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<br />City o,lI8ItiDp <br />City CowcD Minutes <br /> <br />October 17, 2005 <br />PIge30f5 <br /> <br />change would be a hardship, without being able to negotiate this change into a lease <br />agreement. <br />Mike Darcy, who owns rental property, stated that the City has more authority to <br />collect from a renter than he does as a landlord. He also stated that if a renter doesn't pay <br />their bill, it affects their credit. This change will make the property owner responsible for <br />someone else's bill. <br />Hearing no further comments, Mayor Werner closed the public hearing at 7:41 <br /> <br />p.m. <br /> <br />Second Reading/Adopt Ordinance-Utility Billing Amendment <br />Councilmember Hicks asked how many accounts were delinquent in 2004. <br />Finance Director Stark stated that 45 bills were delinquent, with an average value of <br />$105.00. Hicks stated that he understands the reason behind the proposed change, but <br />will not support it as he does not want to give landlords another reason to increase rents. <br />Councilmember Moratzka stated that other utilities can refuse service for <br />delinquent clients who move throughout the metro area; the City does not have the ability <br />to do that. She also noted that the costs given by Finance Director Stark are only the <br />utility bills themselves and do not include the staff time associated with the bills. <br />Council member Alongi requested that the change be phased in, to allow property <br />owners time to negotiate these changes into rental agreements. <br />Moved by Councilmember Riveness, seconded by Councilmember Alongi to <br />approve the change as presented, with an implementation date of no earlier than October <br />17, 2006. <br />5 Ayes, Nays, one; Councilmember Hicks voting against. <br />Copy of resolution on file. <br /> <br />Public Hearing-Business Subsidy for Midwest Products <br />Mayor Werner opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. <br />HRA Director Grossman stated that Midwest Products has requested a business <br />subsidy in compliance with the criteria established by the City Council. A public hearing <br />is a required part of the application and approval process. <br />Hearing no further comment, Mayor Werner closed the public hearing at 7:57 <br /> <br />p.m. <br /> <br />Resolution-Variance #2005-65: Sideyard Setback at 504 3M Street West (James <br />Lehmann) <br />Hinzman stated that the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of a <br />6 foot variance to the 10 foot setback requirement to construct a garage addition. <br />Moved by Council member Hicks, seconded by Council member Hazlet to approve <br />the variance as presented. <br />6 Ayes; Nays, none. <br />Copy of resolution on file. <br /> <br />Resolutio_Site Plan #2005-64: Rivenvood 8th Townhomes (Todd Siewert) <br />Hinzman stated that the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of a <br />site plan as presented. <br />