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<br />City of Hastings <br />Natural Resources and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />August 8, 2006 – 6:00 pm <br /> <br /> <br />1) Roll Call at 6 pm: Commissioners Brown, Christenson, Rohloff, Schommer, Vandehoef, and Vaughan, Parks and <br />Recreation Director Bernstein, and Superintendent Smith. <br />Absent: Commissioner Popp <br /> <br />2) Approved July meeting minutes. Motion by Schommer. Seconded by Vaughan. Passed unanimously. <br /> <br />3) Setting Agenda: Director Bernstein added Lake Isabel Meeting, Tax Forfeit Property, and 2007 Budget Items to the <br />agenda. <br /> <br />th <br />4) The next NRRC meeting will be held on September 19 due to an election conflict on the normal meeting date of <br />th <br />September 12. <br /> <br />5) Departmental Updates were passed out to the members of the NRRC. Superintendent Smith mentioned that since the <br />updates were written, there have been a few additional projects. The contractor has been back to Wallin and has installed <br />vibration dampeners, so the lights should be completely fixed now. A concrete picnic table was installed at Eagle Bluff <br />Park. The Parks Department and Public Works have been working together to prep/pave a trail extension at Vermillion <br />Falls Park. Staff has also been working on the north soccer field at Vet’s Athletic Complex – more irrigation is being <br />installed. Director Bernstein mentioned that all of the arena lighting is going to be replaced by Xcel Energy with energy <br />efficient lighting. We will receive a significant cost savings due to assistance from the Center for Energy and Environment <br />and the city will receive 0% financing for the remainder of the cost. <br /> <br />6) Eagle Bluffs Park Neighborhood Response: Jim Kummer, a representative from the Eagle Bluffs Neighborhood who <br />resides at 1364 Eagle Bluff Dr., was in attendance. Commissioner Christenson recapped the neighborhood meeting again <br />for the benefit of all in attendance. An e-mail was received by the Parks & Recreation Department from the Neighborhood <br />Association President listing the requests the neighborhood feels would be of benefit to the park. Superintendent Smith <br />mentioned that because of the conservation easement, he is researching the possibility of planting a hedge of native <br />material along the back of the park. This would be a more natural, less intrusive option than a fabric fence, but would still <br />address the safety concerns due to the river. Mr. Kummer requested that since neighbors on each side of the park are <br />concerned about the traffic in their yards, could the hedge be run up each side of the park as well to create boundaries. He <br />also mentioned that the neighborhood would be willing to assist in the maintenance of the hedge (trimming, etc.) <br />Commissioner Christenson stated that the previous Parks & Recreation Director had spoken of putting a barrier of some <br />sort on each side of the park for the neighbors. Commissioner Brown asked about the run-off that is killing the neighbors’ <br />lawns. What can be done about that? Superintendent Smith has spoken with the operators and this fall, the fertilizer that is <br />applied to the turf will be a much lighter dose or will be worked into the soil to minimize run-off into the surrounding <br />lawns. Director Bernstein mentioned that the neighborhood needs to be aware that if a picnic shelter is placed in the park, <br />it will be a public city facility and as such, will be a part of the Park & Recreation Department’s reservation process. If a <br />basketball court is placed in the park, it will have to be quite small due to space limitations, possibly 20’ x 20’. Mr. <br />Kummer asked if a shelter or basketball court is placed, does the NRRC or staff feel that there would be issues with youth <br />loitering or noise? Director Bernstein replied that since it is a small, neighborhood park, any issues of this kind should be <br />minimal and would most likely be neighborhood kids. Commissioner Rohloff stated that one of the neighbors mentioned <br />that the neighborhood is willing to find matching funds to assist in the implementation of these projects. Superintendent <br />Smith said that a park sign is in the plan for the future, but that since the City can only place 5-6 signs a year due to cost, <br />priority was given to parks without any current sign and high-use parks with fields and things that people are trying to find. <br />Mr. Kummer asked what the next step would be. Director Bernstein said that the NRRC will discuss the issues, it will be <br />recapped with the neighborhood, then the NRRC will make a recommendation and it will go to Council. Mr. Kummer <br />thanked the NRRC for all of their work and stated that the neighborhood just wants to make the best use of their park. <br /> <br />7) SCORE Hastings: Preliminary discussions have been held with the Hastings Hawks regarding selling advertising space at <br />Vet’s Park in order to create funds to improve Hastings’ recreational areas. Advertising would most likely be on the <br />fences, perhaps on a windscreen fabric. This would be a team effort between the City and the Hawks, with a split of some <br />sort of the collected revenue. Commissioner Schommer mentioned that the coupon portion of the program is no longer <br />desired, since many business owners thought the program should be kept simple and there are already similar coupon <br />programs being used by other organizations. Commissioner Vandehoef thought that it would be worthwhile to explore any <br />ways to create revenue outside of our normal budget. Commissioner Vaughan cautioned that we need to keep the <br />advertising tasteful and should be careful on the quantity we allow. He also recommended that instead of just using the <br />revenue to improve Vet’s Athletic Complex and other recreational facilities, we could use the money to fund a scholarship <br />program for Little Raiders, Hastings Hawks, HYAA and other youth opportunities. Commissioner Christenson thought it <br />was a good idea, but agreed that it needs to be kept simple and tasteful. Commissioner Rohloff commented on the amount <br />of Hastings’ businesses that currently advertise at Miesville and would most likely advertise here if available. <br /> <br />