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<br />4. LAW ENFORCEMENl' - MAYOR <br /> <br />I~ <br /> <br />June 25, 1986 <br /> <br />~~~QW-J....Qe....--MA~QR---PG~GE-QEPAR~....--@:ie-MayeF-6Ra~~-ae-tJ:ie-Q:iie~-EKeffii'E:i:ve <br />~~ieer-e€-tae-bity-e€-Wast~s-Peliee-Qe~rtffieRt~--~e-Pelise_Qe~~t_sRa~~-e9Rsist- <br />e~-a-GRie~-e~-Pe~iee-aaa-sHeR-etHeF-R~r-aaa-FaRk-e~-pe~ise_F8FseRRe~-as-meY-Be <br />aH~eri~ea-aRa-Bl:ia'!Je~ea-~er-By-tae-b:i:~y-Ge\:lRe:i:~-w:i:ta-tae-eeRSeH~-e€_tae-MayerT--~Re <br />M:lyer-5Ra~~-Be-~e-Af:l}3eiR'E:i:R'!J-AH~eF:i:'Ey-~eF-~~es-e~-a~f*3:i:REfleR'E-aaQ_~FeHIe'E:i:eR-HaBeF <br />biv~~-Serv:i:ee-Ra~e5T--~e-Mayer-meYT-Ba~-~S-Ret-r~~rea_teT_a~pe~Rt-eF-~F8ffi9te-F8rseRs <br />te-vaeaRe:i:e5-eK:i:5~:i:R'!J-:i:R-tae-Pe~:i:ee-Qe~rtffieR~T-Ba~-aRY-~rseR_se_a~~RteQ-er-~F8ffi9~ea <br />SAa~~-Be-a-~r5eR-eer'Ei~:i:ea-a5~a~i~iea-By-~e-bivi~_SeFViee_~s5:i:eR-e~-~e-b:i:ty <br />e~-HaS1::i:R'!JS.--YpeR-a~RtffieR~-er-~reme~:i:eR-~e-~~~~-a-~eaRey_iR_tae-ae~FtmeR'ET-tae-b:i:~y <br />~~e:i:~-5Aa~~-aH~er:i:~e-~atieR-~e-saia-~rseR.--~-biv:i:~_SeFV:i:ee-b~5s:i:eR~-tae <br />b:i:'Ey-e~-HaS'E:i:99s-SRa~~-~HReE~:i:R-aeeeF8aRee-w:i:'ER-S~'Ee-S~'EH'Ee.__@:ie_M:lyeF-meYT-:i:R-R:i:s <br />a:i:5ere'E:i:eRT-a~:i:R~-e:i:~:i:BeR57-:i:Re~H8:i:R'!J-eeHRe:i:!:IfteRT-~-a-e8mffi:i:~~_te-aav:i:se_Aiffi-:i:R <br />~:i:ee-me~~ers7-Ba~-~e-aa~er:i:~y-e€-5a:i:a-e8mffi:i:t~e-SRa~~-eR~y_Be_aav~sery. <br /> <br />S:OCTrON 3.06. MAYOR - LAW ENFORCEMENT. The Police Department of the City of Hastings <br />shall be administered and directed by the Chief of Police appointed by the Mayor with <br />approval of the City Council. under Civil Service Rules. The Departrrent shall be composed <br />of the Chief of Police and such other, number and rank of personnel as may be authorized <br />and budgeted for by the City Council under Civil Service Rules. The Mayor shall be the <br />appointing authority for purposes of appointrrent, prarotion or dismissal in consultation <br />wi th the Chief, of Police under Civil Service Rules. The Chief of Police shall be <br />responsible to and accountable to the Mayor for the direction, administration, efficiency, <br />effectiveness and discipline of the Police Department, for the deployrrent of Police <br />Department personnel and for the services of the Police Department to the public in <br />accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Hastings and in accordance with State and <br />Federal Law. All persons appointed or praroted to the Police Departrrent shall be persons <br />qualified and certified by the Police Civil Service Commission of the City of Hastings <br />in accordance with State of Minnesota Statutes. The Mayor may appoint citizens including <br />Council Persons to a Cornnission or Carmittee to advise the Mayor on police matters but <br />the authority of said Commission or Conmittee shall be advisory only. <br /> <br />5. COUNCIL AGENDA ALTERNATIVES <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />SECrION 4.035. In order to consider an item at a reqular IlEeting of the City <br />Council, the item must be su1:rnitted to the City Clerk at least five (5) calendar days <br />prior to the scheduled regular IIEeting of the City Council. Any item not submitted to <br />the City Clerk at least five (5) calendar days prior to a regular IIEeting of the City <br />Council shall be deferred until the next regular City Council neeting and referred to <br />cornnittee and staff for study and reconmendation unless those rrembers of the City Council <br />present vote unanirrously to consider it immediately. <br /> <br />Be It Further Resolved, that the City Staff is hereby directed to record changes with the <br />Secretary of State and the County Recorder. " <br /> <br />Counci1Irernber Plan seconded the m::>tion to adopt said Resolution and the same was passed <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br />8 Ayes; 0 Nayes <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />r-bved by Counci1member Werner, seconded by Counci1member Nesbitt <br />to adjourn the ItEeting at 4:53 p.m. 8 Ayes; Nayes, None <br />-- <br />, <br /> <br />lIDJOURNMENT <br />