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6. <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />8. <br /> <br />9. <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />11. <br /> <br />12. <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />14. <br />15. <br /> <br />agreement with the County about filling on their property <br />That the EAW (Environmental Assessment Worksheet) receives a negative declaration by the <br />City Council <br />That the Developer shall incorporate MNDOT=s comments into the preliminary plat or site <br />plan. <br />That the M.P.C.A. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency approves the ISP (Indirect Source <br />Permit) <br />That documentation shall be found that supports the park dedication has already been approved <br />prior to City release of final plat hardshells. <br />That the developer shall construct a bituminous access trail over its sanitary line running to 14th <br />St. Details of this trail shall be incorporated in the development agreement. <br />That the applicant shall pay a $300/lot - Interceptor Sewer Fee - which would total $600 for the <br />proposed 2 lots prior to City release of final plat hardshells. <br />That the approval of the preliminary plat and site plan will be contingent upon the developer <br />incorporating any forth coming recommendations or comments from SEH regarding the traffic <br />signals or any other traffic related concerns into the development plan and Development <br />agreement. <br />That the Developer and the City shall agree on cost and design of the Traffic Signals and traffic <br />improvements in a Development Agreement. <br />That the Developer shall obtain Site Plan approval from the City prior to issuance of any <br />building permits for any future proposed developments on property. <br />That the Developer shall be required to replat outlots before they may be developed <br />That the Developer shall enter into a Development Agreement with the City to memorialize <br />conditions of preliminary plat approval and that the executed Agreement shall be recorded <br />against the subject property prior to issuance of an grading and/or building permits. <br /> <br />Upon vote taken, Ayes,5; Nays, 0. Motion Carried <br /> <br />4. Site Plan Review- Master plan for Hastings Retail Center <br /> <br />Acting Community Development Director, Matt Weiland presented background information on this subject. <br />Planning Commission Discussion: <br /> <br />The Planning Commission wanted to see the Master Plan modified to show the proposed storm water plan. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Action: <br /> <br />Commissioner Strauss made a motion and Commissioner Anderson made a second to make a <br />Recommendation to the City Council to approve the Hastings Retail Master Plan Site Plan subject to <br />following: <br /> <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />The approved Master Plan does not guarantee future site plan approvals. It will be used as a guide to <br />review future site plans <br />The Master Plan must be modified to change Parcels H, J, and G (Master Plan) to multiple family <br />housing sites. <br />Future uses proposed on the site shall be consistent with the Master Plan layout and size of uses. <br />Detailed site plans must be submitted for each phase of the project. <br />The Master Plan must be modified on the western part of the site to provide a more feasible secondary <br />access to the southern part of the site. <br />The Master Plan shall be modified to incorporate proposed trail connections. <br /> <br /> <br />