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<br />CITY OF HASTINGS <br /> <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />7:00 P.M. <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />Monday <br />October 7, 2002 <br /> <br />I. CALL TO ORDER: <br /> <br />II. ROLL CALL: <br /> <br />III. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM: <br /> <br />IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: <br />Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting on September 16, 2002 <br /> <br />V. COUNCIL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED: <br /> <br />VI: CONSENT AGENDA: <br />The items on the Consent Agenda are to be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. <br />There will be no discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which <br />event the items will be removed from the Consent Agenda to the appropriate department for <br />discussion. <br />1. Pay Bills As Audited <br />2. Approve Renewal of Amusement Licenses <br />3. Appoint 2002 General Election Judges <br />4. Contingent Approval of Liquor License -DuGarel's <br />5. Development Agreement: School House Square Development Plan <br />6. Development Agreement: Riverwood yth Addition <br />7. 1st Reading/Schedule Public Hearing-Amend Chapter 10 (Zoning), <br />Section 10.16-Planned Residential Development in R-S Zoning <br />District <br />8. Certificate of Satisfaction-Land Credit Program: Lloyd and Susan <br />Lodewegen (Forpack) <br />9. Resolution-Declaring Costs to be Assessed and Ordering Public <br />Hearing for 2001 Improvement Program & Lock and Dam Road <br />Improvements <br />10. Item was removed from Agenda <br />11. Pay Estimate #2-Middle School Watermain Loop: Otto <br />Construction ($48,000.00) <br />12. Request for Temporary Compensatory Leave Cap Adjustment <br />13. MnDOT Speed Limit Determination-Featherstone Road and 1Sth <br />Street <br />14. Resolutions and Recommendations for the Issuance of $4,63S,000 <br />General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2002C and <br />$420,000 Equipment Certificates, Series 20020 <br />15. 2002 Excess Property Auction <br /> <br />--~~---'-----""-"'''~-'~"''''"-'.''''"--'''''--'_~_'''_'<_'_"__~~~__.._._M"'"_"_'__"__"_~",_","_,,, ,,_ _,_, . <br />