, <br />disconnected areas. Development must provide the following number of trees <br />and shrubs in addition to any trees and shrubs required for screening: <br />1. Not less than one (1) tree per 2,500 square feet of Developable <br />Landscaping Area. <br />2. Not less than one (1) shrub per 1,000 square feet of Developable <br />Landscaping Area. <br />3. The remainder of the landscaped area shall be covered with turf grass, <br />native grasses or other perennial flowering plants, vines, shrubs or trees. <br />4. Developable Landscaping Area is defined as the total area of a <br />development site or phase minus the portion of area within: <br />a) A natural waterbody <br />b) A protected wetland <br />c) A scenic easement <br /> <br />C. Required Perimeter Screening. <br />1. Perimeter screening designed to buffer incompatible uses is required: <br />a) Along any off street parking area containing over six (6) parking <br />spaces that is adjacent to a site that is residentially used and either <br />residentially zoned or guided. <br />