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DID YOU KNOW ? <br /> Changing City Council Salaries <br /> By Susan Naughton <br /> ity councils have authority under prohibited by Minn. Stat. § 43A.17, <br /> Minn. Stat. § 415.11 to set their _/ subd. 10 from including a provision for <br /> salaries by ordinance at an amount \ vacation or sick leave in the compensa- <br /> they deem reasonable. However, tion plan for councilmembers. However, <br /> if an ordinance is adopted to statutory cities. However, if a home this statute also prohibits cities from <br /> change council salaries, it will not rule charter provides for a referendum reducing the salaries of councilmembers <br /> take effect until after the next city on ordinances, those referendum pro- because of absences from official duties <br /> election. visions do apply to an ordinance chang- because of vacation or sickness. <br /> This is the only method by which a ing council salaries. Could v. City of Time off. Employers are required by <br /> statutory city can change council sala- Bloomington, 394 N.W.2d 149 (Minn. Minn. Stat. § 211B.10, subd. 2 to allow <br /> ries. Home rule charter cities, except App. 1986). councilmembers to take time off from <br /> for Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth, How to receive pay. State law does their regular employment to attend <br /> also can change council salaries under not specify how councilmembers are to council meetings. The time off may <br /> this statute. Some home rule charters be without pay, with pay, or made up <br /> may provide a procedure for changing with other hours as agreed to between <br /> council salaries. Presumably, thoseelections <br /> the employee and employer. When the <br /> home rule charter cities can use either <br /> time is taken as time without pay, the <br /> the statute or the charter procedure. in even years and your council employer must make an effort to allow <br /> Changing salaries. If your city is the employee to make up the time with <br /> holding an election this year, it is does not pass an or, other hours when the employee is <br /> important to review council salaries available. No retaliatory action may <br /> now so changes can be made if neces- making salary changes before be taken by an employer for absences <br /> nary. If your city holds its elections in taken to attend council meetings. <br /> even years and your council does not the Nov.7 election,any subsequent LMC and AMM salary surveys. <br /> pass an ordinance making salary changes For comparison purposes, the League <br /> before the Nov. 7 election, any subse- of Minnesota Cities annual salary <br /> quent salary changes will not be survey shows council salaries for <br /> effective until after the 2002 election. until after the 2002Greater Minnesota cities. The Associa- <br /> To change salaries, the council must tion of Metropolitan Municipalities <br /> pass the ordinance and publish it in the collects salary data for metro-area cities. <br /> official newspaper before the Nov. 7 receive pay. Some cities establish a For more information about these <br /> election. per-month or per-year lump sum, salary surveys please contact the League <br /> The ordinance should specify the while others pay a certain amount per of Minnesota Cities at (651) 281-1200 <br /> date when the salary changes will take meeting, or for each day's service. or the Association of Metropolitan <br /> effect. The most common practice is Some cities use a combination of Municipalities at (651) 215-4000. r <br /> for the salary changes to take effect on approaches; for example, so much per <br /> the first Monday in January following month plus an additional amount for <br /> the election, when the new terms of any special meetings. Iron Range cities <br /> office begin. However, the statute have specific authority under Minn. <br /> allows salary changes to take effect Stat. § 415.10 to make per diem <br /> any time after the next city election, payments to councilmembers not to <br /> so the ordinance could provide that the exceed$25 per day or$250 per year <br /> salary changes will take effect as soon for absences from the city while on <br /> as Nov. 8. city business. <br /> There is no provision in state law Vacation and sick leave. Statutory Susan Naughton is research attorney with <br /> for a referendum on council salaries in and home rule charter cities are the League of Minnesota Cities. <br /> SEPTEMBER 2000 MINNESOTA CITIES 43 <br />