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<br />City of Hastings <br />Natural Resources and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />July 10, 2006 – 6:00 pm <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1)Roll Call at 6 pm: Commissioners Brown, Christenson, Popp, Rohloff, Schommer, Vandehoef, and <br />Vaughan, Parks and Recreation Director Bernstein, Superintendent Smith and Council Members <br />Alongi, Hazlet and Schultz. <br /> <br /> <br />2)Approved June meeting minutes. Motion by Brown. Seconded by Vandehoef. Passed unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br />3)2007 Capital Improvement Proposals: Director Bernstein reviewed the Capital Improvement <br />Proposals for the Parks & Recreation Department for the 2007 Budget Cycle. Proposals were made <br />and explained for the Civic Arena, the Hastings Family Aquatic Center, the City Parks and the Parks <br />& Recreation Department. At the end of the proposal list, Director Bernstein asked if there were any <br />improvements that he neglected to add to the list. Commissioner Brown asked about the Lions Park <br />Shelter. That shelter is actually budgeted for 2006, and Director Bernstein is discussion options with <br />the Public Works department before coming back to the NRRC on that topic. <br /> <br /> <br />4)Discussion of Park Improvement Requests: Council Member Schultz stated that we have about $1 <br />million in park dedication funds available. She cautioned the NRRC that if we don’t start spending <br />that money, we may run into difficulties getting park dedication from developers who question the <br />need when we have such a large sum. She feels that if we receive park requests that are under <br />$20,000, we should be able to just go ahead and facilitate the request. She mentioned that the request <br />from Greten Park came in last fall, and that by the time it gets approved, ordered, and installed, it will <br />have taken 2 years from the time the request came in. Council Member Alongi thought it would be a <br />good idea to set up levels of some sort, where we have certain caps on dollar amounts for requests and <br />timeframes for those requests. The larger the requested amount, the longer the <br />planning/implementation should be. Director Bernstein asked what should be done if the same <br />neighborhood continuously asks for new park equipment, receiving new things each year – Where is <br />the cut-off? Council Member Alongi recommended that the NRRC develop criteria for responding to <br />requests – Cost, Appropriateness to the park, and the Number of Requests made for the park in a <br />specified timeframe. Commissioner Vandehoef expressed that the NRRC agrees that a plan is needed <br />that develops criteria/priorities so that the NRRC can respond to these requests in a consistent manner. <br />Commissioner Vaughan agreed that it isn’t so much a matter of spending the park dedication funds, as <br />it is a need to have a plan in place first, which is the main concern of the NRRC. Council Member <br />Hazlet stated that while we want to keep some park dedication in reserve, we need to start spending <br />more of the money. Council Member Schultz brought out that if we would start to use Park <br />Dedication funds for allowable expenses/improvements, the wards with less money in them wouldn’t <br />be competing with the wards that have more park dedication money for the General Fund dollars at <br />budget time. Council Member Hazlet asked the NRRC to come up with a recommendation for City <br />Council on what to use Park Dedication Funds for. Superintendent Smith mentioned that the <br />additional new park signs that are to be installed could possibly be purchased with park dedication <br />th <br />funds. The NRRC agreed to have a special meeting on Tuesday, July 18 at 5:30 p.m. to develop <br />criteria/priorities for responding to park requests. <br /> <br /> <br />5)Department Updates were passed out to the members of the NRRC. <br /> <br /> <br />