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COUNCIL"FTING 7.00 P.1. `DATE: J-u,ao i939 <br /> 1 CALL TO ORDER: <br /> I I ROLL CALL: <br /> I If IDETE' l.']ATION OF WORIUMI: <br /> IV APPROVAL OF 4 f NOTES- <br /> 'llnutes of regular meeting of hlay 15, 1989 and special maeting of <br /> i lay 25, 1989 <br /> V CONSENT AGENDA: <br /> The items on the consent agonda are to be acted upon by the CounclI <br /> In a single motion. Thiara will be no separate discussion of these <br /> items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in that event <br /> pleaspleaso raise his/her hand when the '.Mayor reads the item number. When <br /> the motion is made, the item(s) will then appear can the agenda under <br /> the numbor in parenthesis to the right of the ffem. <br /> 1 . Pay all bills as audited <br /> 2. dinar Subdivision-319 1'4. 17th St./Lot 4 1 5, Block 12, Young's Addition-Judcga <br /> 3. Declar-a 1982 Chev. Bluebird (Trac Bus) as excess property Q authorize <br /> adva rt i same nt <br /> 4. Extension-Impound Lot <br /> 5. SidowaIk ReImbursement®105 ',.last 5th Street <br /> 5. County Crossroads-C.onsuf ti ncg Sery icor, for S lte Review <br /> VI COUNCIL ITEMS TO aE C'ONS I DER"M e <br /> VII A`:-'JARD I NG OF BIDS AND NEARING <br /> 1 . Award of Bids-G.O. 1989 Bond Saie <br /> 2. Metro ',Idasto Commission Presentation (hustings Plant) <br /> VIII RHP0,RTS ;=ROM CITY STAFF <br /> A. City Engineer <br /> 1 . Approve Pians/Specifications & Authorize Advortisement -dor Bids- <br /> Hydro Log :Boom <br /> 2. Resolution Accepting Petition � Ordering Feasibility Study-33rd St. <br /> & Tiffany Dr. I mprovemants <br /> 3. Parks iDopartment Fuel Storagv Tanks <br /> 4. Change Order No. 1--Tennis Courts <br /> 5. f-lead & Hunt Request for Additional Payment <br /> '3. City Planner <br /> 1 . Preliminary/Final Plat and Site Plan-Pleasant Valley Orth Addition <br /> and Pleasant Valley Townhomas-Slewart Construction <br /> 2. S i to Pian/Variance-6 Unit Condominiums-Carl Park-Acorn I nvostme nt <br /> 3. Park Ded Ica t Ion-RI verwood-Advanced Homes <br /> 4. . Order Public Hearing--Special Use Peri-aft-Asphalt Plant in <br /> Agricultural ?one-Comatercial !Asphalt. <br />